package org.andromda.cartridges.ejb3;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.andromda.cartridges.ejb3.metafacades.EJB3AssociationEndFacade;
import org.andromda.cartridges.ejb3.metafacades.EJB3EntityAttributeFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelElementFacade;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* Transform class for the EJB3 cartridge.
* @author Richard Kunze
* @author Chad Brandon
* @author Vance Karimi
* @author Michail Plushnikov
public class EJB3ScriptHelper
* Create a collection of String objects representing the argument names.
* @param args A comma separated list of arguments
* @return Collection A collection of of Strings representing the arguments
public Collection<String> getArgumentsAsList(final String args)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(args, ",");
Collection<String> retval = new ArrayList<String>(st.countTokens());
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
return retval;
* Filter a list of model elements by visibility.
* @param list the original list
* @param visibility the visibility - "public" "protected", "private" or the empty string (for package visibility)
* @return a list with all elements from the original list that have a matching visibility.
public Collection<ModelElementFacade> filterByVisibility(final Collection<ModelElementFacade> list, final String visibility)
return CollectionUtils.select(list, new Predicate()
public boolean evaluate(final Object pObj)
ModelElementFacade elem = (ModelElementFacade )pObj;
return visibility.equals(elem.getVisibility());
* Filter a list of EntityAttributes by removing all non-updatable attributes.
* This filter currently removes all attributes that are of stereotype Version
* It also removes identifier attributes for an entity with a composite primary key class
* or if the identifier attribute has a specified generator.
* @param list The original list
* @param isCompositePKPresent True if entity has a composite primary key
* @return Collection A list of EntityAttributes from the original list that are updatable
public Collection<EJB3EntityAttributeFacade> filterUpdatableAttributes(final Collection<EJB3EntityAttributeFacade> list, final boolean isCompositePKPresent)
return CollectionUtils.select(list, new Predicate()
public boolean evaluate(final Object pObj)
if (pObj instanceof EJB3EntityAttributeFacade)
EJB3EntityAttributeFacade attr = (EJB3EntityAttributeFacade)pObj;
return !attr.isVersion() &&
((isCompositePKPresent && !attr.isIdentifier()) ||
(!isCompositePKPresent && (attr.isIdentifier() && attr.isGeneratorTypeNone()) ||
System.out.println("NOT EJB3EntityAttributeFacade: " + pObj);
return false;
* Filter a list of EntityAttributes by removing all audit attributes.
* This filter currently removes all attributes that are of stereotype Version
* It also removes identifier attributes for an entity with a composite primary key class
* or if the identifier attribute have a specified generator.
* @param list The original list
* @param jpaFramework If using a JPA auditing framework. Filter none if not using it.
* @return Collection A list of EntityAttributes from the original list that are updatable
public Collection<EJB3EntityAttributeFacade> filterAuditAttributes(final Collection<EJB3EntityAttributeFacade> list, final boolean jpaFramework)
return CollectionUtils.select(list, new Predicate()
public boolean evaluate(final Object pObj)
// returns true if attribute should not be filtered out
if (pObj instanceof EJB3EntityAttributeFacade)
EJB3EntityAttributeFacade attr = (EJB3EntityAttributeFacade)pObj;
/*System.out.println(attr.getOwner().getName() + " jpa=" + jpaFramework + " attr=" + attr.getName()
+ " return=" + (!jpaFramework || !(attr.getName().equals("createDate")
|| attr.getName().equals("createdBy") || attr.getName().equals("updateDate")
|| attr.getName().equals("updatedBy"))));*/
return (!jpaFramework || !(attr.getName().equals("createDate")
|| attr.getName().equals("createdBy") || attr.getName().equals("updateDate")
|| attr.getName().equals("updatedBy")));
//System.out.println("NOT EJB3EntityAttributeFacade: " + pObj);
return false;
* Filter a list of EntityAttributes by removing all non-required attributes.
* This filter currently removes all attributes that are of stereotype Version
* It also removes identifier attributes for an entity with a composite primary key class
* or if the identifier attribute have a specified generator.
* @param list The original list
* @param isCompositePKPresent True if entity has a composite primary key
* @return Collection A list of EntityAttributes from the original list that are updatable
public Collection<EJB3EntityAttributeFacade> filterRequiredAttributes(final Collection<EJB3EntityAttributeFacade> list, final boolean isCompositePKPresent)
return CollectionUtils.select(list, new Predicate()
public boolean evaluate(final Object pObj)
if (pObj instanceof EJB3EntityAttributeFacade)
// Wrapped primitive may be set to column nullable = false to override nullable datatype
EJB3EntityAttributeFacade attr = (EJB3EntityAttributeFacade)pObj;
return !attr.isVersion() && !attr.isColumnNullable() &&
(!attr.isIdentifier() || (!isCompositePKPresent &&
/*((isCompositePKPresent && !attr.isIdentifier()) ||
(!isCompositePKPresent && (!attr.isIdentifier() ||
System.out.println("NOT EJB3EntityAttributeFacade: " + pObj);
return false;
* Filter a list of EntityAssociationEnds by removing all non-required AssociationEnds.
* It also removes identifier AssociationEnds for an entity with a composite primary key class
* @param list The original list
* @param isCompositePKPresent True if entity has a composite primary key
* @return Collection A list of EntityAssociationEnds from the original list that are updatable
public Collection<EJB3AssociationEndFacade> filterRequiredAssociations(final Collection<EJB3AssociationEndFacade> list, final boolean isCompositePKPresent)
return CollectionUtils.select(list, new Predicate()
public boolean evaluate(final Object pObj)
if (pObj instanceof EJB3AssociationEndFacade)
EJB3AssociationEndFacade assoc = (EJB3AssociationEndFacade)pObj;
return assoc.getOtherEnd().isRequired() || assoc.isIdentifier();
/*return attr.isRequired() &&
((isCompositePKPresent && !attr.isIdentifier()) ||
(!isCompositePKPresent && (!attr.isIdentifier() ||
System.out.println("NOT EJB3AssociationEndFacade: " + pObj);
return false;
* Replaces all instances of the dot (.) in the name argument with an underscore (_)
* and returns the string response.
* @param name The name, typically a fully qualified name with dot notation
* @return The string with all dots replaced with underscore.
public String toUnderscoreName(final String name)
return StringUtils.replaceChars(name, '.', '_');
private static final String BACKSLASH = "\"";
private static final String QUOTE = "'";
* Removes instances of the quotation marks (" and ') at the beginning and end of the value argument
* @param pValue The value, which can contains leading and trailing quotation marks
* @return The string without quotation marks
public String removeQuotationmarks(final String pValue)
String result = StringUtils.removeStart(pValue, BACKSLASH);
result = StringUtils.removeEnd(result, BACKSLASH);
result = StringUtils.removeStart(result, QUOTE);
return StringUtils.removeEnd(result, QUOTE);
private static final String COMMA = ", ";
* Returns the comma separated list of interceptor classes.
* @param interceptors The collection ModelElementFacade elements representing the interceptors
* @param prepend Prefix any interceptors to the comma separated list
* @return String containing the comma separated fully qualified class names
public String getInterceptorsAsList(final Collection<ModelElementFacade> interceptors, final String prepend)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String separator = "";
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prepend))
separator = COMMA;
for (ModelElementFacade interceptor : interceptors)
separator = COMMA;
return sb.toString();
* Reverses the <code>packageName</code>.
* @param packageName the package name to reverse.
* @return the reversed package name.
public static String reversePackage(final String packageName)
return StringUtils.reverseDelimited(packageName, EJB3Globals.NAMESPACE_DELIMITER);