// license-header java merge-point // // Attention: Generated code! Do not modify by hand! // Generated by DaoLocal.vsl in andromda-ejb3-cartridge on 09/18/2014 16:56:08. // package org.andromda.test.howto16.a; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * @see Person */ public interface PersonDao { /** * This constant is used as a transformation flag; entities can be converted automatically into value objects * or other types, different methods in a class implementing this interface support this feature: look for * an int parameter called transform. *

* This specific flag denotes no transformation will occur. */ public static final int TRANSFORM_NONE = 0; /** * Loads an instance of Person from the persistent store. * @param id Long identifier part of the composite PK of the entity to load. * @return Person * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Person load(Long id) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #load(Long)} with an * additional flag called transform. If this flag is set to TRANSFORM_NONE then * the returned entity will NOT be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants * defined in this class then the result WILL BE passed through an operation which can * optionally transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does * not occur. * * @param transform int transformation flag * @param id Long identifier part of the composite PK of the entity to load. * @return either the entity or the object transformed from the entity. * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Object load(int transform, Long id) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Loads all entities of type {@link Person}. * * @return the loaded entities. * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Collection loadAll() throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #loadAll()} with an * additional flag called transform. If this flag is set to TRANSFORM_NONE then * the returned entity will NOT be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants * defined here then the result WILL BE passed through an operation which can optionally * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does * not occur. * * @param transform the flag indicating what transformation to use. * @return Collection of the loaded entities. * @throws PersonDaoException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Collection loadAll(final int transform) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Creates an instance of Person and adds it to the persistent store. * @param person * @return Person * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Person create(Person person) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #create(Person)} with an * additional flag called transform. If this flag is set to TRANSFORM_NONE then * the returned entity will NOT be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants * defined here then the result WILL BE passed through an operation which can optionally * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does * not occur. * * @param transform * @param person * @return Object * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Object create(int transform, Person person) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Creates a new instance of Person and adds * from the passed in entities collection * * @param entities the collection of Person * instances to create. * @return the created instances. Collection * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Collection create(Collection entities) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #create(Person)} with an * additional flag called transform. If this flag is set to TRANSFORM_NONE then * the returned entity will NOT be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants * defined here then the result WILL BE passed through an operation which can optionally * transform the entities (into value objects for example). By default, transformation does * not occur. * * @param transform * @param entities * @return the created instances. Collection * @throws PersonDaoException */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) public Collection create(int transform, Collection entities) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Creates a new Person * instance from all attributes and adds it to * the persistent store. * @param name * @param birthDate * @return the created instances. Person * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Person create( String name, Date birthDate) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #create(String, Date)} with an * additional flag called transform. If this flag is set to TRANSFORM_NONE then * the returned entity will NOT be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants * defined here then the result WILL BE passed through an operation which can optionally * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does * not occur. * * @param transform * @param name * @param birthDate * @return the created instances. Object * @throws PersonDaoException */ public Object create( int transform, String name, Date birthDate) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Updates the person instance in the persistent store. * @param person * @throws PersonDaoException */ public void update(Person person) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Updates all instances in the entities collection in the persistent store. * @param entities * @throws PersonDaoException */ public void update(Collection entities) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Removes the instance of Person from the persistent store. * @param person * @throws PersonDaoException */ public void remove(Person person) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Removes the instance of Person having the given * identifier from the persistent store. * @param id * @throws PersonDaoException */ public void remove(Long id) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Removes all entities in the given entities collection. * @param entities * @throws PersonDaoException */ public void remove(Collection entities) throws PersonDaoException; /** *

* TODO: Model Documentation for findAll *

* @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findAll() throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #findAll()} with an * additional argument called queryString. * @param queryString String allows you to override the query string defined in {@link #findAll()} * @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findAll(String queryString) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #findAll()} with an * additional flag called transform. If this flag is set to TRANSFORM_NONE then * finder results will NOT be transformed during retrieval. * If this flag is any of the other constants defined here * then finder results WILL BE passed through an operation which can optionally * transform the entities (into value objects for example). By default, transformation does * not occur. * @param transform int Transform finder results during retrieval * @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findAll(int transform) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #findAll(int)} with an * additional argument called queryString. This queryString * argument allows you to override the query string defined in {@link #findAll(int)}. * @param transform int Transform finder results during retrieval * @param queryString String allows you to override the query string defined in {@link #findAll()} * @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findAll(int transform, String queryString) throws PersonDaoException; /** *

* TODO: Model Documentation for findByName *

* @param name * @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findByName(String name) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #findByName(String)} with an * additional argument called queryString. * @param queryString String allows you to override the query string defined in {@link #findByName(String)} * @param name * @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findByName(String queryString, String name) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #findByName(String)} with an * additional flag called transform. If this flag is set to TRANSFORM_NONE then * finder results will NOT be transformed during retrieval. * If this flag is any of the other constants defined here * then finder results WILL BE passed through an operation which can optionally * transform the entities (into value objects for example). By default, transformation does * not occur. * @param transform int Transform finder results during retrieval * @param name * @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findByName(int transform, String name) throws PersonDaoException; /** * Does the same thing as {@link #findByName(int, String)} with an * additional argument called queryString. This queryString * argument allows you to override the query string defined in {@link #findByName(int, String)}. * @param transform int Transform finder results during retrieval * @param queryString String allows you to override the query string defined in {@link #findByName(String)} * @param name * @return List * @throws PersonDaoException */ public List findByName(int transform, String queryString, String name) throws PersonDaoException; }