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1   package org.andromda.core.metafacade;
3   /**
4    * Contains constants for use with metafacades.
5    * For example, the metafacade namespace separator <em>::</em>
6    * is contained within this class.
7    *
8    * @author Chad Brandon
9    */
10  public interface MetafacadeConstants
11  {
12      /**
13       * Used to separate the metafacade namespaces.
14       */
15      public static final String NAMESPACE_SCOPE_OPERATOR = "::";
17      /**
18       * The suffix for the metafacade implementation classes (each metafacade
19       * implementation class ends with this string).
20       */
21      public static final String METAFACADE_IMPLEMENTATION_SUFFIX = "Impl";
22  }