// license-header java merge-point
// Attention: generated code (by MetafacadeLogic.vsl) - do not modify!
package org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.andromda.core.common.Introspector;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeFactory;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.ModelValidationMessage;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ClassifierFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ConstraintFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.DependencyFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.Destination;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelElementFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.OperationFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.PackageFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ParameterFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.Role;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.Service;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ServiceOperation;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.StateMachineFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.StereotypeFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.TaggedValueFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.TemplateParameterFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.TypeMappings;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLExpressions;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLIntrospector;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLResultEnsurer;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Represents an operation on a web service.
* MetafacadeLogic for WebServiceOperation
* @see WebServiceOperation
public abstract class WebServiceOperationLogic
extends MetafacadeBase
implements WebServiceOperation
* The underlying UML object
* @see Object
protected Object metaObject;
/** Create Metafacade implementation instance using the MetafacadeFactory from the context
* @param metaObjectIn
* @param context
protected WebServiceOperationLogic(Object metaObjectIn, String context)
super(metaObjectIn, getContext(context));
this.superServiceOperation =
this.metaObject = metaObjectIn;
* The logger instance.
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WebServiceOperationLogic.class);
* Gets the context for this metafacade logic instance.
* @param context String. Set to WebServiceOperation if null
* @return context String
private static String getContext(String context)
if (context == null)
context = "org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation";
return context;
private ServiceOperation superServiceOperation;
private boolean superServiceOperationInitialized = false;
* Gets the ServiceOperation parent instance.
* @return this.superServiceOperation ServiceOperation
private ServiceOperation getSuperServiceOperation()
if (!this.superServiceOperationInitialized)
this.superServiceOperationInitialized = true;
return this.superServiceOperation;
/** Reset context only for non-root metafacades
* @param context
* @see MetafacadeBase#resetMetafacadeContext(String context)
public void resetMetafacadeContext(String context)
if (!this.contextRoot) // reset context only for non-root metafacades
context = getContext(context); // to have same value as in original constructor call
setMetafacadeContext (context);
if (this.superServiceOperationInitialized)
* @return boolean true always
* @see WebServiceOperation
public boolean isWebServiceOperationMetaType()
return true;
// --------------- attributes ---------------------
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#isExposed()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsExposed();
private boolean __exposed1a;
private boolean __exposed1aSet = false;
* Returns true/false depending on whether or not this web service operation is exposed.
* @return (boolean)handleIsExposed()
public final boolean isExposed()
boolean exposed1a = this.__exposed1a;
if (!this.__exposed1aSet)
// exposed has no pre constraints
exposed1a = handleIsExposed();
// exposed has no post constraints
this.__exposed1a = exposed1a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__exposed1aSet = true;
return exposed1a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getTestImplementationName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetTestImplementationName();
private String __testImplementationName2a;
private boolean __testImplementationName2aSet = false;
* The name of the the operation used within the test implementation.
* @return (String)handleGetTestImplementationName()
public final String getTestImplementationName()
String testImplementationName2a = this.__testImplementationName2a;
if (!this.__testImplementationName2aSet)
// testImplementationName has no pre constraints
testImplementationName2a = handleGetTestImplementationName();
// testImplementationName has no post constraints
this.__testImplementationName2a = testImplementationName2a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__testImplementationName2aSet = true;
return testImplementationName2a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getTestImplementationCall()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetTestImplementationCall();
private String __testImplementationCall3a;
private boolean __testImplementationCall3aSet = false;
* The method call for the test implementation operation.
* @return (String)handleGetTestImplementationCall()
public final String getTestImplementationCall()
String testImplementationCall3a = this.__testImplementationCall3a;
if (!this.__testImplementationCall3aSet)
// testImplementationCall has no pre constraints
testImplementationCall3a = handleGetTestImplementationCall();
// testImplementationCall has no post constraints
this.__testImplementationCall3a = testImplementationCall3a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__testImplementationCall3aSet = true;
return testImplementationCall3a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getTestImplementationSignature()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetTestImplementationSignature();
private String __testImplementationSignature4a;
private boolean __testImplementationSignature4aSet = false;
* The signature for the test implementation operation.
* @return (String)handleGetTestImplementationSignature()
public final String getTestImplementationSignature()
String testImplementationSignature4a = this.__testImplementationSignature4a;
if (!this.__testImplementationSignature4aSet)
// testImplementationSignature has no pre constraints
testImplementationSignature4a = handleGetTestImplementationSignature();
// testImplementationSignature has no post constraints
this.__testImplementationSignature4a = testImplementationSignature4a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__testImplementationSignature4aSet = true;
return testImplementationSignature4a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getTestName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetTestName();
private String __testName5a;
private boolean __testName5aSet = false;
* The name for the test that tests this operation.
