package org.andromda.metafacades.uml;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.andromda.core.common.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Utilities for dealing with entity metafacades
* @author Chad Brandon
* @author Bob Fields
public class EntityMetafacadeUtils
* The logger instance.
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(EntityMetafacadeUtils.class);
* <p/> Converts a string following the Java naming conventions to a
* database attribute name. For example convert customerName to
* </p>
* @param modelElementName the string to convert
* @param separator character used to separate words
* @return string converted to database attribute format
public static String toSqlName(
String modelElementName,
Object separator)
StringBuilder sqlName = new StringBuilder();
StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(StringUtils.uncapitalize(modelElementName));
for (char character = iterator.first(); character != CharacterIterator.DONE; character = iterator.next())
if (Character.isUpperCase(character))
character = Character.toUpperCase(character);
return StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(sqlName.toString());
* Gets the SQL name. (i.e. column name, table name, etc.). If it can't find
* the corresponding tagged value with the specified <code>name</code>,
* then it uses the element name by default and just returns that.
* @param prefix the optional prefix to add to the sql name (i.e. table name
* prefix, etc.).
* @param element from which to retrieve the SQL name.
* @param name the name of the tagged value.
* @param nameMaxLength if this is not null, then the name returned will be
* trimmed to this length (if it happens to be longer).
* @param separator character used to separate words
* @param shortenSqlNamesMethod Method of shortening SQL Names, i.e. removeVowels
* @return the SQL name as a String.
public static String getSqlNameFromTaggedValue(
String prefix,
ModelElementFacade element,
String name,
Short nameMaxLength,
Object separator,
Object shortenSqlNamesMethod)
return getSqlNameFromTaggedValue(
* Gets the SQL name. (i.e. column name, table name, etc.). If it can't find
* the corresponding tagged value with the specified <code>name</code>,
* then it uses the element name by default and just returns that.
* @param element from which to retrieve the SQL name.
* @param name the name of the tagged value.
* @param nameMaxLength if this is not null, then the name returned will be
* trimmed to this length (if it happens to be longer).
* @param suffix the optional suffix to add to the sql name (i.e. foreign
* key suffix, etc.)
* @param separator character used to separate words
* @param shortenSqlNamesMethod Method of shortening SQL Names, i.e. removeVowels
* @return the SQL name as a String.
public static String getSqlNameFromTaggedValue(
ModelElementFacade element,
String name,
Short nameMaxLength,
String suffix,
Object separator,
Object shortenSqlNamesMethod)
return getSqlNameFromTaggedValue(
* Gets the SQL name. (i.e. column name, table name, etc.). If it can't find
* the corresponding tagged value with the specified <code>name</code>,
* then it uses the element name by default and just returns that.
* @param element from which to retrieve the SQL name.
* @param name the name of the tagged value.
* @param nameMaxLength if this is not null, then the name returned will be
* trimmed to this length (if it happens to be longer).
* @param separator character used to separate words
* @param shortenSqlNamesMethod Method of shortening SQL Names, i.e. removeVowels
* @return the SQL name as a String.
public static String getSqlNameFromTaggedValue(
ModelElementFacade element,
String name,
Short nameMaxLength,
Object separator,
Object shortenSqlNamesMethod)
return getSqlNameFromTaggedValue(
* Gets the SQL name. (i.e. column name, table name, etc.). If it can't find
* the corresponding tagged value with the specified <code>name</code>,
* then it uses the element name by default and just returns that.
* @param prefix the optional prefix to add to the sql name (i.e. table name
* prefix, etc.).
* @param element from which to retrieve the SQL name.
* @param name the name of the tagged value.
* @param nameMaxLength if this is not null, then the name returned will be
* trimmed to this length (if it happens to be longer).
* @param suffix the optional suffix to add to the sql name (i.e. foreign
* key suffix, etc.)
