package org.andromda.metafacades.uml;
* Stores the metafacade namespace properties used throughout the UML metafacades.
* @author Chad Brandon
* @author Bob Fields
public class UMLMetafacadeProperties
* Stores the property containing the URI to the language mappings file.
public static final String LANGUAGE_MAPPINGS_URI = "languageMappingsUri";
* This property controls whether or not to produce templating parameters
* where possible.
public static final String ENABLE_TEMPLATING = "enableTemplating";
* Stores the property defining the default schema name for entity tables.
public static final String SCHEMA_NAME = "schemaName";
* Stores the property defining the prefix for entity table names.
public static final String TABLE_NAME_PREFIX = "tableNamePrefix";
* Stores the property defining the prefix for entity table column names.
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_PREFIX = "columnNamePrefix";
* Stores the property defining the suffix for entity table column names.
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX = "columnNameSuffix";
* Stores the property containing the URI to the SQL mappings file.
public static final String SQL_MAPPINGS_URI = "sqlMappingsUri";
* Stores the property containing the URI to the JDBC mappings file.
public static final String JDBC_MAPPINGS_URI = "jdbcMappingsUri";
* Stores the property containing the URI to the Wrapper mappings file.
public static final String WRAPPER_MAPPINGS_URI = "wrapperMappingsUri";
* Allows the pluralization of association end names (when the multiplicity is greater than one) to be turned
* on/off.
public static final String PLURALIZE_ASSOCIATION_END_NAMES = "pluralizeAssociationEndNames";
* Allows the pluralization of operation parameter names (when the multiplicity is greater than one) to be turned
* on/off.
public static final String PLURALIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = "pluralizeAttributeNames";
* Allows the pluralization of attribute names (when the multiplicity is greater than one) to be turned
* on/off.
public static final String PLURALIZE_PARAMETER_NAMES = "pluralizeParameterNames";
* The default suffix to use for foreign keys.
public static final String FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX = "foreignKeySuffix";
* The default suffix to use for foreign keys.
public static final String CONSTRAINT_SUFFIX = "constraintSuffix";
* The mask to apply to role names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String ROLE_NAME_MASK = "roleNameMask";
* The mask to apply to any model element names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String MODEL_ELEMENT_NAME_MASK = "modelElementNameMask";
* The mask to apply to any classifier names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String CLASSIFIER_NAME_MASK = "classifierNameMask";
* The mask to apply to any of the classifier property names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String CLASSIFIER_PROPERTY_NAME_MASK = "classifierPropertyNameMask";
* The mask to apply to any operation names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String OPERATION_NAME_MASK = "operationNameMask";
* The mask to apply to any parameter names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String PARAMETER_NAME_MASK = "parameterNameMask";
* The mask to apply to enumeration literal names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String ENUMERATION_LITERAL_NAME_MASK = "enumerationLiteralNameMask";
* The mask to apply to the enumeration literal name
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String ENUMERATION_NAME_MASK = "enumerationNameMask";
* The mask to apply to the entity name
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String ENTITY_NAME_MASK = "entityNameMask";
* The mask to apply to the entity property (attributes and association) names
* @see NameMasker#mask(String, String)
public static final String ENTITY_PROPERTY_NAME_MASK = "entityPropertyNameMask";
* The maximum length a SQL name can be before its truncated.
public static final String MAX_SQL_NAME_LENGTH = "maxSqlNameLength";
* The method to be used to ensure name length.
* Supported values: truncate or removeVowels. Default = truncate
public static final String SHORTEN_SQL_NAMES_METHOD = "shortenSqlNamesMethod";
public static final String SHORTEN_SQL_NAMES_METHOD_TRUNCATE = "truncate";
public static final String SHORTEN_SQL_NAMES_METHOD_REMOVE_VOWELS = "removeVowels";
* Whether or not to allow default identifiers for modeled entities.
public static final String ALLOW_DEFAULT_IDENTITIFIERS = "allowDefaultIdentifiers";
* The pattern used to construct the name entity default identifiers (if enabled).
public static final String DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = "defaultIdentifierPattern";
* The type to given default identifiers.
public static final String DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE = "defaultIdentifierType";
* The visibility to apply to default identifiers.
public static final String DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_VISIBILITY = "defaultIdentifierVisibility";
* The suffix to add to the composite identifier type name.
public static final String COMPOSITE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_NAME_SUFIX = "compositeIdentifierTypeNameSuffix";
* The suffix to add to the composite identifier name.
public static final String COMPOSITE_IDENTIFIER_NAME_SUFIX = "compositeIdentifierNameSuffix";
* Are manageable tables resolved by default when referenced ?
public static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_RESOLVEABLE = "defaultResolveable";
* Stores the default upper limit for lists.
public static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_MAX_LIST_SIZE = "defaultMaximumListSize";
* Stores the default number of records shown per page.
public static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = "defaultPageSize";
* The separator used for packages and element names when constructing fully qualified names.
public static final String NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR = "namespaceSeparator";
* The name given to model elements without a name.
public static final String UNDEFINED_NAME = "undefinedName";
* Stores the suffix given to array type names.
public static final String ARRAY_NAME_SUFFIX = "arrayNameSuffix";
* Whether or not to enable manageable entities for the currently running cartridge.
public static final String ENABLE_MANAGEABLE_ENTITIES = "enableManageableEntities";
* The namespace property used to denote the name of the subpackage create for
* manageable entities.
public static final String MANAGEABLE_PACKAGE_NAME_SUFFIX = "manageablePackageSuffix";
* Stores the boolean flag indicating whether or not we should use arrays instead of collections with associations
* of type many (where appropriate).
public static final String USE_ARRAYS_FOR_MULTIPLICITIES_OF_TYPE_MANY = "useArraysForMultiplicitiesOfTypeMany";
* The separator for relation names between associations.
public static final String RELATION_NAME_SEPARATOR = "relationNameSeparator";
* The separator to use when constructing SQL names.
public static final String SQL_NAME_SEPARATOR = "sqlNameSeparator";
* The pattern used for constructing operations that handle precondition constraints.
public static final String PRECONDITION_NAME_PATTERN = "preconditionNamePattern";
* The pattern used for constructing operations that handle postcondition constraints.
public static final String POSTCONDITION_NAME_PATTERN = "postconditionNamePattern";
* The namespace property used to identify the pattern used to construct the backend CRUD service's accessor.
public static final String MANAGEABLE_SERVICE_ACCESSOR_PATTERN = "manageableServiceAccessorPattern";
* The namespace property used to define the default multiplicity of
* an attribute or association end (when one isn't modeled).
public static final String DEFAULT_MULTIPLICITY = "defaultMultiplicity";
* Denotes whether or not the id needs to be displayed when managing an entity, or whether this
* should be transparent for the user.
public static final String MANAGEABLE_ID_DISPLAY_STRATEGY = "manageableIdDisplayStrategy";
* Indicates whether enumerations must be generated using a Java 5 type-safe enum or a
* traditional enumeration-pattern class.
public static final String TYPE_SAFE_ENUMS_ENABLED = "typeSafeEnumsEnabled";
* Value indicating work to do in source code. Default=TODO
public static final String TODO_TAG = "toDoTag";
* Value indicating missing documentation in model elements. Default=false, do not insert todo tags.
public static final String TODO_FOR_MISSING_DOCUMENTATION = "toDoForMissingDocumentation";