* @return (String)handleGetTestName()
public final String getTestName()
String testName5a = this.__testName5a;
if (!this.__testName5aSet)
// testName has no pre constraints
testName5a = handleGetTestName();
// testName has no post constraints
this.__testName5a = testName5a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__testName5aSet = true;
return testName5a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getTestCall()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetTestCall();
private String __testCall6a;
private boolean __testCall6aSet = false;
* The call for the test that tests this operation.
* @return (String)handleGetTestCall()
public final String getTestCall()
String testCall6a = this.__testCall6a;
if (!this.__testCall6aSet)
// testCall has no pre constraints
testCall6a = handleGetTestCall();
// testCall has no post constraints
this.__testCall6a = testCall6a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__testCall6aSet = true;
return testCall6a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getTestSignature()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetTestSignature();
private String __testSignature7a;
private boolean __testSignature7aSet = false;
* The signature for the test that tests this operation.
* @return (String)handleGetTestSignature()
public final String getTestSignature()
String testSignature7a = this.__testSignature7a;
if (!this.__testSignature7aSet)
// testSignature has no pre constraints
testSignature7a = handleGetTestSignature();
// testSignature has no post constraints
this.__testSignature7a = testSignature7a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__testSignature7aSet = true;
return testSignature7a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getParameterStyle()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetParameterStyle();
private String __parameterStyle8a;
private boolean __parameterStyle8aSet = false;
* WebService parameter style: bare or wrapped
* @return (String)handleGetParameterStyle()
public final String getParameterStyle()
String parameterStyle8a = this.__parameterStyle8a;
if (!this.__parameterStyle8aSet)
// parameterStyle has no pre constraints
parameterStyle8a = handleGetParameterStyle();
// parameterStyle has no post constraints
this.__parameterStyle8a = parameterStyle8a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__parameterStyle8aSet = true;
return parameterStyle8a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestPath()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestPath();
private String __restPath9a;
private boolean __restPath9aSet = false;
* The URL path for the REST webservice. If unspecified, the lowercase
* /operation/parametername/{parametername}/ is used.
* @return (String)handleGetRestPath()
public final String getRestPath()
String restPath9a = this.__restPath9a;
if (!this.__restPath9aSet)
// restPath has no pre constraints
restPath9a = handleGetRestPath();
// restPath has no post constraints
this.__restPath9a = restPath9a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restPath9aSet = true;
return restPath9a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestRequestType()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestRequestType();
private String __restRequestType10a;
private boolean __restRequestType10aSet = false;
* HTML request type for this REST service (GET, PUT, POST, QUERY, DELETE), used for method
* annotations.
* @return (String)handleGetRestRequestType()
public final String getRestRequestType()
String restRequestType10a = this.__restRequestType10a;
if (!this.__restRequestType10aSet)
// restRequestType has no pre constraints
restRequestType10a = handleGetRestRequestType();
// restRequestType has no post constraints
this.__restRequestType10a = restRequestType10a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restRequestType10aSet = true;
return restRequestType10a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestCacheType()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestCacheType();
private String __restCacheType11a;
private boolean __restCacheType11aSet = false;
* TODO: Model Documentation for
* org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation.restCacheType
* @return (String)handleGetRestCacheType()
public final String getRestCacheType()
String restCacheType11a = this.__restCacheType11a;
if (!this.__restCacheType11aSet)
// restCacheType has no pre constraints
restCacheType11a = handleGetRestCacheType();
// restCacheType has no post constraints
this.__restCacheType11a = restCacheType11a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restCacheType11aSet = true;
return restCacheType11a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#isRestEncoded()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsRestEncoded();
private boolean __restEncoded12a;
private boolean __restEncoded12aSet = false;
* @Encoded T/F. default=false.
* @return (boolean)handleIsRestEncoded()
public final boolean isRestEncoded()
boolean restEncoded12a = this.__restEncoded12a;
if (!this.__restEncoded12aSet)
// restEncoded has no pre constraints
restEncoded12a = handleIsRestEncoded();
// restEncoded has no post constraints
this.__restEncoded12a = restEncoded12a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restEncoded12aSet = true;
return restEncoded12a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestConsumes()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestConsumes();
private String __restConsumes13a;
private boolean __restConsumes13aSet = false;
* @Consumes(media type) annotation. i.e. json, atom, plain/text, xml.
