
package org.andromda.cartridges.ejb3;

 * Stores Globals specific to the EJB3 cartridge.
 * @author Vance Karimi
public class EJB3Globals
     * The property that stores the default EJB transaction type.
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE = "transactionType";

     * The pattern to use for determining the package name for EJBs.
    public static final String JNDI_NAME_PREFIX = "jndiNamePrefix";

     * The property which stores the pattern defining the display attribute
     * label name when it's of type Collection.
    public static final String LABEL_COLLECTION_NAME_PATTERN = "labelCollectionNamePattern";

     * The property which stores the pattern defining the display attribute
     * label name when it's not of type Collection.
    public static final String LABEL_SINGLE_NAME_PATTERN = "labelSingleNamePattern";

     * The pattern used to construct the DAO name.
    public static final String DAO_PATTERN = "daoNamePattern";

     * The property which stores the persistence context unit name associated with the default
     * Entity Manager.
    public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_UNIT_NAME = "persistenceContextUnitName";

     * The property used to specify the implementation operation name pattern
     * on service and entity beans.
    public static final String IMPLEMENTATION_OPERATION_NAME_PATTERN =

     * The property used to specify whether to enable query cache.
    public static final String HIBERNATE_USER_QUERY_CACHE = "hibernateUseQueryCache";

     * The property that stores the comma separated list of roles for manageable
     * service beans.
    public static final String MANAGEABLE_ROLES_ALLOWED = "manageableRolesAllowed";

    // --------------- Constants ---------------------

     * Represents the eager fetch type
    public static final String FETCH_TYPE_EAGER = "EAGER";

     * Represents the lazy fetch type
    public static final String FETCH_TYPE_LAZY = "LAZY";

     * Represents the clob lob type
    public static final String LOB_TYPE_CLOB = "CLOB";

     * Represents the blob lob type
    public static final String LOB_TYPE_BLOB = "BLOB";

     * Represents the table generator type
    public static final String GENERATOR_TYPE_TABLE = "TABLE";

     * Represents the sequence generator type
    public static final String GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE = "SEQUENCE";

     * Represents the identity generator type
    public static final String GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY = "IDENTITY";

     * Represents the auto generator type
    public static final String GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO = "AUTO";

     * Represents the generic generator type
    public static final String GENERATOR_TYPE_GENERIC = "GENERIC";

     * Represents the none generator type
    public static final String GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE = "NONE";

     * Represents the date temporal type
    public static final String TEMPORAL_TYPE_DATE = "DATE";

     * Represents the time temporal type
    public static final String TEMPORAL_TYPE_TIME = "TIME";

     * Represents the timestamp temporal type
    public static final String TEMPORAL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP = "TIMESTAMP";

     * Represents the none temporal type
    public static final String TEMPORAL_TYPE_NONE = "NONE";

     * Represents the finder method index type on the parameter
    public static final String FINDER_RESULT_TYPE_FIRST = "First";

     * Represents the finder method max count on the parameter
    public static final String FINDER_RESULT_TYPE_MAX = "Max";

     * Represents the view type for the entity POJO as both remote and local
    public static final String VIEW_TYPE_BOTH = "both";

     * Represents the local view type for the entity POJO
    public static final String VIEW_TYPE_LOCAL = "local";

     * Represents the remote view type for the entity POJO
    public static final String VIEW_TYPE_REMOTE = "remote";

     * Represents the mandatory transaction type
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE_MANDATORY = "Manadatory";

     * Represents the never transaction type
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE_NEVER = "Never";

     * Represents the not supported transaction type
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "NotSupported";

     * Represents the required transaction type
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE_REQUIRED = "Required";

     * Represents the required transaction type
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE_REQUIRES_NEW = "RequiresNew";

     * Represents the supports transaction type
    public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE_SUPPORTS = "Supports";

     * Represents the stateless session bean
    public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_STATELESS = "Stateless";

     * Represents the stateful session bean
    public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_STATEFUL = "Stateful";

     * Represents the JBoss persistence container constant
    public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTAINER_JBOSS = "jboss";

     * Represents the Weblogic persistence container contant
    public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTAINER_WEBLOGIC = "weblogic";

     * Represents the default security domain
    public static final String SECURITY_REALM = "securityRealm";

     * Represents the bean managed transaction demarcation
    public static final String TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT_BEAN = "bean";

     * Represents the container managed transaction demarcation
    public static final String TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT_CONTAINER = "container";

     * Represents the fully qualified topic destination type for the
     * JMS message driven bean
    public static final String MDB_DESTINATION_TYPE_TOPIC = "javax.jms.Topic";

     * Represents the fully qualified queue destination type for the
     * JMS message driven bean
    public static final String MDB_DESTINATION_TYPE_QUEUE = "javax.jms.Queue";

     * Represents the durable subscription topic
    public static final String MDB_SUBSCRIPTION_DURABLE = "Durable";

     * Represents the non durable subscription topic
    public static final String MDB_SUBSCRIPTION_NONDURABLE = "NonDurable";

     * The namespace delimiter (separates namespaces).
    public static final char NAMESPACE_DELIMITER = '.';

     * Defines the prefix given to the transformation constants.
    public static final String TRANSFORMATION_CONSTANT_PREFIX = "TRANSFORM_";

     * The suffix given to the no transformation constant.
    public static final String NO_TRANSFORMATION_CONSTANT_SUFFIX = "NONE";

     * The prefix given to transformation method names.
    public static final String TRANSFORMATION_METHOD_PREFIX = "to";

     * The suffix given to transformation method names.
    public static final String TRANSFORMATION_TO_COLLECTION_METHOD_SUFFIX = "Collection";

     * Seam component scope type STATELESS
    public static final String SEAM_COMPONENT_SCOPE_STATELESS = "STATELESS";

     * Seam component scope type CONVERSATION

     * The property representing the default collection interface of java.util.SortedSet
    public static final String COLLECTION_INTERFACE_SORTED_SET = "java.util.SortedSet";