// license-header java merge-point
// Attention: generated code (by MetafacadeLogic.vsl) - do not modify!
package org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.andromda.core.common.Introspector;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeFactory;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.ModelValidationMessage;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ActivityGraphFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ConstraintFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.DependencyFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelElementFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.PackageFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.PartitionFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.StateMachineFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.StateVertexFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.StereotypeFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.TaggedValueFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.TemplateParameterFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.TypeMappings;
* TODO: Model Documentation for org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane
* MetafacadeLogic for JBpmSwimlane
* @see JBpmSwimlane
public abstract class JBpmSwimlaneLogic
extends MetafacadeBase
implements JBpmSwimlane
* The underlying UML object
* @see Object
protected Object metaObject;
/** Create Metafacade implementation instance using the MetafacadeFactory from the context
* @param metaObjectIn
* @param context
protected JBpmSwimlaneLogic(Object metaObjectIn, String context)
super(metaObjectIn, getContext(context));
this.superPartitionFacade =
this.metaObject = metaObjectIn;
* Gets the context for this metafacade logic instance.
* @param context String. Set to JBpmSwimlane if null
* @return context String
private static String getContext(String context)
if (context == null)
context = "org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane";
return context;
private PartitionFacade superPartitionFacade;
private boolean superPartitionFacadeInitialized = false;
* Gets the PartitionFacade parent instance.
* @return this.superPartitionFacade PartitionFacade
private PartitionFacade getSuperPartitionFacade()
if (!this.superPartitionFacadeInitialized)
this.superPartitionFacadeInitialized = true;
return this.superPartitionFacade;
/** Reset context only for non-root metafacades
* @param context
* @see org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase#resetMetafacadeContext(String context)
public void resetMetafacadeContext(String context)
if (!this.contextRoot) // reset context only for non-root metafacades
context = getContext(context); // to have same value as in original constructor call
setMetafacadeContext (context);
if (this.superPartitionFacadeInitialized)
* @return boolean true always
* @see JBpmSwimlane
public boolean isJBpmSwimlaneMetaType()
return true;
// --------------- attributes ---------------------
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane#getAssignmentExpression()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetAssignmentExpression();
private String __assignmentExpression1a;
private boolean __assignmentExpression1aSet = false;
* TODO: Model Documentation for
* org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane.assignmentExpression
* @return (String)handleGetAssignmentExpression()
public final String getAssignmentExpression()
String assignmentExpression1a = this.__assignmentExpression1a;
if (!this.__assignmentExpression1aSet)
// assignmentExpression has no pre constraints
assignmentExpression1a = handleGetAssignmentExpression();
// assignmentExpression has no post constraints
this.__assignmentExpression1a = assignmentExpression1a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__assignmentExpression1aSet = true;
return assignmentExpression1a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane#isContainedInBusinessProcess()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsContainedInBusinessProcess();
private boolean __containedInBusinessProcess2a;
private boolean __containedInBusinessProcess2aSet = false;
* True if this element is part of a business process usecase.
* @return (boolean)handleIsContainedInBusinessProcess()
public final boolean isContainedInBusinessProcess()
boolean containedInBusinessProcess2a = this.__containedInBusinessProcess2a;
if (!this.__containedInBusinessProcess2aSet)
// containedInBusinessProcess has no pre constraints
containedInBusinessProcess2a = handleIsContainedInBusinessProcess();
// containedInBusinessProcess has no post constraints
this.__containedInBusinessProcess2a = containedInBusinessProcess2a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__containedInBusinessProcess2aSet = true;
return containedInBusinessProcess2a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane#getClazz()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetClazz();
private String __clazz3a;
private boolean __clazz3aSet = false;
* TODO: Model Documentation for org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane.clazz
* @return (String)handleGetClazz()
public final String getClazz()
String clazz3a = this.__clazz3a;
if (!this.__clazz3aSet)
// clazz has no pre constraints
clazz3a = handleGetClazz();
// clazz has no post constraints
this.__clazz3a = clazz3a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__clazz3aSet = true;
return clazz3a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane#getAssignmentHandlerClassName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetAssignmentHandlerClassName();
private String __assignmentHandlerClassName4a;
private boolean __assignmentHandlerClassName4aSet = false;
* TODO: Model Documentation for
