AndroMDA EJB3 Cartridge Namespace Components

  • cartridge
  • metafacades
  • profile

AndroMDA EJB3 Cartridge Namespace Properties

services(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which all service classes (including the service locator(s)) will be generated.
entity-beans(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which Entity POJOs are generated.
entity-impls(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which Entity POJO implementation files are generated.
entity-config(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location where the persistence XML descriptor is generated.
session-beans(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which Session Bean files are generated.
session-impls(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which Session Bean implementation files are generated.
session-config(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location where the ejb-jar.xml XML descriptor is generated.
daos(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which EJB3 DAOs, and any support classes are generated.

Please NOTE that the dao implementation classes will also be generated to this location when no operations are present on the entity with classifier scope.

dao-impls(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which EJB3 DAO implementation classes will be generated (if there are any classifier scoped business operations modeled on any entity).

Please NOTE that the dao implementation classes will be generated to the daos outlet when no operations are present on the entity with classifier scope.

application-config(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location where the application specific XML descriptors are generated. i.e the application login-config.xml descriptor.
application-metainf(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location where the application specific XML descriptors that are packaged in the ear file are generated.
message-driven-beans(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which Message Driven Bean files are generated.
message-driven-impls(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which Message Driven Bean implementation files are generated.
commons(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which common classes for session beans, entity POJOs or MDB are generated
user-types(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which user-types such as enumeration are generated.
test-config(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location where manual session bean and entity test resources such as persistence.xml and log4j.xml are generated, as well as the JBoss Embedded/Microcontainer configuration files. These will not be regenerated and may require user intervention.
tests(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location where auto generated session bean test classes are generated. These are typically the helper classes which are re-generated.
test-impls(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location where manual session bean and entity test classes are generated. These will not be regenerated and require user intervention.
java-refs(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location containing java Impl classes that would have been generated but are not overwritten. Use these to compare and merge with the existing Impl classes when reconciling model changes. These will be regenerated every time.
test-refs(Back to Outlet Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The location containing test classes that would have been generated but are not overwritten. Use these to compare and merge with the existing Impl classes when reconciling model changes. These will be regenerated every time.
entityManagerName(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The name assigned to the entity manager. If no name is specified, the name of the containing persistence archive without the .par extension is used.
entityManagerJTADataSource(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
Default value: java:/DefaultDS
Specifies the global JNDI name of the JTA data source.
hibernateHbm2DDLAuto(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
Default value: update
Automatically export schema DDL to the database when deployed. With create-drop, the database schema will be dropped when the entity is undeployed. Permitted values are:
  • update
  • create
  • create-drop
  • none
hibernateDialect(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
Default value: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
The SQL dialect of the database.
  • org.hibernate.dialect.Cache71Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.DataDirectOracle9Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.DB2390Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.FirebirdDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.FrontbaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.InformixDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect9
  • org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect10
  • org.hibernate.dialect.InterbaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.JDataStoreDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MckoiDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MimerSQLDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLMyISAMDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle8iDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9iDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.PointbaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgresPlusDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.ProgressDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.RDMSOS2200Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SAPDBDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2008Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.Sybase11Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseAnywhereDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE15Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.TeradataDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.TimesTenDialect
hibernateShowSql(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
Whether or not to log SQL statements.
hibernateMaxFetchDepth(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
Sets a maximum "depth" for the outer join fetch tree. Recommended values between 0 and 3
hibernateJdbcFetchSize(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
A non-zero value determines the JDBC fetch size
hibernateJdbcBatchSize(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
A nonzero value enables use of JDBC2 batch updates by Hibernate. Recommended values between 5 and 30
hibernateJdbcUseScrollableResultSet(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
Whether or not to enable use of JDBC2 scrollable resultsets by Hibernate. This property is only necessary when using user supplied connections. Hibernate uses connection metadata otherwise.
hibernateJdbcUseStreamsForBinary(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
Whether or not to use streams when writing / reading binary or serializable types to/from JDBC.
jarFiles(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The comma separated ejb jars that are included in the deployed ear package.
driver(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
JDBC Driver to make a database connection.
username(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The database user login name.
password(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The database user password.
connectionUrl(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
URL for the JDBC Driver to make the connection to the database.
testDriver(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
JDBC Driver to make test database connection, this should be a fully qualified Java class name.
testUsername(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The test database user login name.
testPassword(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The test database user password.
testConnectionUrl(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
URL for the JDBC Driver to make the connection to the test database.
testCatalog(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The Database Catalog used to determine the tables used for reveng.xml. Should be the capitalized database name.
testDialect(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
Default value: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
The SQL dialect of the test database.