* @param separator character used to separate words
* @param shortenSqlNamesMethod Method of shortening SQL Names, i.e. removeVowels
* @return the SQL name as a String.
public static String getSqlNameFromTaggedValue(
String prefix,
final ModelElementFacade element,
String name,
final Short nameMaxLength,
String suffix,
final Object separator,
final Object shortenSqlNamesMethod)
if (element != null)
Object value = element.findTaggedValue(name);
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(StringUtils.trimToEmpty((String)value));
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(buffer.toString()))
// if we can't find the tagValue then use the
// element name for the name
buffer = new StringBuilder(toSqlName(
suffix = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(suffix);
prefix = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(prefix);
if (nameMaxLength != null)
final short maxLength = (short)(nameMaxLength.shortValue() - suffix.length() - prefix.length());
buffer =
new StringBuilder(
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prefix))
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(suffix))
name = buffer.toString();
return name;
private static List<Entity> sortedEntities;
* Puts non-abstract entities in order based on associations. To be used in constructors and
* tests so that entities may be created and deleted in the proper order, without
* violating key constraints in the database
* @param entities the entity list to be sorted.
* @param ascending true for entities with no associations first.
* @return the sorted entity list.
public static List<Entity> sortEntities(
final Collection<Entity> entities,
boolean ascending)
// Initially holds entities with no outgoing relations. Add related entities to the end
// Multiple andromda invocations - entity list is cached - check size
List<Entity> sorted = new ArrayList<Entity>();
if (sortedEntities==null)
sortedEntities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
if (entities == null || entities.isEmpty() ||
(sortedEntities!=null && !sortedEntities.isEmpty() && sortedEntities.size() == entities.size()
&& sortedEntities.contains(entities.iterator().next())))
sorted = sortedEntities;
// Clear left-over entities from last time.
// Move entities into the sorted list step by step
List<Entity> toBeMoved = new ArrayList<Entity>();
List<Entity> unsorted = new ArrayList<Entity>();
for (Entity entity : entities)
// Remove abstract entities from the list: We won't be testing or creating abstract entities
if (entity.isAbstract())
//Collection<AssociationEndFacade> ends = entity.getNavigableConnectingEnds();
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " Nav ends=" + ends.size());
// Put the entities with no associations first in the sorted list
if (entity.getNavigableConnectingEnds().size()==0)
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " No associations");
// Prevent ConcurrentModificationException by using a temp removal list
for (Entity entity : toBeMoved)
/*// Holds entities with relations after first pass. Second pass sorts the entities
for (Entity entity : entities)
Collection<AssociationEndFacade> ends = entity.getNavigableConnectingEnds();
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " Nav ends=" + ends.size());
// Put the entities with no associations first in the sorted list
if (ends.size()==0)
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " No associations");
/*for (Entity entity : sorted)
System.out.println(entity.getName() + " Sorted First");
String moved = " ToBeMoved: ";
for (Entity entity : unsorted)
moved += entity.getName() + " ";
System.out.println(sorted.size() + " Sorted " + unsorted.size() + " Unsorted " + moved);*/
// Work backwards from unsorted list, moving entities to sorted list until none remain
// Since all associations must be owned by one side, all will eventually be moved to sorted list
int moveCount = 1; // Stop looping if no more to be moved, prevent infinite loop on circular relationships
while (unsorted.size() > 0 && moveCount > 0)
toBeMoved = new ArrayList<Entity>();
for (Entity entity : unsorted)
Collection<AssociationEndFacade> ends = entity.getNavigableConnectingEnds();
// See if any navigable connecting ends are not owned by this entity
boolean createFirst = true;
for (AssociationEndFacade end : ends)
ClassifierFacade entityEnd = end.getType();
// Owning relations are sorted after entities on the opposite end
int referencedPosition = unsorted.lastIndexOf(entityEnd);
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " -> " + entityEnd.getName() + " refPos=" + referencedPosition + " isOwningEnd " + UMLMetafacadeUtils.isOwningEnd(end));
if (referencedPosition > -1 && UMLMetafacadeUtils.isOwningEnd(end) && !entityEnd.getFullyQualifiedName().equals(entity.getFullyQualifiedName()))
// Other Entity side of an owned relationship must be created first
createFirst = false;
if (createFirst)
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " Added to toBeMoved");
moveCount = toBeMoved.size();
/*moved = " ToBeMoved: ";
for (Entity entity : toBeMoved)
moved += entity.getName() + " ";
//System.out.println(sorted.size() + " Sorted " + unsorted.size() + " Unsorted " + toBeMoved.size() + moved);
for (Entity entity : toBeMoved)
if (moveCount==0 && unsorted.size() > 0)
// There are unresolvable circular relationships
String circular = "Circular relationships between Entities:";
for (Entity entity : unsorted)
circular += " " + entity.getName();
// Add them to the sorted list anyway and hope for the best...