* @return (String)handleGetRestConsumes()
public final String getRestConsumes()
String restConsumes13a = this.__restConsumes13a;
if (!this.__restConsumes13aSet)
// restConsumes has no pre constraints
restConsumes13a = handleGetRestConsumes();
// restConsumes has no post constraints
this.__restConsumes13a = restConsumes13a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restConsumes13aSet = true;
return restConsumes13a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestProduces()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestProduces();
private String __restProduces14a;
private boolean __restProduces14aSet = false;
* @Produces(media type) annotation. i.e. json, atom, plain/text, xml.
* @return (String)handleGetRestProduces()
public final String getRestProduces()
String restProduces14a = this.__restProduces14a;
if (!this.__restProduces14aSet)
// restProduces has no pre constraints
restProduces14a = handleGetRestProduces();
// restProduces has no post constraints
this.__restProduces14a = restProduces14a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restProduces14aSet = true;
return restProduces14a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestProvider()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestProvider();
private String __restProvider15a;
private boolean __restProvider15aSet = false;
* Customized REST @Provider annotation, must be implemented in the generated class.
* @return (String)handleGetRestProvider()
public final String getRestProvider()
String restProvider15a = this.__restProvider15a;
if (!this.__restProvider15aSet)
// restProvider has no pre constraints
restProvider15a = handleGetRestProvider();
// restProvider has no post constraints
this.__restProvider15a = restProvider15a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restProvider15aSet = true;
return restProvider15a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestPartType()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestPartType();
private String __restPartType16a;
private boolean __restPartType16aSet = false;
* Multipart/xml type for this returned part.
* @return (String)handleGetRestPartType()
public final String getRestPartType()
String restPartType16a = this.__restPartType16a;
if (!this.__restPartType16aSet)
// restPartType has no pre constraints
restPartType16a = handleGetRestPartType();
// restPartType has no post constraints
this.__restPartType16a = restPartType16a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restPartType16aSet = true;
return restPartType16a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestSuspend()
* @return int
protected abstract int handleGetRestSuspend();
private int __restSuspend17a;
private boolean __restSuspend17aSet = false;
* Asynchronous service implementation, suspend execution for X ms. Adds @Suspend annotation to
* the operation. default=synchronous (suspend=0=wait forever).
* @return (int)handleGetRestSuspend()
public final int getRestSuspend()
int restSuspend17a = this.__restSuspend17a;
if (!this.__restSuspend17aSet)
// restSuspend has no pre constraints
restSuspend17a = handleGetRestSuspend();
// restSuspend has no post constraints
this.__restSuspend17a = restSuspend17a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restSuspend17aSet = true;
return restSuspend17a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRolesAllowed()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRolesAllowed();
private String __rolesAllowed18a;
private boolean __rolesAllowed18aSet = false;
* REST security roles allowed. default=All.
* @return (String)handleGetRolesAllowed()
public final String getRolesAllowed()
String rolesAllowed18a = this.__rolesAllowed18a;
if (!this.__rolesAllowed18aSet)
// rolesAllowed has no pre constraints
rolesAllowed18a = handleGetRolesAllowed();
// rolesAllowed has no post constraints
this.__rolesAllowed18a = rolesAllowed18a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__rolesAllowed18aSet = true;
return rolesAllowed18a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#isRestAtom()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsRestAtom();
private boolean __restAtom19a;
private boolean __restAtom19aSet = false;
* If this REST service provides application/atom, or any service operations provide
* application/atom
* @return (boolean)handleIsRestAtom()
public final boolean isRestAtom()
boolean restAtom19a = this.__restAtom19a;
if (!this.__restAtom19aSet)
// restAtom has no pre constraints
restAtom19a = handleIsRestAtom();
// restAtom has no post constraints
this.__restAtom19a = restAtom19a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restAtom19aSet = true;
return restAtom19a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#isRest()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsRest();
private boolean __rest20a;
private boolean __rest20aSet = false;
* Is this operation a JAX-RS REST operation? JAX-WS and JAX-RS can be mixed in the same service
* class. If false, all rest attributes and methods are ignored.
* @return (boolean)handleIsRest()
public final boolean isRest()
boolean rest20a = this.__rest20a;
if (!this.__rest20aSet)
// rest has no pre constraints
rest20a = handleIsRest();
// rest has no post constraints
this.__rest20a = rest20a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__rest20aSet = true;
return rest20a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getRestTestPath()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRestTestPath();
private String __restTestPath21a;
private boolean __restTestPath21aSet = false;
* The URL path to test the REST webservice. Substitutes test values for {parametername} parts
* of the service URL.