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLMyISAMDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.SAPDBDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.InformixDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.ProgressDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.InterbaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.PointbaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.FrontbaseDialect
  • org.hibernate.dialect.FirebirdDialect
dataSource(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
Full JNDI name of data source to use. (would be used instead of the connection properties, driver, username, password, etc).
dataSourceName(Back to JDBC)
Optional property
No default value available
The JNDI name of data source to use without prefix like java:/.
hibernateCacheProvider(Back to Cache)
Optional property
No default value available
Defines Hibernate Cache Provider implementation class. Possible values for JBoss4/Hibernate are:
  • org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider
  • org.jboss.ejb3.entity.TreeCacheProviderHook
hibernateTreecacheMbeanObject(Back to Cache)
Optional property
No default value available
Defines the Hibernate cache MBean object name used in JBoss4.
  • jboss.cache:service=EJB3EntityTreeCache
hibernateEnableCache(Back to Cache)
Optional property
Default value: false
Enable/disable hibernate's second level cache features for the cartridge. This implies the JBoss Cache framework for the EJB3 cartridge. By enabling this, you are enabling entity caching.
hibernateEnableAssociationsCache(Back to Cache)
Optional property
Default value: false
Enable/disable Hibernate's second level cache feature for entity associations. Please NOTE that hibernateEnableCache should also be enabled when specifying this property.
hibernateUseQueryCache(Back to Cache)
Optional property
Default value: false
Enable/disable Hibernate's query cache feature for queries. Please NOTE that hibernateEnableCache should also be enabled when specifying this property.
useDefaultCacheRegion(Back to Cache)
Optional property
Default value: false
Set to true if you do NOT wish to separate the entity and query cache regions. That way, all entities and queries use the default cache region. Set to false and the cartridge will create a new cache region for all entities and all queries marked as cacheable.
hibernateEntityCache(Back to Cache)
Optional property
Default value: TRANSACTIONAL
Defines the default strategy for Entities caching. Can be overwritten using the corresponding tagged value andromda_persistence_entity_cache. Possible values are:
  • NONE
hibernateAssociationCache(Back to Cache)
Optional property
Default value: TRANSACTIONAL
Defines the default strategy for associations between Entities caching. Can be overwritten with the corresponding tagged value andromda_persistence_association_cache. Possible values are:
  • NONE
enableClustering(Back to Clustering)
Optional property
Default value: false
Enable/disable EJB 3.0 clustering by the application server. Applies to stateless and stateful session bean clustering. You can override the default setting via the andromda_service_clustered tagged value. Possible values are:
  • true
  • false
hibernateTransactionManagerLookupClass(Back to Transactions)
Optional property
No default value available
Defines the classname of a TransactionManagerLookup which is required when JVM-level caching is enabled or when using hilo generator in a JTA environment. Typically, this value is:
  • org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup
hibernateTransactionFlushBeforeCompletion(Back to Transactions)
Optional property
No default value available
Define if the session will automatically be flushed during the before completion phase of the transaction. Handy options for CMT demarcation. Possible values are:
  • true
  • false
hibernateTransactionAutoCloseSession(Back to Transactions)
Optional property
No default value available
Define if the session will be automatically closed during the after completion phase of the transaction. Handy option when using CMT demarcation. Possible values are:
  • true
  • false
entityNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The pattern to use when constructing an entity name. {0} is used to represent the entity name in the model, so if you specified a value of {0}Entity all the entities generated would have a suffix of "Entity".
entityImplementationNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Impl
The pattern to use when constructing the entity implementation name.
entityListenerNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Listener
The pattern to use when constructing an entity listener class name.
entityEmbeddableNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Embeddable
The pattern to use when constructing an entity embeddable super class name.
serviceNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Bean
The pattern to use when constructing a service bean name. {0} is used to represent the service bean name in the model, so if you specified a value of {0}Bean all the entities generated would have a suffix of "Bean".
serviceInterfaceNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The pattern to use when constructing the service bean parent interface name.
serviceLocalInterfaceNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Local
The pattern to use when constructing the service bean local interface name.
serviceRemoteInterfaceNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Remote
The pattern to use when constructing the service bean remote interface name.
serviceImplementationNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}BeanImpl
The pattern to use when constructing the service bean implementation name.
serviceListenerNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Listener
The pattern to use when constructing the service bean listener class name.
serviceDelegateNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Delegate
The pattern to use when constructing the service bean delegate class name.
serviceBaseNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Base
The pattern to use when constructing the service bean base class name.
serviceTestNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Test
The pattern to use when constructing the service test class name.
serviceTestPackageNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}.test
The pattern to use when constructing the package for the service test class.
serviceOperationTestNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: test{0}
The pattern to use when constructing the service test operation name.
implementationOperationNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: handle{0}
The pattern used to the create the implementation operation name for both session and entity bean operations. (i.e. the operations that actually perform the handling of the logic), where {0} represents the operation name.
defaultServiceExceptionNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Exception
The pattern to use when constructing the default service exception name. NOTE: This property is only applicable when allowDefaultServiceExceptions is true.
messageDrivenNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}MDBBean
The pattern to use when construction the JMS message driven bean class name.
messageDrivenListenerNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Listener
The pattern to use when constructing the JMS message driven bean listener class name.
messageDrivenImplementationNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}MDBBeanImpl
The pattern to use when constructing the JMS message driven bean implementation class name.
messageDrivenTestNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Test
The pattern to use when constructing the message driven bean test class name.
messageDrivenTestPackageNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}.test
The pattern to use when constructing the package for the message driven bean test class.
messageDrivenDurableSubscriptionIdPattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}SubscriptionId
The pattern to use when constructing the durable subscription ID for a MDB. Only use for topics with durable subscription.
interceptorNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The pattern to use when constructing the interceptor class name.
entityCompositePrimaryKeyNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}PK
The pattern to use when constructing the composite primary key class name.
jndiNamePrefix(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
No default value available
The prefix to give to the EJB JNDI names (this allows the same EJBs to be deployed multiple times in the same container)
manageableServiceBaseNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Base
The pattern to use when constructing the manageable service base name.
manageableCreateExceptionNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}CreateManageableException
The pattern to use when constructing the create manageable application exception name.
manageableReadExceptionNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}ReadManageableException
The pattern to use when constructing the read manageable application exception name.
manageableUpdateExceptionNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}UpdateManageableException
The pattern to use when constructing the update manageable application exception name.
manageableDeleteExceptionNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}DeleteManageableException
The pattern to use when constructing the update manageable application exception name.
labelCollectionNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Labels
The pattern to use when defining the display attribute label name when it's of type Collection.
labelSingleNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Label
The pattern to use when defining the display attribute label name when it's NOT of type Collection.
webServiceInterfaceNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}WSInterface
The pattern to use when defining the web service interface name when exposing session bean operations as web services.
embeddedValueImplementationNamePattern(Back to Name Patterns)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Impl
The pattern to use when constructing an embedded value implementation name.
messageDrivenDestinationType(Back to MDB Properties)
Optional property
Default value: javax.jms.Queue
The default destination type for a JMS message driven bean. Possible values are:
  • javax.jms.Queue
  • javax.jms.Topic
messageDrivenTopicSubscriptionDurability(Back to MDB Properties)
Optional property
Default value: NonDurable
The default topic subscription durability. Possible values are:
  • Durable
  • NonDurable
entityViewType(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: local
The default view type accessibility for an entity POJO bean.
    Permitted values are:
  • local
  • remote
  • both
entityDefaultCascade(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: NONE
The value of the CascadeType annotation of the entity association. Possible values are:
  • ALL
  • NONE if one does not exist
It is possible to comma separate multiple cascade properties.
entityCompositeCascade(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
No default value available
Indicates how a UML composition should be interpreted to determine cascadable operations that are propagated to the associated entity.
  • If undefined, the cascade attribute is computed by AndroMDA. If default cascade is all , then cascade is all otherwise cascade is REMOVE .