/*int moves = -1;
for (Entity entity : unsorted)
if (!entity.isAbstract())
Collection<AssociationEndFacade> ends = entity.getAssociationEnds();
System.out.println(entity.getName() + " Sorting " + ends.size() + " Ends");
// Test each association to see if incoming or outgoing. sort outgoing before incoming.
for (AssociationEndFacade end : ends)
AssociationEndFacade otherEnd = end.getOtherEnd();
if (otherEnd.getType() instanceof Entity)
// otherEnd is actually the association/type on this entity
Entity entityEnd = (Entity)otherEnd.getType();
// Incoming relations are sorted after other entities
// Aggregation and Composition always owns the end
// One to Many association many end comes last
int thisPosition = unsorted.lastIndexOf(entity);
int referencedPosition = unsorted.lastIndexOf(entityEnd);
// Determine if this end is the relationship owner
//boolean primary = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(
// ObjectUtils.toString(end.findTaggedValue("andromda_persistence_associationEnd_primary")));
System.out.println(entity.getName() + "=" + thisPosition + " " + entityEnd.getName() + "=" + referencedPosition + " prop=" + otherEnd.getName() + " owned=" + isOwningEnd(otherEnd));
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + "=" + thisPosition + " " + entityEnd.getName() + "=" + referencedPosition + " prop=" + end.getName() + " AggE=" + end.isAggregation() + " CompE=" + end.isComposition() + " OAgg=" + otherEnd.isAggregation() + " OComp=" + otherEnd.isComposition() + " Many=" + end.isMany() + " One2One=" + end.isOne2One() + " end=" + end + " other=" + otherEnd);
// This owning end should be created after the other side Entity
if (thisPosition > -1 && referencedPosition > -1)
if (isOwningEnd(otherEnd) && thisPosition < referencedPosition)
// Move the locations of the two List entries if referenced entity is higher in the list
// Avoid ConcurrentModificationEx by operating on temp List
unsorted.add(unsorted.lastIndexOf(entity), entityEnd);
System.out.println(entityEnd.getName() + " moved in front of " + entity.getName());
moves += 1;
else if (!isOwningEnd(otherEnd) && thisPosition > referencedPosition)
// Move the locations of the two List entries if referenced entity is higher in the list
unsorted.add(unsorted.lastIndexOf(entityEnd), entity);
System.out.println(entity.getName() + " moved behind " + entityEnd.getName());
moves += 1;
sortedEntities = sorted;
if (!ascending)
return sorted;
* Gets the execution priority of a specific entity, based on dependency/owning relationships,
* so that TestNG unit tests can be put in the proper order across all entities and CRUD methods
* @param entity the entity to be prioritized.
* @return int the entity priority.
public static int getPriority(
final Entity entity)
int priority = 0;
if (sortedEntities!=null && !sortedEntities.isEmpty())
priority = sortedEntities.indexOf(entity);
if (priority < 1)
priority = 0;
// Change from zero based to one based, allow 10 additional test methods between the standard tests.
priority = priority*10 + 10;
return priority;
* <p/> Trims the passed in value to the maximum name length.
* </p>
* If no maximum length has been set then this method does nothing.
* @param name the name length to check and trim if necessary
* @param nameMaxLength if this is not null, then the name returned will be
* trimmed to this length (if it happens to be longer).
