001// license-header java merge-point
003// Attention: generated code (by MetafacadeLogic.vsl) - do not modify!
005package org.andromda.metafacades.uml14;
007import java.util.Collection;
008import org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase;
009import org.andromda.core.metafacade.ModelValidationMessage;
010import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ConstraintFacade;
011import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelElementFacade;
012import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
013import org.omg.uml.foundation.core.Constraint;
016 * Condition or restriction expressed in natural language text or in a machine readable language for
017 * the purpose of declaring some of the semantics of an element.
018 * MetafacadeLogic for ConstraintFacade
019 *
020 * @see ConstraintFacade
021 */
022public abstract class ConstraintFacadeLogic
023    extends ModelElementFacadeLogicImpl
024    implements ConstraintFacade
026    /**
027     * The underlying UML object
028     * @see Constraint
029     */
030    protected Constraint metaObject;
032    /** Create Metafacade implementation instance using the MetafacadeFactory from the context
033     * @param metaObjectIn
034     * @param context
035     */
036    protected ConstraintFacadeLogic(Constraint metaObjectIn, String context)
037    {
038        super(metaObjectIn, getContext(context));
039        this.metaObject = metaObjectIn;
040    }
042    /**
043     * The logger instance.
044     */
045    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConstraintFacadeLogic.class);
047    /**
048     * Gets the context for this metafacade logic instance.
049     * @param context String. Set to ConstraintFacade if null
050     * @return context String
051     */
052    private static String getContext(String context)
053    {
054        if (context == null)
055        {
056            context = "org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ConstraintFacade";
057        }
058        return context;
059    }
061    /** Reset context only for non-root metafacades
062     * @param context
063     */
064    @Override
065    public void resetMetafacadeContext(String context)
066    {
067        if (!this.contextRoot) // reset context only for non-root metafacades
068        {
069            context = getContext(context);  // to have same value as in original constructor call
070            setMetafacadeContext (context);
071        }
072    }
074    /**
075     * @return boolean true always
076     * @see ConstraintFacade
077     */
078    public boolean isConstraintFacadeMetaType()
079    {
080        return true;
081    }
083    // --------------- attributes ---------------------
085   /**
086    * @see ConstraintFacade#getBody()
087    * @return String
088    */
089    protected abstract String handleGetBody();
091    private String __body1a;
092    private boolean __body1aSet = false;
094    /**
095     * Gets the 'body' or text of this constraint.
096     * @return (String)handleGetBody()
097     */
098    public final String getBody()
099    {
100        String body1a = this.__body1a;
101        if (!this.__body1aSet)
102        {
103            // body has no pre constraints
104            body1a = handleGetBody();
105            // body has no post constraints
106            this.__body1a = body1a;
107            if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
108            {
109                this.__body1aSet = true;
110            }
111        }
112        return body1a;
113    }
115   /**
116    * @see ConstraintFacade#isInvariant()
117    * @return boolean
118    */
119    protected abstract boolean handleIsInvariant();
121    private boolean __invariant2a;
122    private boolean __invariant2aSet = false;
124    /**
125     * True if this constraint denotes an invariant.
126     * For example:
127     * <pre>
128     * context LivingAnimal
129     * inv: alive = true
130     * </pre>
131     * False otherwise.
132     * @return (boolean)handleIsInvariant()
133     */
134    public final boolean isInvariant()
135    {
136        boolean invariant2a = this.__invariant2a;
137        if (!this.__invariant2aSet)
138        {
139            // invariant has no pre constraints
140            invariant2a = handleIsInvariant();
141            // invariant has no post constraints
142            this.__invariant2a = invariant2a;
143            if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
144            {
145                this.__invariant2aSet = true;
146            }
147        }
148        return invariant2a;
149    }
151   /**
152    * @see ConstraintFacade#isPreCondition()
153    * @return boolean
154    */
155    protected abstract boolean handleIsPreCondition();
157    private boolean __preCondition3a;
158    private boolean __preCondition3aSet = false;
160    /**
161     * True if this constraint denotes a precondition.
162     * For example:
163     * <pre>
164     * context LivingAnimal::canFly()
165     * pre: hasWings = true
166     * </pre>
167     * False otherwise.
168     * @return (boolean)handleIsPreCondition()
169     */
170    public final boolean isPreCondition()
171    {
172        boolean preCondition3a = this.__preCondition3a;
173        if (!this.__preCondition3aSet)
174        {
175            // preCondition has no pre constraints
176            preCondition3a = handleIsPreCondition();
177            // preCondition has no post constraints
178            this.__preCondition3a = preCondition3a;
179            if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
180            {
181                this.__preCondition3aSet = true;
182            }
183        }
184        return preCondition3a;
185    }
187   /**
188    * @see ConstraintFacade#isPostCondition()
189    * @return boolean
190    */
191    protected abstract boolean handleIsPostCondition();
193    private boolean __postCondition4a;
194    private boolean __postCondition4aSet = false;
196    /**
197     * True if this constraint denotes a postcondition.