  • If this property is defined, its value is generated at each occurrence of a UML composition as the inverse side is not marked with a cascade annotation element which indicates no cascade propagation.
entityAggregationCascade(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
No default value available
Indicates how a UML aggregation should be interpreted to determine cascadable operations that are propagated to the associated entity.
  • If undefined, aggregation is not interpreted as a cascade value.
  • If the property is defined, its value is generated at each occurrence of a UML aggregation ad the inverse side is not marked with a cascade annotation element which indicates no cascade propogation.
entityDefaultGeneratorType(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: AUTO
Default entity identifier primary key generator type set to AUTO unless specified using andromda_persistence_column_generatorType tagged value.
entityDefaultGeneratorInitialValue(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: 1
Default generator initial value used when allocating id numbers from the generator.
entityDefaultGeneratorAllocationSize(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: 1
Default generator amount to increment by when allocating id number from the generator.
entityInheritanceStrategy(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: SINGLE_TABLE
Defines the entity inheritance strategy used for the entity class hierarchy (unless overridden on an entity level by the andromda_persistence_inheritance tagged value, can be the following possible values:
  • SINGLE_TABLE - A single table per class hierarchy. One table will have all properties of every class in the hierarchy.
  • TABLE_PER_CLASS - A table per concrete class in the hierarchy. Each class will have a table dedicated to it, with all of its properties and the properties of its superclass mapped to this table.
  • JOINED - A table per subclass. Each class will have its own table. Each table will have only the properties that are defined in that particular class. These tables will not have properties of any superclass or subclass.
entityDiscriminatorType(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: STRING
The value of the discriminatorType element for the Inheritance annotation of the entity. Possible values are:
  • CHAR
entityDiscriminatorColumnName(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: TYPE
The DiscriminatorColumn annotation defines the discriminator column for the SINGLE_TABLE and JOINED mapping inheritance strategies. The name element defines the name of the column to be used for the discriminator. It will default to TYPE if it is required and not specified..
entityGenericFinders(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Specifies whether to include the generic finder property. Generic finders in the entity bean include findByPrimaryKey and findAll. Permitted values are:
  • true
  • false
entityDefaultEnumLiteralColumnLength(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: 20
The default column length specified for the storage of a string based enumeration literal.
entityDefaultTemporalType(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: TIMESTAMP
Specifies that the persistence property should be persisted as a temporal type. This is only specified on fields of type java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar. Possible values are:
  • DATE
  • TIME
entityHibernateValidations(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Generate hibernate bean validations on the Entity, for NotNull, Size, Pattern according to JSR303 and JEE6. See default = true.
entityVOTransformations(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: false
Generate Entity Domain to VO transformations and mappings automatically. No longer needed for JPA since the domain Entity acts as a ValueObject. This allows strongly-typed queries and results. Domain classes can be used as VOs in the service and UI layers, especially if the DAO handles all database operations. Default = false.
entityCmpEqHash(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Generate Entity compareTo, equals, and hashCode methods. The only reason to turn this off is if the Entity inherits from a custom framework class that has the same methods as final and uses its own ancestor implementation for these methods. default = true.
entityFindersOnUniqueProperties(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Generate Entity findByX methods, returning a single Domain instance, for all unique properties automatically. UML2 only, since UML14 cannot mark attributes or associations as Unique, they all become unique when migrated to UML2. default = true.
daoNamedQueries(Back to Entity Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Generate DAO named queries, where a strongly-typed result domain object is returned methods. Only JPA2 supports this, avoiding compiler warnings from class cast. default = true.
serviceViewType(Back to Service Properties)
Optional property
Default value: remote
The default view type accessibility for a session bean.
    Permitted values are:
  • local
  • remote
  • both
serviceLocatorName(Back to Service Properties)
Optional property
Default value: ServiceLocator
The name to give the service locator class.
daoType(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: ejb3
The output type for classes which use EntityManager. Default is ejb3. Spring will create JpaTemplate DAO classes. Use 'none' if you have your own framework which creates and uses and tests EntityManager, and you only want to generate the Entity and Embeddable classes with andromda (no unit tests). Possible choices are:
  • ejb3
  • spring
  • custom
  • none
daoInheritanceEnabled(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not the DAOs should make up an inheritance tree in the same way as their respective entities. This is disabled by default but you might want to enable it if you prefer to have top-level DAO operations visible in child DAO classes. The EJB3 cartridge uses JDK5 generics, further enahanced by enabling the enableTemplating namespace property.