* @param method Method of shortening SQL Names, i.e. removeVowels
* @return String the string to be used as SQL type
public static String ensureMaximumNameLength(
String name,
Short nameMaxLength,
String method)
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name) && nameMaxLength != null)
short max = nameMaxLength.shortValue();
if(method != null && method.equalsIgnoreCase(UMLMetafacadeProperties.SHORTEN_SQL_NAMES_METHOD_REMOVE_VOWELS))
while(name.length() > max)
final String[] vowels = new String[]{"A","E","I","O","U","a","e","i","o","u"};
final int lastVowelPos = StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(name, vowels);
if(lastVowelPos == -1)
break; //no more vowels
name = name.substring(0,lastVowelPos)+name.substring(lastVowelPos+1);
if (name.length() > max)
name = name.substring(
return name;
* Gets all identifiers for an entity. If 'follow' is true, and if
* no identifiers can be found on the entity, a search up the
* inheritance chain will be performed, and the identifiers from
* the first super class having them will be used. If no
* identifiers exist, a default identifier will be created if the
* allowDefaultIdentifiers property is set to true.
* @param entity the entity for which to retrieve the identifiers
* @param follow a flag indicating whether or not the inheritance hierarchy
* should be followed
* @return the collection of entity identifier attributes.
public static Collection<ModelElementFacade> getIdentifiers(
final Entity entity,
final boolean follow)
//final Collection<ModelElementFacade> properties = entity.getAllProperties();
final Collection<ModelElementFacade> identifiers = new ArrayList<ModelElementFacade>();
// TODO Entity.getAttributes returns List<? extends AttributeFacade>, currently unchecked conversion
final Collection<AttributeFacade> attributes = new ArrayList<AttributeFacade>(entity.getAttributes());
final Collection<AssociationEndFacade> associations = new ArrayList<AssociationEndFacade>(entity.getNavigableConnectingEnds(follow));
/*// Find identifiers of association identifiers otherEnd
for (AssociationEndFacade associationEnd : associations)
ClassifierFacade classifier = associationEnd.getType();
if (classifier instanceof Entity)
Collection<ModelElementFacade> entityIdentifiers = getIdentifiers((Entity)classifier, true);
} */
// Reorder join columns if order is specified - must match FK column order
final Collection<ModelElementFacade> sortedIdentifiers = new ArrayList<ModelElementFacade>();
String joinOrder = (String)entity.findTaggedValue(UMLProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_PERSISTENCE_JOINCOLUMN_ORDER);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(joinOrder))
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " getIdentifiers " + joinOrder + " identifiers=" + identifiers.size());
String[] joinList = StringUtils.split(joinOrder, " ,;|");
for (String column : joinList)
for (ModelElementFacade facade : identifiers)
if (facade instanceof EntityAssociationEnd)
EntityAssociationEnd assoc = (EntityAssociationEnd)facade;
if (assoc.getColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase(column))
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " added " + assoc);
else if (facade instanceof EntityAttribute)
EntityAttribute attr = (EntityAttribute)facade;
if (attr.getColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase(column))
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " added " + attr);
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " getIdentifiers " + joinOrder + " sorted=" + sortedIdentifiers.size() + " " + identifiers.size());
// Add remaining identifiers not found in joincolumn ordered list
// .contains() does not work correctly for EntityAttribute
for (ModelElementFacade facade : identifiers)
boolean contains = false;
for (ModelElementFacade sorted : sortedIdentifiers)
if (sorted.getFullyQualifiedName().equals(facade.getFullyQualifiedName()))
contains = true;
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " contains " + facade.getName() + " facade=" + facade);
if (!contains)
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " added " + facade.getName() + " facade=" + facade);
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " getIdentifiers " + joinOrder + " sorted=" + sortedIdentifiers.size() + " " + + identifiers.size());
if (sortedIdentifiers.isEmpty() && follow && entity.getGeneralization() instanceof Entity)
sortedIdentifiers.addAll(getIdentifiers((Entity)entity.getGeneralization(), follow));
return sortedIdentifiers;
* Gets all identifier attributes for an entity. If 'follow' is true, and if
* no identifiers can be found on the entity, a search up the
* inheritance chain will be performed, and the identifiers from
* the first super class having them will be used. All identifier association
* relationships are traversed to find the identifying attributes of the related
* associationEnd classifiers, in addition to the primitive/wrapped identifiers
* on the Entity itself.