* @return (String)handleGetRestTestPath()
public final String getRestTestPath()
String restTestPath21a = this.__restTestPath21a;
if (!this.__restTestPath21aSet)
// restTestPath has no pre constraints
restTestPath21a = handleGetRestTestPath();
// restTestPath has no post constraints
this.__restTestPath21a = restTestPath21a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__restTestPath21aSet = true;
return restTestPath21a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#getOperationName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetOperationName();
private String __operationName22a;
private boolean __operationName22aSet = false;
* Returns the customized operation name. Defaults to operation.name, can be overridden with
* WebServiceOperation stereotype operationName attribute. Prevents duplicate operation names in
* wsdl for overloaded operations.
* @return (String)handleGetOperationName()
public final String getOperationName()
String operationName22a = this.__operationName22a;
if (!this.__operationName22aSet)
// operationName has no pre constraints
operationName22a = handleGetOperationName();
// operationName has no post constraints
this.__operationName22a = operationName22a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__operationName22aSet = true;
return operationName22a;
* @see org.andromda.cartridges.webservice.metafacades.WebServiceOperation#isWebFaultOnAllExceptions()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsWebFaultOnAllExceptions();
private boolean __webFaultOnAllExceptions23a;
private boolean __webFaultOnAllExceptions23aSet = false;
* Checks is each service exception reference is some Exception type and has stereotype
* WebFault, if CXF.
* @return (boolean)handleIsWebFaultOnAllExceptions()
public final boolean isWebFaultOnAllExceptions()
boolean webFaultOnAllExceptions23a = this.__webFaultOnAllExceptions23a;
if (!this.__webFaultOnAllExceptions23aSet)
// webFaultOnAllExceptions has no pre constraints
webFaultOnAllExceptions23a = handleIsWebFaultOnAllExceptions();
// webFaultOnAllExceptions has no post constraints
this.__webFaultOnAllExceptions23a = webFaultOnAllExceptions23a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__webFaultOnAllExceptions23aSet = true;
return webFaultOnAllExceptions23a;
// ------------- associations ------------------
* Represents an operation on a web service.
* @return (WebServicePackage)handleGetWebServicePackage()
public final WebServicePackage getWebServicePackage()
WebServicePackage getWebServicePackage1r = null;
// allowedOperations has no pre constraints
Object result = handleGetWebServicePackage();
MetafacadeBase shieldedResult = this.shieldedElement(result);
getWebServicePackage1r = (WebServicePackage)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
WebServiceOperationLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for WebServiceOperationLogic.getWebServicePackage WebServicePackage " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// allowedOperations has no post constraints
return getWebServicePackage1r;
* UML Specific type is transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Object
protected abstract Object handleGetWebServicePackage();
* @return true
* @see ServiceOperation
public boolean isServiceOperationMetaType()
return true;
* @return true
* @see OperationFacade
public boolean isOperationFacadeMetaType()
return true;
* @return true
* @see ModelElementFacade
public boolean isModelElementFacadeMetaType()
return true;
// ----------- delegates to ServiceOperation ------------
* Copies all tagged values from the given ModelElementFacade to this model element facade.
* @see ModelElementFacade#copyTaggedValues(ModelElementFacade element)
public void copyTaggedValues(ModelElementFacade element)
* Finds the tagged value with the specified 'tagName'. In case there are more values the first
* one found will be returned.
* @see ModelElementFacade#findTaggedValue(String tagName)
public Object findTaggedValue(String tagName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().findTaggedValue(tagName);
* Returns all the values for the tagged value with the specified name. The returned collection
* will contains only String instances, or will be empty. Never null.
* @see ModelElementFacade#findTaggedValues(String tagName)
public Collection<Object> findTaggedValues(String tagName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().findTaggedValues(tagName);
* Returns the fully qualified name of the model element. The fully qualified name includes
* complete package qualified name of the underlying model element. The templates parameter will
* be replaced by the correct one given the binding relation of the parameter to this element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getBindedFullyQualifiedName(ModelElementFacade bindedElement)
public String getBindedFullyQualifiedName(ModelElementFacade bindedElement)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getBindedFullyQualifiedName(bindedElement);
* Gets all constraints belonging to the model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getConstraints()
public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getConstraints()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getConstraints();
* Returns the constraints of the argument kind that have been placed onto this model. Typical
* kinds are "inv", "pre" and "post". Other kinds are possible.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getConstraints(String kind)
public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getConstraints(String kind)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getConstraints(kind);
* Gets the documentation for the model element, The indent argument is prefixed to each line.
* By default this method wraps lines after 64 characters.
* This method is equivalent to <code>getDocumentation(indent, 64)</code>.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getDocumentation(String indent)
public String getDocumentation(String indent)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getDocumentation(indent);
* This method returns the documentation for this model element, with the lines wrapped after
* the specified number of characters, values of less than 1 will indicate no line wrapping is
* required. By default paragraphs are returned as HTML.
