AndroMDA JSF Cartridge Namespace Components

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AndroMDA JSF Cartridge Namespace Properties

Manageable Entities
Properties related to the generation of the web-tier part of the manageable entities (also known as the CRUD feature).
Messages and i18n
Properties related to the configuration of messages and internationalization in general.
Portlet Support
Properties available for portlet support configuration.
Table Paging (DB paging)
These properties provide the ability to configure DB paging support for tables used by the cartridge (this is very.
UI Layout
Properties related to the configuration of the user interface layout.
Validation and Security
These properties configure the validation of user input as well as the security.

configuration(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which configuration files are generated. These are the files that typically appear in WEB-INF, such as faces-config.xml, web.xml, etc.
custom-configuration(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The location to which any customizable configuration files are generated.
custom-resources(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The location to which any customizable resources will be generated.
libraries(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The location to which JSF libraries will be generated (these are the libraries required for JSF support, myfaces libraries, etc). If this isn't defined, its expected that the libraries will be provided by another means.
controllers(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which any controllers are generated (this outlet contains classes which are fully generated and should not be touched).
controller-impls(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which controller implementations are generated (these are where your hooks go to your services).
managed-beans(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which any additional managed beans are generated (including layout options, etc).
messages(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which message resource bundles are generated.
views(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
Where the application views (JSPs, Facelets, etc) are output.
forms(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The forms to which input is stored are output here.
facesConfig(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: faces-config.xml
The name of the JSF configuration file (this file stores the JSF managed bean form information and navigation rules).
facesConfigFiles(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
No default value available
Comma separated list of URIs of (additional) faces config files. (e.g. /WEB-INF/jsf-config.xml). See JSF 1.0 PRD2, 10.3.2
jsfVersion(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: 1.x
The JSF version to generate for default is 1.x. Valid values are:
  • 1.x
  • 2.x
formScope(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: request
The scope to given the forms. This value can be overriddem by a tagged value.
controllerScope(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: request
The scope to given the controllers.
navigationBeanScope(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: request
The scope to given the navigation items.
facesServletExtension(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: jsf
The extension used for the application's handling of JSF pages.
odsExportExtension(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: ods
The extension used for the ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet) export.
fileUploadMaxMemoryPerRequest(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: 512000
Maximum memory per request (in bytes) for file uploads.
fileUploadMaxDiskSpacePerRequest(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: 10240000
Maximum memory per request (in bytes) for file uploads.
navigationUsesRedirect(Back to Configuration)
Optional property
Default value: true
Uses 'redirect' instead of 'forward' to navigate between views.
enablePreferences(Back to UI Layout)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not a preferences menu item should be included in the menu (this menu item allows you to control skinning, etc).
preferencesClassName(Back to UI Layout)
Optional property
Default value: Preferences
Defines the name of the preferences class (which allows dynamic control of the UI's view preferences; skinning, etc).
skin(Back to UI Layout)
Optional property
Default value: default
The default skin to be applied (i.e look and feel of the application). If you use 'none', it will disable the skinning feature.
preferencesBeanName(Back to UI Layout)
Optional property
Default value: preferences
Defines the bean name under which the preferences class will be stored.
maxTableRows(Back to UI Layout)
Optional property
Default value: 10
The default value to set for the maximum rows displayed in a table.
navigationStyle(Back to UI Layout)
Optional property
Default value: sidebar
Controls the way navigation items are displayed
applicationName(Back to Messages and i18n)
Required property
No default value available
The name of the application (this is used as the display name of the application).
normalizeMessages(Back to Messages and i18n)
Optional property
Default value: true
Denotes the way application resource messages ought to be generated. When messages are normalized it means that elements with the same name will reuse the same label, even if they are located in entirely different use-cases or pages. This results in resource bundles that are not only smaller in size but also more straightforward to translate. The downside is that it will be less evident to customize labels for certain fields (which is rarely the case anyway).
