// license-header java merge-point
// Generated by andromda-jsf cartridge (controllers\Controller.java.vsl) DO NOT EDIT!
package my.onlinestore.purchase;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.andromda.samples.onlinestore.ControllerBase;
import org.andromda.samples.onlinestore.JsfUtils;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for PurchaseController
* </p>
public abstract class PurchaseController
extends ControllerBase
implements Serializable
* The serial version UID of this class. Needed for serialization.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Returns an instance from the JSF context
public static PurchaseController instance()
return (PurchaseController)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseController");
* Populate action form and page variables
* @param currentView the current view
* @param forward the forward view
* @param sourceForm the source form
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
* @throws NoSuchMethodException
private void populateActionFormsAndPageVariables(final String currentView, String forward, final Object sourceForm) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
if(forward == null)
final Map<String,Object> pageVariables=this.getPageVariables(forward);
ControllerBase.getUseCaseScope().put(CURRENT_PAGE_VARIABLES_KEY, pageVariables);
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.addItemsToBasket
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void addItemsToBasket()
throws Throwable;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.closeUserSession
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void closeUserSession()
throws Throwable;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.loadItems
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void loadItems(LoadItemsForm form)
throws Throwable;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.openUserSession
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void openUserSession()
throws Throwable;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.prepareForShipping
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void prepareForShipping()
throws Throwable;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.loadAvailableItems
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void loadAvailableItems(LoadAvailableItemsForm form)
throws Throwable;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.rememberSelection
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void rememberSelection(RememberSelectionForm form)
throws Throwable;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for my.onlinestore.purchase.loadLanguages
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @throws Throwable
public abstract void loadLanguages(LoadLanguagesForm form)
throws Throwable;
* Retrieves the {@link EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl} form instance
* @return EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl
protected EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl getEnterNameAndPasswordProceedForm()
return (EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsEnterNameAndPasswordProceedForm");
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for proceed
* </p>
* This method is called when 'proceed' is triggered in the view 'enter name and password'.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _enterNameAndPassword_proceed(EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves enterNameAndPasswordProceed()
* @return enterNameAndPasswordProceed
* @throws Throwable
public String enterNameAndPasswordProceed()
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
final EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl form =
//trigger method execution
forward = _openUserSession(form);
if(forward != null)
forward = null; //the destination form is the same, stay on the current view
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for open user session
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _openUserSession(final EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = _loadItemsForSale(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for load items for sale
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _loadItemsForSale(final EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = _promptUserWithItemList(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for prompt user with item list
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _promptUserWithItemList(final EnterNameAndPasswordProceedFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = "/my/onlinestore/purchase/select-items-to-purchase.jsf";
return forward;
* Retrieves the {@link SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl} form instance
* @return SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl
protected SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl getSelectItemsToPurchaseProceedForm()
return (SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsSelectItemsToPurchaseProceedForm");
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for proceed
* </p>
* This method is called when 'proceed' is triggered in the view 'select items to purchase'.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _selectItemsToPurchase_proceed(SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves selectItemsToPurchaseProceed()
* @return selectItemsToPurchaseProceed
* @throws Throwable
public String selectItemsToPurchaseProceed()
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
final SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl form =
//trigger method execution
forward = _addItemsToBasket(form);
if(forward != null)
forward = null; //the destination form is the same, stay on the current view
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for add items to basket
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _addItemsToBasket(final SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = _askForUserDetails(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for ask for user details
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _askForUserDetails(final SelectItemsToPurchaseProceedFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = "/my/onlinestore/purchase/enter-user-details.jsf";
return forward;
* Retrieves the {@link SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl} form instance
* @return SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl
protected SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl getSelectItemsToPurchaseBuyForm()
return (SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsSelectItemsToPurchaseBuyForm");
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for buy
* </p>
* This method is called when 'buy' is triggered in the view 'select items to purchase'.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _selectItemsToPurchase_buy(SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves selectItemsToPurchaseBuy()
* @return selectItemsToPurchaseBuy
* @throws Throwable
public String selectItemsToPurchaseBuy()
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
final SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl form =
//trigger method execution
forward = _addItemsToBasket(form);
if(forward != null)
forward = null; //the destination form is the same, stay on the current view
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for add items to basket
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _addItemsToBasket(final SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = _askForUserDetails(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for ask for user details
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _askForUserDetails(final SelectItemsToPurchaseBuyFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = "/my/onlinestore/purchase/enter-user-details.jsf";
return forward;
* Retrieves the {@link SelectItemsToPurchaseDetailsFormImpl} form instance
* @return SelectItemsToPurchaseDetailsFormImpl
protected SelectItemsToPurchaseDetailsFormImpl getSelectItemsToPurchaseDetailsForm()
return (SelectItemsToPurchaseDetailsFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsSelectItemsToPurchaseDetailsForm");
* <p>
* This action could bring you to the item details page (not to overcomplicate this example we
* simply restart the use-case).
* </p>
* This method is called when 'details' is triggered in the view 'select items to purchase'.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _selectItemsToPurchase_details(SelectItemsToPurchaseDetailsFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves selectItemsToPurchaseDetails()
* @return selectItemsToPurchaseDetails
* @throws Throwable
public String selectItemsToPurchaseDetails()
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
return forward;
* Retrieves the {@link SelectItemsToPurchaseGoFormImpl} form instance
* @return SelectItemsToPurchaseGoFormImpl
protected SelectItemsToPurchaseGoFormImpl getSelectItemsToPurchaseGoForm()
return (SelectItemsToPurchaseGoFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsSelectItemsToPurchaseGoForm");
* <p>
* This action could bring you to the page describing the publisher (not to overcomplicate this
* example we simply restart the use-case).
