001// license-header java merge-point
003// Attention: generated code (by Metafacade.vsl) - do not modify!
005package org.andromda.metafacades.uml;
007import java.util.Collection;
010 * A behavioral feature of a classifier that specifies the name, type, parameters, and constraints
011 * for invoking an associated behavior. May invoke both the execution of method behaviors as well as
012 * other behavioral responses.
013 *
014 * Metafacade interface to be used by AndroMDA cartridges.
015 */
016public interface OperationFacade
017    extends ModelElementFacade
019    /**
020     * Indicates the metafacade type (used for metafacade mappings).
021     *
022     * @return boolean always <code>true</code>
023     */
024    public boolean isOperationFacadeMetaType();
026    /**
027     * Finds the parameter on this operation having the given name, if no parameter is found, null
028     * is returned instead.
029     * @param name String
030     * @return ParameterFacade
031     */
032    public ParameterFacade findParameter(String name);
034    /**
035     * Searches the given feature for the specified tag.
036     * If the follow boolean is set to true then the search will continue from the class operation
037     * to the class itself and then up the class hierarchy.
038     * @param name String
039     * @param follow boolean
040     * @return Object
041     */
042    public Object findTaggedValue(String name, boolean follow);
044    /**
045     * A comma separated list of all argument names.
046     * @return String
047     */
048    public String getArgumentNames();
050    /**
051     * A comma separated list of all types of each argument, in order.
052     * @return String
053     */
054    public String getArgumentTypeNames();
056    /**
057     * Specification of an argument used to pass information into or out of an invocation of a
058     * behavioral
059     * feature. Parameters are allowed to be treated as connectable elements. Parameters have
060     * support for
061     * streaming, exceptions, and parameter sets.
062     * @return Collection<ParameterFacade>
063     */
064    public Collection<ParameterFacade> getArguments();
066    /**
067     * Constructs the operation call with the operation name
068     * @return String
069     */
070    public String getCall();
072    /**
073     * Returns the concurrency modifier for this operation (i.e. concurrent, guarded or sequential)
074     * of the model element, will attempt a lookup for these values in the language mappings (if
075     * any).
076     * @return String
077     */
078    public String getConcurrency();
080    /**
081     * A comma separated list containing all exceptions that this operation throws.  Exceptions are
082     * determined through dependencies that have the target element stereotyped as <<Exception>>.
083     * @return String
084     */
085    public String getExceptionList();
087    /**
088     * Returns a comma separated list of exceptions appended to the comma separated list of fully
089     * qualified 'initialException' classes passed in to this method.
090     * @param initialExceptions String
091     * @return String
092     */
093    public String getExceptionList(String initialExceptions);
095    /**
096     * A collection of all exceptions thrown by this operation.
097     * @return Collection<ModelElementFacade>
098     */
099    public Collection<ModelElementFacade> getExceptions();
101    /**
102     * Return Type with multiplicity taken into account. UML14 does not allow multiplicity *.
103     * @return String
104     */
105    public String getGetterSetterReturnTypeName();
107    /**
108     * the lower value for the multiplicity
109     * -only applicable for UML2
110     * @return int
111     */
112    public int getLower();
114    /**
115     * Returns the operation method body determined from UML sequence diagrams or other UML sources.
116     * @return String
117     */
118    public String getMethodBody();
120    /**
121     * The operation this operation overrides, null if this operation is not overriding.
122     * @return OperationFacade
123     */
124    public OperationFacade getOverriddenOperation();
126    /**
127     * Gets the owner of this operation
128     * @return ClassifierFacade
129     */
130    public ClassifierFacade getOwner();
132    /**
133     * Return all parameters for the operation, including the return parameter.
134     * @return Collection<ParameterFacade>
135     */
136    public Collection<ParameterFacade> getParameters();
138    /**
139     * The name of the operation that handles postcondition constraints.
140     * @return String
141     */
142    public String getPostconditionName();
144    /**
145     * The postcondition constraints belonging to this operation.
146     * @return Collection<ConstraintFacade>
147     */
148    public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getPostconditions();
150    /**
151     * The call to the precondition operation.