welcomeFileName(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: index.jsp
The path of the file that will be the welcome file (minus the extension).
loginFileName(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: login
The path to the file that provides the login page (minus the extension).
logoutFileName(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: logout
The path to the file that provides application logout (minus the extension)
defaultMultiSelectSize(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: 3
The default size to use for multi select boxes.
enableFaceletsDevelopmentSupport(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not the Facelet development support should be enabled (in the generated web.xml), this is useful to enable when developing with Facelets, however should be disabled when going to production.
enableMyFacesDevelopmentSupport(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not the MyFaces development support should be enabled (in the generated web.xml), this is useful to enable when developing with MyFaces, however should be disabled when going to production.
defaultDateFormat(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: MM/dd/yyyy
The default date format to use in case it has not been explicitly specified, for event parameters. Take a look here to see how to properly construct date formats.
strictDateTimeFormat(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: false
Specifies whether or not date and time formats are to be strictly matched. This property takes either true or false as values. If set to true all dates and times entered by the end-user will fail validation if they do not strictly adhere to their given format. Note that this strictness can always be overriden locally using the andromda_struts_view_field_format tagged value.
defaultTimeFormat(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: HH:mm
The default time format to use when it has not been explicitly specified for event parameters. Take a look here to see how to properly construct time formats.
defaultInputColumnCount(Back to Views)
Optional property
No default value available
If specified denotes the default length of text input fields, the value specifies the size attribute of the corresponding input or textarea element. Not speciying any valid value will make the cartridge ignore it and resort to the default browser value by not rendering any size attribute.
defaultInputRowCount(Back to Views)
Optional property
No default value available
If specified denotes the default number of rows of textarea elements. Not specifying any valid value will make the cartridge ignore it and resort to the default browser value by not rendering any size attribute.
defaultTableExportTypes(Back to Views)
Optional property
Default value: xml csv excel pdf
The types of files to which a table can be exported.
securityRealm(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
No default value available
The security realm to use when security is enabled.
loginConfigAuthMethod(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
Default value: FORM
The auth-method of the login-config section.
defaultRole(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
No default value available
The default role of all secured elements.
validationExtension(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
Default value: annotations
Indicates whether to use a validation extension, beyond the default JSF. Valid values are:
  • none
  • annotations
  • commons-validator
clientValidation(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
Default value: true
Indicates whether or not validation should occur on the client side.
portletContainer(Back to Portlet Support)
Optional property
No default value available
The type of portlet container being used with this web app. Setting this property changes the application from standalone to a portlet. Valid values are:
  • liferay
portletClass(Back to Portlet Support)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.presentation.jsf.GenericFaceletsPortlet
The value of the portlet class in the portlet.xml
defaultPortletClassName(Back to Portlet Support)
Optional property
Default value: GenericFaceletsPortlet
The name of the default portlet class to use.
ajaxLibrary(Back to Portlet Support)
Optional property
No default value available
The AJAX library to use (ICEFaces is the only one supported at this time). Valid values are:
  • icefaces
  • trinidad
paginationResultClassName(Back to Table Paging (DB paging))
Optional property
No default value available
This is the fully qualified name of the class that provides the pagination results supplied from the middle tier; like a service operation. (i.e. if using the Spring cartridge, you'd set this as name.of.your.model.package.PaginationResult where "name.of.your.model.package" is the name of your model's root package). This must be defined in order for the PageableDataModel class to be generated (which is required for DB backed paging support).
virtualHost(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The name to use for the virtual host (if one is required). For example
formSerialization(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not forms should be serialized to disk (and therefore stored for later retrieval for example when the user's session is lost). This just provides simple perisistence for the application state.
adfContextAttributeName(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: AndroMDAADFContext
The name of the temporary variable that stores the current ADF faces context (this should typically not be changed).
useCaseForwardsClassName(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: UseCaseForwards
The name of the class containing all use case forwards.