* @param entity the entity for which to retrieve the identifiers
* @param follow a flag indicating whether or not the inheritance hierarchy
* should be followed
* @return the collection of entity identifier attributes.
public static Collection<ModelElementFacade> getIdentifierAttributes(
final Entity entity,
final boolean follow)
Collection<ModelElementFacade> identifierAttributes = new ArrayList<ModelElementFacade>();
final Collection<ModelElementFacade> identifiers = EntityMetafacadeUtils.getIdentifiers(entity, follow);
// Find identifiers of association identifiers otherEnd
for (ModelElementFacade identifier : identifiers)
if (identifier instanceof AssociationEndFacade)
AssociationEndFacade associationEnd = (AssociationEndFacade)identifier;
ClassifierFacade classifier = associationEnd.getType();
if (classifier instanceof Entity)
Collection<ModelElementFacade> entityIdentifiers = getIdentifierAttributes((Entity)classifier, true);
if (identifiers.isEmpty() && follow && entity.getGeneralization() instanceof Entity)
identifierAttributes.addAll(getIdentifiers((Entity)entity.getGeneralization(), follow));
// Reorder join columns if order is specified - must match FK column order
String joinOrder = (String)entity.findTaggedValue("andromda_persistence_joincolumn_order");
/*System.out.println(entity.getName() + " getIdentifierAttributes " + joinOrder + " tags=" + entity.getTaggedValues().size() + " identifierAttr=" + identifierAttributes.size());
if (entity.getTaggedValues().size() > 1)
for ( TaggedValueFacade value : entity.getTaggedValues())
System.out.println(entity.getName() + " tag name=" + value.getName() + " value=" + value);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(joinOrder))
final Collection<ModelElementFacade> sortedIdentifiers = new ArrayList<ModelElementFacade>();
String[] joinList = StringUtils.split(joinOrder, " ,;|");
for (String column : joinList)
for (ModelElementFacade facade : identifierAttributes)
if (facade instanceof EntityAssociationEnd)
EntityAssociationEnd assoc = (EntityAssociationEnd)facade;
if (assoc.getColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase(column))
else if (facade instanceof EntityAttribute)
EntityAttribute attr = (EntityAttribute)facade;
if (attr.getColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase(column))
//System.out.println(entity.getName() + " getIdentifierAttributes " + joinOrder + identifiers.size());
// Add remaining identifiers not found in joincolumn ordered list
if (sortedIdentifiers.size() < identifierAttributes.size())
for (ModelElementFacade facade : identifierAttributes)
if (!sortedIdentifiers.contains(facade))
identifierAttributes = sortedIdentifiers;
return identifierAttributes;
* Constructs a sql type name from the given <code>mappedName</code> and
* <code>columnLength</code>.
* @param typeName the actual type name (usually retrieved from a mappings
* file, i.e. NUMBER(19).
* @param columnLength the length of the column.
* @return the new name construct
public static String constructSqlTypeName(
final String typeName,
final String columnLength)
String value = typeName;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeName))
final char beginChar = '(';
final char endChar = ')';
final int beginIndex = value.indexOf(beginChar);
final int endIndex = value.indexOf(endChar);
if (beginIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1 && endIndex > beginIndex)
String replacement = value.substring(
endIndex) + endChar;
value = StringUtils.replace(
beginChar + columnLength + endChar);
value = value + beginChar + columnLength + endChar;
return value;
* Constructs and returns the foreign key constraint name for the given <code>associationEnd</code>, <code>suffix</code>, <code>sqlNameSeparator</code>
* and <code>maxLengthProperty</code>.
* @param associationEnd the association end for which to construct the constraint name.
* @param suffix the suffix appended to the constraint name (if not limited by length).
* @param sqlNameSeparator the SQL name separator to use (i.e. '_').
* @param maxLengthProperty the numeric value stored as a string indicating the max length the constraint may be.