* This method is equivalent to <code>getDocumentation(indent, lineLength, true)</code>.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength)
public String getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getDocumentation(indent, lineLength);
* This method returns the documentation for this model element, with the lines wrapped after
* the specified number of characters, values of less than 1 will indicate no line wrapping is
* required. HTML style determines if HTML Escaping is applied.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength, boolean htmlStyle)
public String getDocumentation(String indent, int lineLength, boolean htmlStyle)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getDocumentation(indent, lineLength, htmlStyle);
* The fully qualified name of this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getFullyQualifiedName()
public String getFullyQualifiedName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getFullyQualifiedName();
* Returns the fully qualified name of the model element. The fully qualified name includes
* complete package qualified name of the underlying model element. If modelName is true, then
* the original name of the model element (the name contained within the model) will be the name
* returned, otherwise a name from a language mapping will be returned.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getFullyQualifiedName(boolean modelName)
public String getFullyQualifiedName(boolean modelName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getFullyQualifiedName(modelName);
* Returns the fully qualified name as a path, the returned value always starts with out a slash
* '/'.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getFullyQualifiedNamePath()
public String getFullyQualifiedNamePath()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getFullyQualifiedNamePath();
* Gets the unique identifier of the underlying model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getId()
public String getId()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getId();
* UML2: Retrieves the keywords for this element. Used to modify implementation properties which
* are not represented by other properties, i.e. native, transient, volatile, synchronized,
* (added annotations) override, deprecated. Can also be used to suppress compiler warnings:
* (added annotations) unchecked, fallthrough, path, serial, finally, all. Annotations require
* JDK5 compiler level.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getKeywords()
public Collection<String> getKeywords()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getKeywords();
* UML2: Retrieves a localized label for this named element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getLabel()
public String getLabel()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getLabel();
* The language mappings that have been set for this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getLanguageMappings()
public TypeMappings getLanguageMappings()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getLanguageMappings();
* Return the model containing this model element (multiple models may be loaded and processed
* at the same time).
* @see ModelElementFacade#getModel()
public ModelFacade getModel()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getModel();
* The name of the model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getName()
public String getName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getName();
* Gets the package to which this model element belongs.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackage()
public ModelElementFacade getPackage()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPackage();
* The name of this model element's package.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackageName()
public String getPackageName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPackageName();
* Gets the package name (optionally providing the ability to retrieve the model name and not
* the mapped name).
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackageName(boolean modelName)
public String getPackageName(boolean modelName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPackageName(modelName);
* Returns the package as a path, the returned value always starts with out a slash '/'.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getPackagePath()
public String getPackagePath()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPackagePath();
* UML2: Returns the value of the 'Qualified Name' attribute. A name which allows the
* NamedElement to be identified within a hierarchy of nested Namespaces. It is constructed from
* the names of the containing namespaces starting at the root of the hierarchy and ending with
* the name of the NamedElement itself.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getQualifiedName()
public String getQualifiedName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getQualifiedName();
* Gets the root package for the model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getRootPackage()
public PackageFacade getRootPackage()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getRootPackage();
* Gets the dependencies for which this model element is the source.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getSourceDependencies()
public Collection<DependencyFacade> getSourceDependencies()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getSourceDependencies();
* If this model element is the context of an activity graph, this represents that activity
* graph.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getStateMachineContext()
public StateMachineFacade getStateMachineContext()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getStateMachineContext();
* The collection of ALL stereotype names for this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getStereotypeNames()
public Collection<String> getStereotypeNames()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getStereotypeNames();
* Gets all stereotypes for this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getStereotypes()
public Collection<StereotypeFacade> getStereotypes()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getStereotypes();
* Return the TaggedValues associated with this model element, under all stereotypes.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTaggedValues()
public Collection<TaggedValueFacade> getTaggedValues()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getTaggedValues();
* Gets the dependencies for which this model element is the target.
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTargetDependencies()
public Collection<DependencyFacade> getTargetDependencies()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getTargetDependencies();
* Get the template parameter for this model element having the parameterName
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTemplateParameter(String parameterName)
public Object getTemplateParameter(String parameterName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getTemplateParameter(parameterName);
* Get the template parameters for this model element
* @see ModelElementFacade#getTemplateParameters()
public Collection<TemplateParameterFacade> getTemplateParameters()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getTemplateParameters();
* The visibility (i.e. public, private, protected or package) of the model element, will
* attempt a lookup for these values in the language mappings (if any).