198     * For example:
199     * <pre>
200     * context LivingAnimal::getNumberOfLegs()
201     * post: numberOfLegs >= 0
202     * </pre>
203     * False otherwise.
204     * @return (boolean)handleIsPostCondition()
205     */
206    public final boolean isPostCondition()
207    {
208        boolean postCondition4a = this.__postCondition4a;
209        if (!this.__postCondition4aSet)
210        {
211            // postCondition has no pre constraints
212            postCondition4a = handleIsPostCondition();
213            // postCondition has no post constraints
214            this.__postCondition4a = postCondition4a;
215            if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
216            {
217                this.__postCondition4aSet = true;
218            }
219        }
220        return postCondition4a;
221    }
223   /**
224    * @see ConstraintFacade#isDefinition()
225    * @return boolean
226    */
227    protected abstract boolean handleIsDefinition();
229    private boolean __definition5a;
230    private boolean __definition5aSet = false;
232    /**
233     * True if this constraint denotes a definition.
234     * For example:
235     * <pre>
236     * context CustomerCard
237     * def: getTotalPoints(d: date) : Integer = transaction->select(date.isAfter(d)).points->sum()
238     * </pre>
239     * False otherwise.
240     * @return (boolean)handleIsDefinition()
241     */
242    public final boolean isDefinition()
243    {
244        boolean definition5a = this.__definition5a;
245        if (!this.__definition5aSet)
246        {
247            // definition has no pre constraints
248            definition5a = handleIsDefinition();
249            // definition has no post constraints
250            this.__definition5a = definition5a;
251            if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
252            {
253                this.__definition5aSet = true;
254            }
255        }
256        return definition5a;
257    }
259   /**
260    * @see ConstraintFacade#isBodyExpression()
261    * @return boolean
262    */
263    protected abstract boolean handleIsBodyExpression();
265    private boolean __bodyExpression6a;
266    private boolean __bodyExpression6aSet = false;
268    /**
269     * True if this constraint denotes a body expression.
270     * For example:
271     * <pre>
272     * context CustomerCard:getTransaction(from:Date, until:Date)
273     * body: transactions->select(date.isAfter(from) and date.isBefore(until))
274     * </pre>
275     * False otherwise.
276     * @return (boolean)handleIsBodyExpression()
277     */
278    public final boolean isBodyExpression()
279    {
280        boolean bodyExpression6a = this.__bodyExpression6a;
281        if (!this.__bodyExpression6aSet)
282        {
283            // bodyExpression has no pre constraints
284            bodyExpression6a = handleIsBodyExpression();
285            // bodyExpression has no post constraints
286            this.__bodyExpression6a = bodyExpression6a;
287            if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
288            {
289                this.__bodyExpression6aSet = true;
290            }
291        }
292        return bodyExpression6a;
293    }
295    // ---------------- business methods ----------------------
297    /**
298     * Method to be implemented in descendants
299     * This constraint's translation for the argument languange.
300     * @param language
301     * @return String
302     */
303    protected abstract String handleGetTranslation(String language);
305    /**
306     * This constraint's translation for the argument languange.
307     * @param language String
308     * The target language to which the OCL constraint is to be translated.
309     * @return handleGetTranslation(language)
310     */
311    public String getTranslation(String language)
312    {
313        // getTranslation has no pre constraints
314        String returnValue = handleGetTranslation(language);
315        // getTranslation has no post constraints
316        return returnValue;
317    }
319    // ------------- associations ------------------
321    /**
322     * Gets all constraints belonging to the model element.
323     * @return (ModelElementFacade)handleGetContextElement()
324     */
325    public final ModelElementFacade getContextElement()
326    {
327        ModelElementFacade getContextElement1r = null;
328        // constraints has no pre constraints
329        Object result = handleGetContextElement();
330        MetafacadeBase shieldedResult = this.shieldedElement(result);
331        try
332        {
333            getContextElement1r = (ModelElementFacade)shieldedResult;
334        }
335        catch (ClassCastException ex)
336        {
337            // Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
338            ConstraintFacadeLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for ConstraintFacadeLogic.getContextElement ModelElementFacade " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
339        }
340        // constraints has no post constraints
341        return getContextElement1r;
342    }
344    /**
345     * UML Specific type is transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
346     * @return Object
347     */
348    protected abstract Object handleGetContextElement();
350    /**
351     * @param validationMessages Collection<ModelValidationMessage>
352     * @see ModelElementFacadeLogicImpl#validateInvariants(Collection validationMessages)
353     */
354    @Override
355    public void validateInvariants(Collection<ModelValidationMessage> validationMessages)
356    {
357        super.validateInvariants(validationMessages);
358    }