* org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane.assignmentHandlerClassName
* @return (String)handleGetAssignmentHandlerClassName()
public final String getAssignmentHandlerClassName()
String assignmentHandlerClassName4a = this.__assignmentHandlerClassName4a;
if (!this.__assignmentHandlerClassName4aSet)
// assignmentHandlerClassName has no pre constraints
assignmentHandlerClassName4a = handleGetAssignmentHandlerClassName();
// assignmentHandlerClassName has no post constraints
this.__assignmentHandlerClassName4a = assignmentHandlerClassName4a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__assignmentHandlerClassName4aSet = true;
return assignmentHandlerClassName4a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane#getAssignmentHandlerPackageName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetAssignmentHandlerPackageName();
private String __assignmentHandlerPackageName5a;
private boolean __assignmentHandlerPackageName5aSet = false;
* TODO: Model Documentation for
* org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane.assignmentHandlerPackageName
* @return (String)handleGetAssignmentHandlerPackageName()
public final String getAssignmentHandlerPackageName()
String assignmentHandlerPackageName5a = this.__assignmentHandlerPackageName5a;
if (!this.__assignmentHandlerPackageName5aSet)
// assignmentHandlerPackageName has no pre constraints
assignmentHandlerPackageName5a = handleGetAssignmentHandlerPackageName();
// assignmentHandlerPackageName has no post constraints
this.__assignmentHandlerPackageName5a = assignmentHandlerPackageName5a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__assignmentHandlerPackageName5aSet = true;
return assignmentHandlerPackageName5a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane#getAssignmentHandlerFullPath()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetAssignmentHandlerFullPath();
private String __assignmentHandlerFullPath6a;
private boolean __assignmentHandlerFullPath6aSet = false;
* TODO: Model Documentation for
* org.andromda.cartridges.jbpm.metafacades.JBpmSwimlane.assignmentHandlerFullPath
* @return (String)handleGetAssignmentHandlerFullPath()
public final String getAssignmentHandlerFullPath()
String assignmentHandlerFullPath6a = this.__assignmentHandlerFullPath6a;
if (!this.__assignmentHandlerFullPath6aSet)
// assignmentHandlerFullPath has no pre constraints
assignmentHandlerFullPath6a = handleGetAssignmentHandlerFullPath();
// assignmentHandlerFullPath has no post constraints
this.__assignmentHandlerFullPath6a = assignmentHandlerFullPath6a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__assignmentHandlerFullPath6aSet = true;
return assignmentHandlerFullPath6a;
// ------------- associations ------------------
* @return true
* @see PartitionFacade
public boolean isPartitionFacadeMetaType()
return true;
* @return true
* @see ModelElementFacade
public boolean isModelElementFacadeMetaType()
return true;
// ----------- delegates to PartitionFacade ------------
* Copies all tagged values from the given ModelElementFacade to this model element facade.
* @see ModelElementFacade#copyTaggedValues(ModelElementFacade element)
public void copyTaggedValues(ModelElementFacade element)
* Finds the tagged value with the specified 'tagName'. In case there are more values the first
* one found will be returned.
* @see ModelElementFacade#findTaggedValue(String tagName)
public Object findTaggedValue(String tagName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().findTaggedValue(tagName);
* Returns all the values for the tagged value with the specified name. The returned collection
* will contains only String instances, or will be empty. Never null.
* @see ModelElementFacade#findTaggedValues(String tagName)
public Collection<Object> findTaggedValues(String tagName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().findTaggedValues(tagName);
* Returns the fully qualified name of the model element. The fully qualified name includes
* complete package qualified name of the underlying model element. The templates parameter will
* be replaced by the correct one given the binding relation of the parameter to this element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getBindedFullyQualifiedName(ModelElementFacade bindedElement)
public String getBindedFullyQualifiedName(ModelElementFacade bindedElement)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getBindedFullyQualifiedName(bindedElement);
* Gets all constraints belonging to the model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getConstraints()
public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getConstraints()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getConstraints();
* Returns the constraints of the argument kind that have been placed onto this model. Typical
* kinds are "inv", "pre" and "post". Other kinds are possible.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getConstraints(String kind)
public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getConstraints(String kind)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getConstraints(kind);
* Gets the documentation for the model element, The indent argument is prefixed to each line.
* By default this method wraps lines after 64 characters.
* This method is equivalent to <code>getDocumentation(indent, 64)</code>.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getDocumentation(String indent)
public String getDocumentation(String indent)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getDocumentation(indent);
* This method returns the documentation for this model element, with the lines wrapped after
* the specified number of characters, values of less than 1 will indicate no line wrapping is
* required. By default paragraphs are returned as HTML.