* @see ModelElementFacade#getVisibility()
public String getVisibility()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getVisibility();
* Returns true if the model element has the exact stereotype (meaning no stereotype inheritance
* is taken into account when searching for the stereotype), false otherwise.
* @see ModelElementFacade#hasExactStereotype(String stereotypeName)
public boolean hasExactStereotype(String stereotypeName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().hasExactStereotype(stereotypeName);
* Does the UML Element contain the named Keyword? Keywords can be separated by space, comma,
* pipe, semicolon, or << >>
* @see ModelElementFacade#hasKeyword(String keywordName)
public boolean hasKeyword(String keywordName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().hasKeyword(keywordName);
* Returns true if the model element has the specified stereotype. If the stereotype itself
* does not match, then a search will be made up the stereotype inheritance hierarchy, and if
* one of the stereotype's ancestors has a matching name this method will return true, false
* otherwise.
* For example, if we have a certain stereotype called <<exception>> and a model element has a
* stereotype called <<applicationException>> which extends <<exception>>, when calling this
* method with 'stereotypeName' defined as 'exception' the method would return true since
* <<applicationException>> inherits from <<exception>>. If you want to check if the model
* element has the exact stereotype, then use the method 'hasExactStereotype' instead.
* @see ModelElementFacade#hasStereotype(String stereotypeName)
public boolean hasStereotype(String stereotypeName)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().hasStereotype(stereotypeName);
* True if there are target dependencies from this element that are instances of BindingFacade.
* Deprecated in UML2: Use TemplateBinding parameters instead of dependencies.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isBindingDependenciesPresent()
public boolean isBindingDependenciesPresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isBindingDependenciesPresent();
* Indicates if any constraints are present on this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isConstraintsPresent()
public boolean isConstraintsPresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isConstraintsPresent();
* Indicates if any documentation is present on this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isDocumentationPresent()
public boolean isDocumentationPresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isDocumentationPresent();
* True if this element name is a reserved word in Java, C#, ANSI or ISO C, C++, JavaScript.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isReservedWord()
public boolean isReservedWord()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isReservedWord();
* True is there are template parameters on this model element. For UML2, applies to Class,
* Operation, Property, and Parameter.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isTemplateParametersPresent()
public boolean isTemplateParametersPresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isTemplateParametersPresent();
* True if this element name is a valid identifier name in Java, C#, ANSI or ISO C, C++,
* JavaScript. Contains no spaces, special characters etc. Constraint always applied on
* Enumerations and Interfaces, optionally applies on other model elements.
* @see ModelElementFacade#isValidIdentifierName()
public boolean isValidIdentifierName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isValidIdentifierName();
* Searches for the constraint with the specified 'name' on this model element, and if found
* translates it using the specified 'translation' from a translation library discovered by the
* framework.
* @see ModelElementFacade#translateConstraint(String name, String translation)
public String translateConstraint(String name, String translation)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().translateConstraint(name, translation);
* Translates all constraints belonging to this model element with the given 'translation'.
* @see ModelElementFacade#translateConstraints(String translation)
public String[] translateConstraints(String translation)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().translateConstraints(translation);
* Translates the constraints of the specified 'kind' belonging to this model element.
* @see ModelElementFacade#translateConstraints(String kind, String translation)
public String[] translateConstraints(String kind, String translation)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().translateConstraints(kind, translation);
* Finds the parameter on this operation having the given name, if no parameter is found, null
* is returned instead.
* @see OperationFacade#findParameter(String name)
public ParameterFacade findParameter(String name)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().findParameter(name);
* Searches the given feature for the specified tag.
* If the follow boolean is set to true then the search will continue from the class operation
* to the class itself and then up the class hierarchy.
* @see OperationFacade#findTaggedValue(String name, boolean follow)
public Object findTaggedValue(String name, boolean follow)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().findTaggedValue(name, follow);
* A comma separated list of all argument names.
* @see OperationFacade#getArgumentNames()
public String getArgumentNames()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getArgumentNames();
* A comma separated list of all types of each argument, in order.
* @see OperationFacade#getArgumentTypeNames()
public String getArgumentTypeNames()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getArgumentTypeNames();
* Specification of an argument used to pass information into or out of an invocation of a
* behavioral
* feature. Parameters are allowed to be treated as connectable elements. Parameters have
* support for
* streaming, exceptions, and parameter sets.
* @see OperationFacade#getArguments()
public Collection<ParameterFacade> getArguments()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getArguments();
* Constructs the operation call with the operation name
* @see OperationFacade#getCall()
public String getCall()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getCall();
* Returns the concurrency modifier for this operation (i.e. concurrent, guarded or sequential)
* of the model element, will attempt a lookup for these values in the language mappings (if
* any).