sessionTimeout(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 45
The number of minutes the session may be idle before timeout occurs.
distributable(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not the web application should be considered distributable; this means that the session will be persisted and restored.
stateSavingMethod(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: client
The JSF state saving method to use within the application (can be either client or server).
fileTypeName(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.UploadedFile
The fully qualified type name to use when file types are modeled for parameters (used for for file uploads).
dummyData(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Indicates whether or not dummy data should be rendered (in places like controllers).
formPopulatorName(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: FormPopulator
The name to give the form populator utility class. This utility class provides JSF's form population when transferring information from one form to another during application flow.
backingListPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}BackingList
The pattern used for constructing a parameter's backing list name. A backing list is used when you want to select the value of the parameter from a list (typically used for drop-down select input types).
backingValuePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}BackingValue
The pattern used for constructing a parameter's backing value name. A backing value is used with an input table type (when you want to submit values from a table of complex objects).
labelListPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}LabelList
The pattern used for constructing the label list name (stores the list of possible parameter value labels).
valueListPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}ValueList
The pattern used for constructing the values list name (stores the list of possible parameter values when selecting from a list).
converterPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}JsfConverter
The pattern used for constructing converters (like the enumeration converter), where {0} is the name of the model element.
viewPopulatorPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Populator
The pattern used to construct the view form populator filter, where {0} is the name of the view.
managedBeansPackage(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.presentation.jsf
Defines the the package in which any extra managed-beans will be generated (such as the layout options class, etc).
jsfComponentsPackage(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.presentation.jsf.components
Defines the the package to which any JSF components generated by the cartridge reside.
xmlEncoding(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: UTF-8
Encoding for generated XML files.
formPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Form
The pattern to use for constructing the form name, where {0} is the name of the controller operation capitalized.
formImplementationPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}FormImpl
The pattern to use for constructing the form implementation name, where {0} is the name of the controller operation capitalized.
formMessagesProperty(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: jsfMessages
Defines the name of the property on a form that stores messages.
formBeanPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}{1}Form
The pattern for constructing the name of the bean under which the form is stored, where {0} is the name of the use case and {1} is the name of the trigger.
controllerImplementationPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Impl
The pattern for constructing the name of the controller implementation class name (where {0} represents the modeled name of the controller).
actionFormKey(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: form
The name of the key under which each action for is stored. This form is passed along from action to action in order to transfer all parameters.
messageResources(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: message-resources
The path of the localized message resources (the .properties suffix is appended to this value when creating the actual file.).
jspIncludes(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: includes.jspf
Defines the name of the default includes file (this contains any message resources as well as tag libs.
servicePackageNamePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The name of the package in which to create the service files, {0} can be used to denote the package in which the service has been modeled.
serviceAccessorPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The pattern to use when calling the backend code for <<Service>> lookups. For calling services you would use following patterns:
  • Spring: ${application.package}.ServiceLocator.instance().get{1}()
  • EJB: ${myPackage}.{1}Util.getHome().create()
exceptionHandlerPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: (.*)(\\{\\s*([\\w|\\.+]*)\\s*\\})(.*)
Used to define the pattern used for retrieving message resource keys from exceptions. This is useful when exceptions are thrown from the business tier and you want to map these to messages in your presentation. Normally you won't need to change this pattern, however you may want to if you want to enable it to handle exceptions you may have no control over (i.e. SQLExceptions). Currently the default pattern supports an exception with an embedded {some.resource.key} type key.
patternMatchingExceptionHandler(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: PatternMatchingExceptionHandler
The name to give the pattern matching exception handler.
useAutocompleteLookup(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Use autocomplete instead of select, to select related entities.
crudValueObjectSuffix(Back to Manageable Entities)
Optional property
Default value: ValueObject
The suffix to append to the names of generated value objects used in CRUD (manageable entities).
crudConfirmationMessages(Back to Manageable Entities)
Optional property
Default value: true
Show a confirmation message after each CRUD operation.