* This method is equivalent to <code>getDocumentation(indent, lineLength, true)</code>.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength)
public String getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getDocumentation(indent, lineLength);
* This method returns the documentation for this model element, with the lines wrapped after
* the specified number of characters, values of less than 1 will indicate no line wrapping is
* required. HTML style determines if HTML Escaping is applied.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength, boolean htmlStyle)
public String getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength, boolean htmlStyle)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getDocumentation(indent, lineLength, htmlStyle);
* The fully qualified name of this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getFullyQualifiedName()
public String getFullyQualifiedName()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getFullyQualifiedName();
* Returns the fully qualified name of the model element. The fully qualified name includes
* complete package qualified name of the underlying model element. If modelName is true, then
* the original name of the model element (the name contained within the model) will be the name
* returned, otherwise a name from a language mapping will be returned.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getFullyQualifiedName(boolean modelName)
public String getFullyQualifiedName(boolean modelName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getFullyQualifiedName(modelName);
* Returns the fully qualified name as a path, the returned value always starts with out a slash
* '/'.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getFullyQualifiedNamePath()
public String getFullyQualifiedNamePath()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getFullyQualifiedNamePath();
* Gets the unique identifier of the underlying model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getId()
public String getId()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getId();
* UML2: Retrieves the keywords for this element. Used to modify implementation properties which
* are not represented by other properties, i.e. native, transient, volatile, synchronized,
* (added annotations) override, deprecated. Can also be used to suppress compiler warnings:
* (added annotations) unchecked, fallthrough, path, serial, finally, all. Annotations require
* JDK5 compiler level.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getKeywords()
public Collection<String> getKeywords()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getKeywords();
* UML2: Retrieves a localized label for this named element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getLabel()
public String getLabel()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getLabel();
* The language mappings that have been set for this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getLanguageMappings()
public TypeMappings getLanguageMappings()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getLanguageMappings();
* Return the model containing this model element (multiple models may be loaded and processed
* at the same time).
* @see ModelElementFacade#getModel()
public ModelFacade getModel()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getModel();
* The name of the model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getName()
public String getName()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getName();
* Gets the package to which this model element belongs.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackage()
public ModelElementFacade getPackage()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getPackage();
* The name of this model element's package.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackageName()
public String getPackageName()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getPackageName();
* Gets the package name (optionally providing the ability to retrieve the model name and not
* the mapped name).
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackageName(boolean modelName)
public String getPackageName(boolean modelName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getPackageName(modelName);
* Returns the package as a path, the returned value always starts with out a slash '/'.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackagePath()
public String getPackagePath()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getPackagePath();
* UML2: Returns the value of the 'Qualified Name' attribute. A name which allows the
* NamedElement to be identified within a hierarchy of nested Namespaces. It is constructed from
* the names of the containing namespaces starting at the root of the hierarchy and ending with
* the name of the NamedElement itself.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getQualifiedName()
public String getQualifiedName()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getQualifiedName();
* Gets the root package for the model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getRootPackage()
public PackageFacade getRootPackage()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getRootPackage();
* Gets the dependencies for which this model element is the source.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getSourceDependencies()
public Collection<DependencyFacade> getSourceDependencies()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getSourceDependencies();
* If this model element is the context of an activity graph, this represents that activity
* graph.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getStateMachineContext()
public StateMachineFacade getStateMachineContext()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getStateMachineContext();
* The collection of ALL stereotype names for this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getStereotypeNames()
public Collection<String> getStereotypeNames()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getStereotypeNames();
* Gets all stereotypes for this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getStereotypes()
public Collection<StereotypeFacade> getStereotypes()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getStereotypes();
* Return the TaggedValues associated with this model element, under all stereotypes.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTaggedValues()
public Collection<TaggedValueFacade> getTaggedValues()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getTaggedValues();
* Gets the dependencies for which this model element is the target.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTargetDependencies()
public Collection<DependencyFacade> getTargetDependencies()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getTargetDependencies();
* Get the template parameter for this model element having the parameterName
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTemplateParameter(String parameterName)
public Object getTemplateParameter(String parameterName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getTemplateParameter(parameterName);
* Get the template parameters for this model element
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTemplateParameters()
public Collection<TemplateParameterFacade> getTemplateParameters()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getTemplateParameters();
* The visibility (i.e. public, private, protected or package) of the model element, will
* attempt a lookup for these values in the language mappings (if any).
* @see ModelElementFacade#getVisibility()
public String getVisibility()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getVisibility();
* Returns true if the model element has the exact stereotype (meaning no stereotype inheritance
* is taken into account when searching for the stereotype), false otherwise.
