package org.andromda.cartridges.spring.metafacades;
* Stores Globals specific to the Spring cartridge.
* @author Chad Brandon
* @author Wouter Zoons
public class SpringGlobals
* Denotes whether or not subclasses require their own mapping file.
static public final String HIBERNATE_MAPPING_STRATEGY = "hibernateMappingStrategy";
* A mapping file per subclass.
static public final String HIBERNATE_MAPPING_STRATEGY_SUBCLASS = "subclass";
* A mapping file per hierarchy.
static public final String HIBERNATE_MAPPING_STRATEGY_HIERARCHY = "hierarchy";
* POJO implementation class suffix.
static final String IMPLEMENTATION_SUFFIX = "Impl";
* EJB implementation class suffix.
static final String EJB_IMPLEMENTATION_SUFFIX = "Bean";
* The service base class suffix.
static final String SERVICE_BASE_SUFFIX = "Base";
* The name prefix for all spring bean ids.
static final String BEAN_NAME_PREFIX = "beanNamePrefix";
* The bean name target suffix
static final String BEAN_NAME_TARGET_SUFFIX = "Target";
* The service web service delegator.
static final String WEB_SERVICE_DELEGATOR_SUFFIX = "WSDelegator";
* The prefix given to transformation method names.
static final String TRANSFORMATION_METHOD_PREFIX = "to";
* The suffix given to collection transformation method names.
* The suffix given to array method names.
* Defines the prefix given to the transformation constants.
* The property used to specify the implementation operation name pattern (on both services and DAOs).
static final String IMPLEMENTATION_OPERATION_NAME_PATTERN = "implementationOperationNamePattern";
* The name pattern for service implementation class packages
static final String IMPLEMENTATION_PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN = "implementationPackageNamePattern";
* The pattern used to construct the DAO base name.
static final String DAO_BASE_PATTERN = "daoBaseNamePattern";
* The pattern used to construct the DAO name.
static final String DAO_PATTERN = "daoNamePattern";
* The pattern used to construct the DAO implementation name.
static final String DAO_IMPLEMENTATION_PATTERN = "daoImplementationNamePattern";
* The pattern used to indicate whether or not ejb transactions are enabled.
static final String EJB_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED = "ejbTransactionsEnabled";
* The pattern used to construct the web service outgoing attachment handler call.
static final String WEBSERVICE_OUTGOING_ATTACHMENT_HANDLER_CALL_PATTERN = "webServiceOutgoingAttachmentHandlerCallPattern";
* The pattern used to construct the web service incoming attachment handler call.
static final String WEBSERVICE_INCOMING_ATTACHMENT_HANDLER_CALL_PATTERN = "webServiceIncomingAttachmentHandlerCallPattern";
* RMI protocol for remote services
static final String REMOTING_PROTOCOL_RMI = "rmi";
* Hessian protocol for remote services
static final String REMOTING_PROTOCOL_HESSIAN = "hessian";
* HttpInvoker protocol for remote services
static final String REMOTING_PROTOCOL_HTTPINVOKER = "httpinvoker";
* Lingo protocol for remote services
static final String REMOTING_PROTOCOL_LINGO = "lingo";
* Disable remoting
static final String REMOTING_PROTOCOL_NONE = "none";
* Burlap protocol for remote services
static final String REMOTING_PROTOCOL_BURLAP = "burlap";
* The suffix to append to the class names of CRUD value objects.
static final String CRUD_VALUE_OBJECT_SUFFIX = "crudValueObjectSuffix";
* Prefix for configuration properties related to remoting.
public static final String CONFIG_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "configPropertyPrefix";
* Default service exceptino name pattern
static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_EXCEPTION_NAME_PATTERN = "defaultServiceExceptionNamePattern";
* Default service exceptions
static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_EXCEPTIONS = "defaultServiceExceptions";
* Property for configuring the JMS destination template accessor name.
static final String JMS_DESTINATION_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = "jmsDestinationTemplatePattern";
* Enable rich-client code generation ?
static final String RICH_CLIENT = "richClient";
* The name pattern for EJB packages
static final String EJB_PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN = "ejbPackageNamePattern";
* The prefix to use when constructing ejb JNDI names
static final String EJB_JNDI_NAME_PREFIX = "ejbJndiNamePrefix";
* Service interceptors
static final String SERVICE_INTERCEPTORS = "serviceInterceptors";
* The remoting type to be used for services
static final String SERVICE_REMOTING_TYPE = "serviceRemotingType";
* The server on which remote services are to be deployed
static final String SERVICE_REMOTE_SERVER = "serviceRemoteServer";
* The remote port via which services are accessible
static final String SERVICE_REMOTE_PORT = "serviceRemotePort";
* The remote context to which services are to be deployed
static final String SERVICE_REMOTE_CONTEXT = "serviceRemoteContext";
* Indicates if "XML Persistence" code generation is enabled. Requires Hibernate 3.
static public final String HIBERNATE_XML_PERSISTENCE = "hibernateXMLPersistence";
* Determines if the identifier attribute on an entity is generated as an attribute
* or as a separate element.
static final String HIBERNATE_XML_PERSISTENCE_ID_AS_ATTRIBUTE = "hibernateXMLPersistIDAsAttribute";
* Hibernate version to use.
static public final String HIBERNATE_VERSION = "hibernateVersion";
* The version for Hibernate 2.
public static final String HIBERNATE_VERSION_2 = "2";
* The version for Hibernate 3.
public static final String HIBERNATE_VERSION_3 = "3";
* The version for Hibernate 4.
public static final String HIBERNATE_VERSION_4 = "4";
* JMS Message types.
public static String[] jmsMessageTypes = new String[] {