package org.andromda.cartridges.spring;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.andromda.cartridges.spring.metafacades.SpringGlobals;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.Entity;
* Contains utilities used within the Spring cartridge
* when dealing with Hibernate.
* @author Chad Brandon
* @author Joel Kozikowski
public class SpringHibernateUtils
* The version of Hibernate we're generating for.
private String hibernateVersion = SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_VERSION_3;
* Sets the version of Hibernate we're generating for.
* @param hibernateVersionIn the Hibernate version.
public void setHibernateVersion(final String hibernateVersionIn)
this.hibernateVersion = hibernateVersionIn;
* Gets the appropriate hibernate package name for the given
* <code>version</code>.
* @return the base package name.
public String getBasePackage()
return this.isVersion3() || this.isVersion4() ? "org.hibernate" : "net.sf.hibernate";
* Gets the appropriate hibernate criterion package name for the given <code>version</code>.
* @return the Hibernate criterion package name.
public String getCriterionPackage()
return this.getBasePackage() + (this.isVersion3() || this.isVersion4() ? ".criterion" : ".expression");
* Gets the appropriate hibernate criterion package name for the given <code>version</code>.
* @param entities
* @return the Hibernate criterion package name.
public String getEntityBasePackage(Collection<Entity> entities)
String base = "";
List<String> packages = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get unique packages containing entities
for (Entity entity : entities)
String packageName = entity.getPackageName();
if (!packages.contains(packageName))
// TODO: Allow entities in vastly different packages
/*for (String pkgName : packages)
if (packageName.length() < pkgName.length() &&
// replace the longer contained package name in the List
// Get unique top level packages containing entities
/*for (String packageName : packages)
// TODO Implement this function. Right now it just returns "" always
return base;
* Gets the appropriate hibernate Restrictions/Expression fully qualified class name for the given <code>version</code>.
* @return the fully qualified Hibernate Restriction/Expression class name.
public String getRestrictionClass()
return getCriterionPackage() + (this.isVersion3() || this.isVersion4() ? ".Restrictions" : ".Expression");
* Gets the appropriate Spring Hibernate package based on the given
* <code>version</code>.
* @return the spring hibernate package.
public String getSpringHibernatePackage()
return this.isVersion3() ? "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3" : this.isVersion4() ? "org.springframework.orm.hibernate4" : "org.springframework.orm.hibernate";
* Retrieves the appropriate package for Hibernate user types given
* the version defined within this class.
* @return the hibernate user type package.
public String getEagerFetchMode()
return this.isVersion3() || this.isVersion4() ? "JOIN" : "EAGER";
* Retrieves the fully qualified name of the class that retrieves the Hibernate
* disjunction instance.
* @return the fully qualified class name.
public String getDisjunctionClassName()
return this.getCriterionPackage() + (this.isVersion3() || this.isVersion4() ? ".Restrictions" : ".Expression");
* Indicates whether or not version 2 is the one that is currently being used.
* @return true/false
public boolean isVersion2()
return isVersion2(hibernateVersion);
* Indicates whether or not version 3 is the one that is currently being used.
* @return true/false
public boolean isVersion3()
return isVersion3(hibernateVersion);
* Indicates whether or not version 4 is the one that is currently being used.
* @return true/false
public boolean isVersion4()
return isVersion4(hibernateVersion);
* @param hibernateVersionPropertyValue
* @return hibernateVersionPropertyValue.startsWith(SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_VERSION_2)
public static boolean isVersion2(String hibernateVersionPropertyValue)
return hibernateVersionPropertyValue.startsWith(SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_VERSION_2);
* @param hibernateVersionPropertyValue
* @return hibernateVersionPropertyValue.startsWith(SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_VERSION_3)
public static boolean isVersion3(String hibernateVersionPropertyValue)
return hibernateVersionPropertyValue.startsWith(SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_VERSION_3);
* @param hibernateVersionPropertyValue
* @return hibernateVersionPropertyValue.startsWith(SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_VERSION_4)
public static boolean isVersion4(String hibernateVersionPropertyValue)
return hibernateVersionPropertyValue.startsWith(SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_VERSION_4);
* Denotes whether or not to make use of Hibernate 3 XML persistence support.
private String hibernateXmlPersistence;
* @param hibernateXmlPersistenceIn <code>true</code> when you to make use of Hibernate 3 XML persistence support,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public void setHibernateXMLPersistence(final String hibernateXmlPersistenceIn)
this.hibernateXmlPersistence = hibernateXmlPersistenceIn;
* @return isXmlPersistenceActive(hibernateVersion, hibernateXmlPersistence)
public boolean isXmlPersistenceActive()
return isXmlPersistenceActive(
* @param hibernateVersionPropertyValue
* @param hibernateXMLPersistencePropertyValue
* @return isVersion3(hibernateVersionPropertyValue) && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(hibernateXMLPersistencePropertyValue)
public static boolean isXmlPersistenceActive(
String hibernateVersionPropertyValue,
String hibernateXMLPersistencePropertyValue)
return isVersion3(hibernateVersionPropertyValue) &&
private String hibernateMappingStrategy;
* @param hibernateMappingStrategyIn
public void setHibernateMappingStrategy(String hibernateMappingStrategyIn)
this.hibernateMappingStrategy = hibernateMappingStrategyIn;
* @return mapSubclassesInSeparateFile(this.hibernateMappingStrategy)
public boolean isMapSubclassesInSeparateFile()
return mapSubclassesInSeparateFile(this.hibernateMappingStrategy);
* @param hibernateMappingStrategyIn
* @return SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_MAPPING_STRATEGY_SUBCLASS.equalsIgnoreCase(hibernateMappingStrategy)
public static boolean mapSubclassesInSeparateFile(
String hibernateMappingStrategyIn)
// subclass or hierarchy
return SpringGlobals.HIBERNATE_MAPPING_STRATEGY_SUBCLASS.equalsIgnoreCase(hibernateMappingStrategyIn);