* </p>
* This method is called when 'go' is triggered in the view 'select items to purchase'.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _selectItemsToPurchase_go(SelectItemsToPurchaseGoFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves selectItemsToPurchaseGo()
* @return selectItemsToPurchaseGo
* @throws Throwable
public String selectItemsToPurchaseGo()
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
return forward;
* Retrieves the {@link SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl} form instance
* @return SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl
protected SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl getSelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionForm()
return (SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsSelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionForm");
* <p>
* This is a dummy event, just to show the usage of an action that operates on an entire table.
* </p>
* This method is called when 'remember selection' is triggered in the view 'select items to purchase'.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _selectItemsToPurchase_rememberSelection(SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves selectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelection()
* @return selectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelection
* @throws Throwable
public String selectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelection()
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
final SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl form =
//trigger method execution
forward = _rememberSelection(form);
if(forward != null)
forward = null; //the destination form is the same, stay on the current view
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for remember selection
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _rememberSelection(final SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = _addItemsToBasket(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for add items to basket
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _addItemsToBasket(final SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = _askForUserDetails(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for ask for user details
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _askForUserDetails(final SelectItemsToPurchaseRememberSelectionFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = "/my/onlinestore/purchase/enter-user-details.jsf";
return forward;
* Retrieves the {@link EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl} form instance
* @return EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl
protected EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl getEnterUserDetailsPurchaseForm()
return (EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsEnterUserDetailsPurchaseForm");
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for purchase
* </p>
* This method is called when 'purchase' is triggered in the view 'enter user details'.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _enterUserDetails_purchase(EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves enterUserDetailsPurchase()
* @return enterUserDetailsPurchase
* @throws Throwable
public String enterUserDetailsPurchase()
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
final EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl form =
//trigger method execution
forward = _prepareItemsForShipping(form);
if(forward != null)
forward = null; //the destination form is the same, stay on the current view
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for prepare items for shipping
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _prepareItemsForShipping(final EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = _closeUserSession(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for close user session
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _closeUserSession(final EnterUserDetailsPurchaseFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = ((PurchaseController)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseController")).startUseCase();
return forward;
* Retrieves the {@link PurchaseItemsFormImpl} form instance
* @return PurchaseItemsFormImpl
protected PurchaseItemsFormImpl getPurchaseItemsForm()
return (PurchaseItemsFormImpl)JsfUtils.resolveVariable("purchaseItemsPurchaseItemsForm");
* This method is called when the use case 'Purchase Items' starts.
* It can be safely overridden in descendant classes.
* @param form the associated form
protected void _purchaseItems_started(PurchaseItemsFormImpl form)
//this method can be overridden
* Retrieves the internal start use case
* @return purchaseItems
* @throws Throwable
protected String internalStartUseCase(Map<String,Object> useCaseParameters)
throws Throwable
String forward=null;
final PurchaseItemsFormImpl form =
//copy parameters form caller use case
//trigger method execution
forward = _promptUserForNameAndPassword(form);
return forward;
* <p>
* TODO: Model Documentation for prompt user for name and password
* </p>
* @param form the associated form
* @return the forward view
* @throws Throwable
protected String _promptUserForNameAndPassword(final PurchaseItemsFormImpl form)
throws Throwable
String forward = null;
forward = "/my/onlinestore/purchase/enter-name-and-password.jsf";
return forward;
* Returns the current Basket from the session found in the argument request.
* <p/>
* In case an object was found in the session but it was not of the correct type, this method
* will return <code>null</code>.
* <p/>
* If there is no session, it will be created; if the session does not contain the session-object
* the object will be instantiated and subsequently stored in the session.
* @return read description
protected final Basket getBasket()
Basket object = null;
final HttpSession session = JsfUtils.getSession(true);
Object attribute = session.getAttribute("basket");
if (attribute instanceof Basket)
object = (Basket)attribute;
else if (attribute == null)
object = new Basket();
return object;
* Set the argument org.andromda.cartridges.jsf2.metafacades.JSFSessionObjectLogicImpl[Basket] .name object in the session corresponding with the argument request.
* If the session does not exist it will be created.
* @param object the object
protected final void setBasket(final Basket object)
this.setBasket(object, true);
* Set the argument Basket object in the session corresponding with the argument request.
* Any existing object will be overwritten.
* @param object the object
* @param createSession denotes whether or not the session should be created automatically in case it
* would not yet exist
protected final void setBasket(Basket object, boolean createSession)
final HttpSession session = JsfUtils.getSession(createSession);
if (session != null)
session.setAttribute("basket", object);
* Removes the argument Basket object from the session corresponding with the argument request.
* In any of the following cases this method will do nothing:
* <ul>
* <li>No session corresponds to the argument request</li>
* <li>No Basket object could be found in the request</li>
* <li>The object is not of the correct type</li>
* </ul>
protected final void removeBasket()
final HttpSession session = JsfUtils.getSession(false);
if (session != null)
Object attribute = session.getAttribute("basket");
if (attribute instanceof Basket)