* @see OperationFacade#getConcurrency()
public String getConcurrency()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getConcurrency();
* A comma separated list containing all exceptions that this operation throws. Exceptions are
* determined through dependencies that have the target element stereotyped as <<Exception>>.
* @see OperationFacade#getExceptionList()
public String getExceptionList()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getExceptionList();
* Returns a comma separated list of exceptions appended to the comma separated list of fully
* qualified 'initialException' classes passed in to this method.
* @see OperationFacade#getExceptionList(String initialExceptions)
public String getExceptionList(String initialExceptions)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getExceptionList(initialExceptions);
* A collection of all exceptions thrown by this operation.
* @see OperationFacade#getExceptions()
public Collection<ModelElementFacade> getExceptions()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getExceptions();
* Return Type with multiplicity taken into account. UML14 does not allow multiplicity *.
* @see OperationFacade#getGetterSetterReturnTypeName()
public String getGetterSetterReturnTypeName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getGetterSetterReturnTypeName();
* the lower value for the multiplicity
* -only applicable for UML2
* @see OperationFacade#getLower()
public int getLower()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getLower();
* Returns the operation method body determined from UML sequence diagrams or other UML sources.
* @see OperationFacade#getMethodBody()
public String getMethodBody()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getMethodBody();
* The operation this operation overrides, null if this operation is not overriding.
* @see OperationFacade#getOverriddenOperation()
public OperationFacade getOverriddenOperation()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getOverriddenOperation();
* Gets the owner of this operation
* @see OperationFacade#getOwner()
public ClassifierFacade getOwner()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getOwner();
* Return all parameters for the operation, including the return parameter.
* @see OperationFacade#getParameters()
public Collection<ParameterFacade> getParameters()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getParameters();
* The name of the operation that handles postcondition constraints.
* @see OperationFacade#getPostconditionName()
public String getPostconditionName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPostconditionName();
* The postcondition constraints belonging to this operation.
* @see OperationFacade#getPostconditions()
public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getPostconditions()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPostconditions();
* The call to the precondition operation.
* @see OperationFacade#getPreconditionCall()
public String getPreconditionCall()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPreconditionCall();
* The name of the operation that handles precondition constraints.
* @see OperationFacade#getPreconditionName()
public String getPreconditionName()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPreconditionName();
* The signature of the precondition operation.
* @see OperationFacade#getPreconditionSignature()
public String getPreconditionSignature()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPreconditionSignature();
* The precondition constraints belonging to this operation.
* @see OperationFacade#getPreconditions()
public Collection<ConstraintFacade> getPreconditions()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getPreconditions();
* (UML2 Only). Get the actual return parameter (which may have stereotypes etc).
* @see OperationFacade#getReturnParameter()
public ParameterFacade getReturnParameter()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getReturnParameter();
* The operation return type parameter.
* @see OperationFacade#getReturnType()
public ClassifierFacade getReturnType()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getReturnType();
* Return the operation signature, including public/protested abstract returnType name plus
* argument type and name
* @see OperationFacade#getSignature()
public String getSignature()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getSignature();
* Returns the signature of the operation and optionally appends the argument names (if
* withArgumentNames is true), otherwise returns the signature with just the types alone in the
* signature.
* @see OperationFacade#getSignature(boolean withArgumentNames)
public String getSignature(boolean withArgumentNames)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getSignature(withArgumentNames);
* Returns the signature of the operation and optionally appends the given 'argumentModifier' to
* each argument.
* @see OperationFacade#getSignature(String argumentModifier)
public String getSignature(String argumentModifier)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getSignature(argumentModifier);
* A comma-separated parameter list (type and name of each parameter) of an operation.
* @see OperationFacade#getTypedArgumentList()
public String getTypedArgumentList()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getTypedArgumentList();
* A comma-separated parameter list (type and name of each parameter) of an operation with an
* optional modifier (i.e final) before each parameter.
* @see OperationFacade#getTypedArgumentList(String modifier)
public String getTypedArgumentList(String modifier)
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getTypedArgumentList(modifier);
* the upper value for the multiplicity (will be -1 for *)
* - only applicable for UML2
* @see OperationFacade#getUpper()
public int getUpper()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getUpper();
* True is the operation is abstract.
* @see OperationFacade#isAbstract()
public boolean isAbstract()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isAbstract();
* True if the operation has (i.e. throws any exceptions) false otherwise.
* @see OperationFacade#isExceptionsPresent()
public boolean isExceptionsPresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isExceptionsPresent();
* IsLeaf property in the operation. If true, operation is final, cannot be extended or
* implemented by a descendant. Default=false.