* @see ModelElementFacade#hasExactStereotype(String stereotypeName)
public boolean hasExactStereotype(String stereotypeName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().hasExactStereotype(stereotypeName);
* Does the UML Element contain the named Keyword? Keywords can be separated by space, comma,
* pipe, semicolon, or << >>
* @see ModelElementFacade#hasKeyword(String keywordName)
public boolean hasKeyword(String keywordName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().hasKeyword(keywordName);
* Returns true if the model element has the specified stereotype. If the stereotype itself
* does not match, then a search will be made up the stereotype inheritance hierarchy, and if
* one of the stereotype's ancestors has a matching name this method will return true, false
* otherwise.
* For example, if we have a certain stereotype called <<exception>> and a model element has a
* stereotype called <<applicationException>> which extends <<exception>>, when calling this
* method with 'stereotypeName' defined as 'exception' the method would return true since
* <<applicationException>> inherits from <<exception>>. If you want to check if the model
* element has the exact stereotype, then use the method 'hasExactStereotype' instead.
* @see ModelElementFacade#hasStereotype(String stereotypeName)
public boolean hasStereotype(String stereotypeName)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().hasStereotype(stereotypeName);
* True if there are target dependencies from this element that are instances of BindingFacade.
* Deprecated in UML2: Use TemplateBinding parameters instead of dependencies.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isBindingDependenciesPresent()
public boolean isBindingDependenciesPresent()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().isBindingDependenciesPresent();
* Indicates if any constraints are present on this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isConstraintsPresent()
public boolean isConstraintsPresent()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().isConstraintsPresent();
* Indicates if any documentation is present on this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isDocumentationPresent()
public boolean isDocumentationPresent()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().isDocumentationPresent();
* True if this element name is a reserved word in Java, C#, ANSI or ISO C, C++, JavaScript.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isReservedWord()
public boolean isReservedWord()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().isReservedWord();
* True is there are template parameters on this model element. For UML2, applies to Class,
* Operation, Property, and Parameter.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isTemplateParametersPresent()
public boolean isTemplateParametersPresent()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().isTemplateParametersPresent();
* True if this element name is a valid identifier name in Java, C#, ANSI or ISO C, C++,
* JavaScript. Contains no spaces, special characters etc. Constraint always applied on
* Enumerations and Interfaces, optionally applies on other model elements.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isValidIdentifierName()
public boolean isValidIdentifierName()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().isValidIdentifierName();
* Searches for the constraint with the specified 'name' on this model element, and if found
* translates it using the specified 'translation' from a translation library discovered by the
* framework.
* @see ModelElementFacade#translateConstraint(String name, String translation)
public String translateConstraint(String name, String translation)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().translateConstraint(name, translation);
* Translates all constraints belonging to this model element with the given 'translation'.
* @see ModelElementFacade#translateConstraints(String translation)
public String[] translateConstraints(String translation)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().translateConstraints(translation);
* Translates the constraints of the specified 'kind' belonging to this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#translateConstraints(String kind, String translation)
public String[] translateConstraints(String kind, String translation)
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().translateConstraints(kind, translation);
* State machines can be used to express the behavior of part of a system. Behavior is modeled
* as a
* traversal of a graph of state nodes interconnected by one or more joined transition arcs that
* are
* triggered by the dispatching of series of (event) occurrences. During this traversal, the
* state
* machine executes a series of activities associated with various elements of the state
* machine.
* @see PartitionFacade#getActivityGraph()
public ActivityGraphFacade getActivityGraph()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getActivityGraph();
* All vertices enveloped by this partition.
* @see PartitionFacade#getVertices()
public Collection<StateVertexFacade> getVertices()
return this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getVertices();
* @see org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase#initialize()
public void initialize()
* @return Object getSuperPartitionFacade().getValidationOwner()
* @see org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase#getValidationOwner()
public Object getValidationOwner()
Object owner = this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getValidationOwner();
return owner;
* @return String getSuperPartitionFacade().getValidationName()
* @see org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase#getValidationName()
public String getValidationName()
String name = this.getSuperPartitionFacade().getValidationName();
return name;
* @param validationMessages Collection<ModelValidationMessage>
* @see org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase#validateInvariants(Collection validationMessages)
public void validateInvariants(Collection<ModelValidationMessage> validationMessages)
* The property that stores the name of the metafacade.
private static final String NAME_PROPERTY = "name";
private static final String FQNAME_PROPERTY = "fullyQualifiedName";
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
final StringBuilder toString = new StringBuilder(this.getClass().getName());
toString.append(Introspector.instance().getProperty(this, FQNAME_PROPERTY));
catch (final Throwable tryAgain)
toString.append(Introspector.instance().getProperty(this, NAME_PROPERTY));
catch (final Throwable ignore)
// - just ignore when the metafacade doesn't have a name or fullyQualifiedName property
return toString.toString();