* @param shortenSqlNamesMethod Method of shortening SQL Names, i.e. removeVowels
* @return the constructed foreign key constraint name.
public static String getForeignKeyConstraintName(EntityAssociationEnd associationEnd, String suffix, String sqlNameSeparator, String maxLengthProperty, String shortenSqlNamesMethod)
String constraintName;
final Object taggedValueObject = associationEnd.findTaggedValue(
if (taggedValueObject == null)
// we construct our own foreign key constraint name here
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
final ClassifierFacade type = associationEnd.getOtherEnd().getType();
if (type instanceof Entity)
Entity entity = (Entity)type;
// should not happen
constraintName = buffer.toString();
// we take into consideration the maximum length allowed
final short maxLength = (short)(Short.valueOf(maxLengthProperty).shortValue() - suffix.length());
buffer = new StringBuilder(EntityMetafacadeUtils.ensureMaximumNameLength(constraintName, Short.valueOf(maxLength), shortenSqlNamesMethod));
constraintName = EntityMetafacadeUtils.getUniqueForeignKeyConstraintName(buffer.toString());
// use the tagged value
constraintName = taggedValueObject.toString();
return constraintName;
* An internal static cache for foreign key names (allows us to keep track
* of which ones have been used). Its not great that its static, but for now
* this is the easiest way to enforce this.
private static Collection<String> foreignKeyConstraintNameCache = new ArrayList<String>();
* Retrieves a unique foreign key constraint name given the proposedName. Compares the proposedName
* against any foreign key names already stored in an internal collection.
* @param proposedName the proposed foreign key name.
* @return the unique foreign key name.
private static String getUniqueForeignKeyConstraintName(String proposedName)
final char[] characters = proposedName.toCharArray();
int numericValue = 0;
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < characters.length; ctr++)
numericValue = numericValue + Character.getNumericValue(characters[0]);
return getUniqueForeignKeyConstraintName(proposedName, new Random(numericValue));
* Retrieves a unique foreign key constraint name given the proposedName. Compares the proposedName
* against any foreign key names already stored in an internal collection.
* @param proposedName the proposed foreign key name.
* @param random the Random number generator to use for enforcing uniqueness.
* @return the unique foreign key name.
private static String getUniqueForeignKeyConstraintName(String proposedName, final Random random)
String name;
if (foreignKeyConstraintNameCache.contains(proposedName))
final char[] characters = proposedName.toCharArray();
int randomInt = random.nextInt(characters.length);
char randomChar = Character.toUpperCase(characters[randomInt]);
proposedName = proposedName.substring(0, proposedName.length() - 1) + randomChar;
name = getUniqueForeignKeyConstraintName(proposedName, random);
name = proposedName;
return name;
* Clears out the foreign key cache.
public static void clearForeignKeyConstraintNameCache()
* Finds the top level package in the model containing any classes or entity classes.
* Can be used to define a groupId for a model, or in code generation scripts where top level package
* is the starting point for further operations.
* @param classifiers Entities in the current model
* @param entityOnly true to find the top package containing entities
* @return Package at the top level
public static PackageFacade getTopLevelPackage(LinkedHashSet<ClassifierFacade> classifiers, boolean entityOnly)
PackageFacade pkgFacade = null;
if (classifiers == null || classifiers.isEmpty()) return pkgFacade;
//System.out.println("getTopLevelPackage classifiers=" + classifiers.size());
List<PackageFacade> packages = new ArrayList<PackageFacade>();
for (ClassifierFacade classifier : classifiers)
//System.out.println("getTopLevelPackage classifier=" + classifier);
if (!classifier.isDataType())
if (!entityOnly || classifier instanceof Entity)
if (classifier.getStereotypeNames().size() > 0 && !packages.contains(classifier.getPackage()))
//System.out.println("getTopLevelPackage add " + ((PackageFacade)classifier.getPackage()).getFullyQualifiedName() + " package=" + classifier.getPackage());
if (packages.size()>0)
pkgFacade = packages.get(0);
// Find the shortest name in package list containing the other names
for (PackageFacade pkg : packages)
//System.out.println("getTopLevelPackage fqn=" + pkgFacade.getFullyQualifiedName() + " " + pkg.getFullyQualifiedName());
if (pkgFacade.getFullyQualifiedName().indexOf(pkg.getFullyQualifiedName()) > 0)
pkgFacade = pkg;
else if (pkg.getFullyQualifiedName().indexOf(pkgFacade.getFullyQualifiedName()) > 0)
// Shortest name is there already
//System.out.println("getTopLevelPackage pkgFacade=" + pkgFacade.getFullyQualifiedName());
return pkgFacade;