enableDaoPropertiesCreateMethod(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not the create methods on the DAOs taking properties from the entity shall be generated.
daoPackageNamePattern(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The pattern to use when constructing the package for the dao class. By default, the same package as the entities. {0} is used to represent the entity name in the model.
daoNamePattern(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Dao
The pattern to use when constructing the DAO name. {0} is used to represent the entity name in the model, so if you specified a value of {0}Dao all the entities generated would have a suffix of "Dao".
daoBaseNamePattern(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}DaoBase
The pattern to use when constructing the base DAO's name. {0} is used to represent the entity name in the model, so if you specified a value of {0}DaoBase all the entities generated would have a suffix of "DaoBase".
daoImplementationNamePattern(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}DaoImpl
The pattern to use when constructing the DAO's implementation name. {0} is used to represent the entity name in the model, so if you specified a value of {0}DaoImpl all the entities generated would have a suffix of "DaoImpl".
daoDefaultExceptionNamePattern(Back to DAO Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}DaoException
The pattern to use when constructing the DAO default exception name.
webServiceDefaultStyle(Back to WebService Properties)
Optional property
Default value: document
The default style given all web services (if not defined separately on each web service). Possible choices are:
  • rpc
  • document
webServiceDefaultUse(Back to WebService Properties)
Optional property
Default value: literal
The default use given all web services (if not defined separately on each web service). Possible choices are:
  • literal
  • encoded
webServiceDefaultParameterStyle(Back to WebService Properties)
Optional property
Default value: wrapped
The default parameter encoding style for a webservice operation. Possible choices are:
  • wrapped
  • bare
webServiceQualifiedNameLocalPartPattern(Back to WebService Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The pattern to use when a qualified name local part is created. {0} represents the name of the classifier (Service).
webServiceEnabled(Back to WebService Properties)
Required property
No default value available
Specifies whether to use the JSR 181 web services standards to expose web service operations in the EJB3 cartridge. If set to false, use the webservice cartridge provided by AndroMDA/Axis. Possible choices are:
  • true
  • false
webServiceNamespacePattern(Back to WebService Properties)
Optional property
Default value: http://{0}/{1}
The pattern to use when a namespace is created. {0} represents the package name of the classifier (i.e. ws.{0} would prefix all your type and service namespaces with ws.).
webServiceReverseNamespace(Back to WebService Properties)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not to reverse the ordering of the namespace. The namespace is typically determined by the package name of the service or type, this allows you to reverse the package name. (i.e. org.andromda.samples would become if this was set to true). Possible value are:
  • true
  • false
webServiceContextRoot(Back to WebService Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The context root for the web service.
webServiceUrlPattern(Back to WebService Properties)
Required property
No default value available
The URL pattern appended to the context root for the web service.
securityRealm(Back to Security Properties)
Optional property
No default value available
Specifies the security domain to use for role based authorization. Use the security realm to match allowed roles. This is only applicable for session beans and MDBs.
manageableRolesAllowed(Back to Security Properties)
Optional property
Default value: Admin
A comma separated list of roles added to the DAO base RolesAllowed annotation. This requires securityRealm be enabled. This exists because in some cases it is incorrect to model an actor dependency on the manageable entity and expect that actor to define the authorised role on ManageableServiceBeans. This property separates the roles for manageable session beans and the remaining components. It is expected that the list of roles secure all manageable session beans.
persistenceProviderExtensions(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: none
Determines whether the default persistence provider extensions such as annotations should also be rendered. By default, this is disabled. To enable caching: this must be set to hibernate such that the Hibernate caching annotations are rendered. To enable JBoss Seam: this must be set to hibernate such that the hibernate validator annotations are rendered. To enable Hibernate Criteria Query, this must be set to hibernate. Possible values are:
  • none
  • hibernate
javaVersion(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: 1.6
Determines if some annotations or JDK-specific features are output such as @Override compareTo(). If 1.4, templating and generics should be turned off. Should be set by property java.version in pom.xml which is also used by the maven-compiler-plugin. Allowed values=1.4,1.5,1.6. Default=1.6.