152     * @return String
153     */
154    public String getPreconditionCall();
156    /**
157     * The name of the operation that handles precondition constraints.
158     * @return String
159     */
160    public String getPreconditionName();
162    /**
163     * The signature of the precondition operation.
164     * @return String
165     */
166    public String getPreconditionSignature();
168    /**
169     * The precondition constraints belonging to this operation.
170     * @return Collection<ConstraintFacade>
171     */
172    public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getPreconditions();
174    /**
175     * (UML2 Only). Get the actual return parameter (which may have stereotypes etc).
176     * @return ParameterFacade
177     */
178    public ParameterFacade getReturnParameter();
180    /**
181     * The operation return type parameter.
182     * @return ClassifierFacade
183     */
184    public ClassifierFacade getReturnType();
186    /**
187     * Return the operation signature, including public/protested abstract returnType name plus
188     * argument type and name
189     * @return String
190     */
191    public String getSignature();
193    /**
194     * Returns the signature of the operation and optionally appends the argument names (if
195     * withArgumentNames is true), otherwise returns the signature with just the types alone in the
196     * signature.
197     * @param withArgumentNames boolean
198     * @return String
199     */
200    public String getSignature(boolean withArgumentNames);
202    /**
203     * Returns the signature of the operation and optionally appends the given 'argumentModifier' to
204     * each argument.
205     * @param argumentModifier String
206     * @return String
207     */
208    public String getSignature(String argumentModifier);
210    /**
211     * A comma-separated parameter list  (type and name of each parameter) of an operation.
212     * @return String
213     */
214    public String getTypedArgumentList();
216    /**
217     * A comma-separated parameter list  (type and name of each parameter) of an operation with an
218     * optional modifier (i.e final) before each parameter.
219     * @param modifier String
220     * @return String
221     */
222    public String getTypedArgumentList(String modifier);
224    /**
225     * the upper value for the multiplicity (will be -1 for *)
226     * - only applicable for UML2
227     * @return int
228     */
229    public int getUpper();
231    /**
232     * True is the operation is abstract.
233     * @return boolean
234     */
235    public boolean isAbstract();
237    /**
238     * True if the operation has (i.e. throws any exceptions) false otherwise.
239     * @return boolean
240     */
241    public boolean isExceptionsPresent();
243    /**
244     * IsLeaf property in the operation. If true, operation is final, cannot be extended or
245     * implemented by a descendant. Default=false.
246     * @return boolean
247     */
248    public boolean isLeaf();
250    /**
251     * UML2 only. If the return type parameter multiplicity>1 OR the operation multiplicity>1.
252     * Default=false.
253     * @return boolean
254     */
255    public boolean isMany();
257    /**
258     * UML2 only: If isMany (Collection type returned), is the type unique within the collection. 
259     * Unique+Ordered determines CollectionType implementation of return result. Default=false.
260     * @return boolean
261     */
262    public boolean isOrdered();
264    /**
265     * True if this operation overrides an operation defined in an ancestor class. An operation
266     * overrides when the names of the operations as well as the types of the arguments are equal.
267     * The return type may be different and is, as well as any exceptions, ignored.
268     * @return boolean
269     */
270    public boolean isOverriding();
272    /**
273     * Whether any postcondition constraints are present on this operation.
274     * @return boolean
275     */
276    public boolean isPostconditionsPresent();
278    /**
279     * Whether any precondition constraints are present on this operation.
280     * @return boolean
281     */
282    public boolean isPreconditionsPresent();
284    /**
285     * Indicates whether or not this operation is a query operation.
286     * @return boolean
287     */
288    public boolean isQuery();
290    /**
291     * True/false depending on whether or not the operation has a return type or not (i.e. a return
292     * type of something other than void).
293     * @return boolean
294     */
295    public boolean isReturnTypePresent();
297    /**
298     * True is the operation is static (only a single instance can be instantiated).
299     * @return boolean
300     */
301    public boolean isStatic();
303    /**
304     * UML2 only: for Collection return type, is the type unique within the collection.
305     * Unique+Ordered determines the returned CollectionType. Default=false.
306     * @return boolean
307     */
308    public boolean isUnique();