package org.andromda.utils.inflector;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Language utility for transforming French words
 * @author Cédric Vidal
public class FrenchInflector
    private static final List<Inflection> plurals = new ArrayList<Inflection>();

    private static final List<Pattern> uncountables = new ArrayList<Pattern>();

    static class Inflection
        private final Pattern pattern;

        private final String replace;

         * @param pattern
         * @param replace
        public Inflection(Pattern pattern, String replace)
            this.pattern = pattern;
            this.replace = replace;

         * @param regexp
         * @param replace
        public Inflection(String regexp, String replace)
            this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp);
            this.replace = replace;

         * @return pattern
        public Pattern getPattern()
            return pattern;

         * @return replace
        public String getReplace()
            return replace;



         * -al words such as cheval -> chevaux (horse)
        takeAnS(new String[]{"bal", "carnaval", "c?r?monial", "chacal",
            "choral", "festival", "nopal", "pal", "r?cital", "r?gal",
        plural(endsWith("(al)"), "$1aux");

         * -eau words such as rideau -> rideaux (curtain) -eu words such as ?meu ->
         * ?meux (the bird)
        takeAnS(new String[]{"landau", "sarrau", "bleu", "?meu", "emposieu",
            "enfeu", "feu" /* adj */, "lieu" /* le poisson */, "pneu",
            "richelieu", "schleu"});
        plural(endsWith("(au|eu|eau)"), "$1$2x");

         * -ou words take an s except the following exceptions
        takeAnX(new String[]{"bijou", "caillou", "chou", "genou", "hibou",
            "joujou", "pou"});

         * -ail words take an S suche as portail -> portails except the
         * following exceptions
        ailIrregulars(new String[]{"b", "cor", "?m", "soupir", "trav",
            "vant", "vitr"});

         * Exceptions that doesn't fall in any category
        plural(endsWith("a?eul"), "$1a?eux");
        plural(endsWith("ciel"), "$1cieux");
        plural(endsWith("oeil"), "$1yeux");

         * COMPOSED WORDS Remains to be done. Requires type information only
         * available from a dictionary

     * Add a pattern that if matched return the original word
     * @param pattern
    private static void uncountable(String pattern)

     * -ail words that don't follow the rule
     * @param strings
    private static void ailIrregulars(String[] strings)
        for (String string : strings)
            plural("(\\S*)" + string + "ail$", "$1" + string + "aux");

     * Words that take an S
     * @param patterns
    private static void takeAnS(String[] patterns)
        for (String string : patterns)
            plural(endsWith(string), "$1" + string + 's');

     * Words that take an X
     * @param patterns
    private static void takeAnX(String[] patterns)
        for (String string : patterns)
            plural(endsWith(string), "$1" + string + 'x');

     * More complex pluralizations
     * @param pattern
     * @param replace
    private static void plural(String pattern, String replace)
        plurals.add(new Inflection(pattern, replace));

     * @param end
     * @return a pattern that matches words ending with the given parameter
    private static String endsWith(String end)
        return "(\\S*)" + end + '$';

     * Converts an French word to plural form
     * @param str
     * @return plural form
    public static String pluralize(String str)

        for (Pattern pattern : uncountables)
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str);
            if (matcher.matches())
                return str;

        List<Inflection> rules = FrenchInflector.getPluralRules();
        for (Inflection inflection : rules)
            Pattern pattern = inflection.getPattern();
            String replace = inflection.getReplace();
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str);
            if (matcher.matches())
                return matcher.replaceFirst(replace);
        return str.replaceFirst("([\\w]+)([^s])$", "$1$2s");

     * Returns map of plural patterns
    private static List<Inflection> getPluralRules()
        return plurals;