deploymentPlatform(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: jboss6
The default container deployment platform name and version. Used when specifying specific annotations and dependencies and tests for different persistence containers. Possible values are:
  • jboss7
  • jboss6
  • jboss51
  • jboss5
  • jboss42
  • jboss4
  • jboss3
  • was8
  • was7
  • was61
  • wasce2
  • glassfish3
  • glassfish2
  • weblogic11
  • weblogic10
  • weblogic9
  • weblogic8
  • geronimo
  • jonas5
  • oracleas
  • resin3
  • resin4
  • sun8
persistenceContainerName(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: jboss
The default container deployment platform name and version. Used when specifying specific annotations and dependencies and tests for different persistence containers. Possible values are:
  • jboss7
  • jboss6
  • jboss51
  • jboss5
  • jboss42
  • jboss4
  • jboss3
  • was8
  • was7
  • was61
  • wasce2
  • glassfish3
  • glassfish2
  • weblogic11
  • weblogic10
  • weblogic9
  • weblogic8
  • geronimo
  • jonas5
  • oracleas
  • resin3
  • resin4
  • sun8
persistenceContextUnitName(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
No default value available
Specifies the default persistence context unit name associated with the default Entity Manager.
listTypeImplementation(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: java.util.ArrayList
The implementation type to use for association ends that are modeled as lists.
setTypeImplementation(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: java.util.TreeSet
The implementation type to use for association ends that are modeled as sets.
mapTypeImplementation(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: java.util.HashMap
The implementation type to use for association ends that are modeled as maps.
specificCollectionInterfaces(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: false
A flag indicating whether or not specific collection interfaces will be used in association end mutators and accessors (i.e. java.util.Set, java.util.List, etc). If this is set to false, then the value of the defaultCollectionInterface property will used to provide the collection interface.
defaultCollectionInterface(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: java.util.Set
The default collection interface, this is the interface used with association end accessors and mutators if the specificCollectionInterfaces flag is set to false.
associationCollectionType(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: set
Used to define the default mapping for EJB3 collections.
associationEndCollectionIndexName(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
No default value available
The default association end collection index name (this can be overridden by the andromda_persistence_collection_index).
associationEndCollectionIndexType(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: datatype::String
The default association end collection index type (this can be overridden by the andromda_persistence_collection_index_type (this is applicable when the collection is a map).
ejb3TypeMappingsUri(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: Hibernate
URI specifying the specific mappings from model types to ejb3/hibernate types. (i.e. file:${basedir}/HibernateTypeMappings.xml). This is not necessary but useful for defining hibernate user types (when hibernate doesn't support a specific type in the manner needed for your application).
compositionDefinesEagerLoading(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Allows you to turn on/off whether or not composite associations will define eager loading and aggregate associations define lazy loading.
queryUseNamedParameters(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not named parameters (i.e. ':someParameter') or unnamed (i.e. '?') parameters should be used in the SQL queries embedded within the model. NOTE: Does not apply to queries written in OCL.
valueObjectPackage(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
No documentation available
valueObjectName(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
No documentation available
transactionType(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: REQUIRED
The default value to use for transaction types.
    Permitted values are:
NOTE: Can be overridden on a per bean/bean operation basis with the andromda_ejb_transaction_type tagged value.
ejb3TypesPackage(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.ejb3
The package to which extra types are generated (i.e. ServiceLocator).
parameterRequiredCheck(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not parameters should be checked if they're required on services bean operation.
xmlEncoding(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: UTF-8
The encoding for xml documents
allowDefaultServiceException(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not to generate a default exception for each service. This exception will handle unexpected exceptions occuring within the implemented operations.
manageableServiceLocatorName(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: ManageableServiceLocator
The name to give the CRUD manageable service locator class.
seamEnabled(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
Default value: false
Set to true to enable the JBoss Seam application framework for Java EE 5.
javaTypeConversionIgnoreList(Back to Other Properties)
Optional property
No default value available
A list of one or more fully qualified java types that should be ignored whenever a type conversion needs to be done. Currently, there is an issue with ValueObjects generated with the Java Axis mappings that causes the relevant cartridge to generate DAO "entity to value object" type conversions incorrectly for all date types. By listing those date types here, the relevant cartridge will not attempt to auto-generate conversions for date/time related attributes.