* @see OperationFacade#isLeaf()
public boolean isLeaf()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isLeaf();
* UML2 only. If the return type parameter multiplicity>1 OR the operation multiplicity>1.
* Default=false.
* @see OperationFacade#isMany()
public boolean isMany()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isMany();
* UML2 only: If isMany (Collection type returned), is the type unique within the collection.
* Unique+Ordered determines CollectionType implementation of return result. Default=false.
* @see OperationFacade#isOrdered()
public boolean isOrdered()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isOrdered();
* True if this operation overrides an operation defined in an ancestor class. An operation
* overrides when the names of the operations as well as the types of the arguments are equal.
* The return type may be different and is, as well as any exceptions, ignored.
* @see OperationFacade#isOverriding()
public boolean isOverriding()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isOverriding();
* Whether any postcondition constraints are present on this operation.
* @see OperationFacade#isPostconditionsPresent()
public boolean isPostconditionsPresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isPostconditionsPresent();
* Whether any precondition constraints are present on this operation.
* @see OperationFacade#isPreconditionsPresent()
public boolean isPreconditionsPresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isPreconditionsPresent();
* Indicates whether or not this operation is a query operation.
* @see OperationFacade#isQuery()
public boolean isQuery()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isQuery();
* True/false depending on whether or not the operation has a return type or not (i.e. a return
* type of something other than void).
* @see OperationFacade#isReturnTypePresent()
public boolean isReturnTypePresent()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isReturnTypePresent();
* True is the operation is static (only a single instance can be instantiated).
* @see OperationFacade#isStatic()
public boolean isStatic()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isStatic();
* UML2 only: for Collection return type, is the type unique within the collection.
* Unique+Ordered determines the returned CollectionType. Default=false.
* @see OperationFacade#isUnique()
public boolean isUnique()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isUnique();
* The destination for any incoming messages.
* @see ServiceOperation#getIncomingDestination()
public Destination getIncomingDestination()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getIncomingDestination();
* The destination for any outgoing messages.
* @see ServiceOperation#getOutgoingDestination()
public Destination getOutgoingDestination()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getOutgoingDestination();
* The users of the service operation, these are the actor's that can access this operation.
* @see ServiceOperation#getRoles()
public Collection<Role> getRoles()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getRoles();
* The service which owns the service operation.
* @see ServiceOperation#getService()
public Service getService()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().getService();
* Whether or not this operation represents an "incoming" message operation (i.e. it receives
* messages from Queues or Topics).
* @see ServiceOperation#isIncomingMessageOperation()
public boolean isIncomingMessageOperation()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isIncomingMessageOperation();
* Whether or not this is operation accepts incoming or outgoing messages.
* @see ServiceOperation#isMessageOperation()
public boolean isMessageOperation()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isMessageOperation();
* Whether or not this service operation represents an "outgoing" messaging operation (i.e. it
* sends messages to Queues or Topics).
* @see ServiceOperation#isOutgoingMessageOperation()
public boolean isOutgoingMessageOperation()
return this.getSuperServiceOperation().isOutgoingMessageOperation();
* @see MetafacadeBase#initialize()
public void initialize()
* @return Object getSuperServiceOperation().getValidationOwner()
* @see MetafacadeBase#getValidationOwner()
public Object getValidationOwner()
Object owner = this.getSuperServiceOperation().getValidationOwner();
return owner;
* @return String getSuperServiceOperation().getValidationName()
* @see MetafacadeBase#getValidationName()
public String getValidationName()
String name = this.getSuperServiceOperation().getValidationName();
return name;
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::cartridges::webservice::metafacades::WebServiceOperation::a web service operation return type can not be a collection type</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> A web service operation's return type can NOT be a collection type, you'll need to model an array instead.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context WebServiceOperation inv: exposed implies returnType.collectionType = false</p>
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::cartridges::webservice::metafacades::WebServiceOperation::a web service operation exception must be a web fault</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> Each web service operation exception must have the web fault stereotype.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context WebServiceOperation inv: exposed implies webFaultOnAllExceptions = true</p>
* @param validationMessages Collection<ModelValidationMessage>
* @see MetafacadeBase#validateInvariants(Collection validationMessages)
public void validateInvariants(Collection<ModelValidationMessage> validationMessages)
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"exposed"))).booleanValue()?OCLExpressions.equal(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"returnType.collectionType"),false):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::cartridges::webservice::metafacades::WebServiceOperation::a web service operation return type can not be a collection type",
"A web service operation's return type can NOT be a collection type, you'll need to model an array instead."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::cartridges::webservice::metafacades::WebServiceOperation::a web service operation return type can not be a collection type' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"exposed"))).booleanValue()?OCLExpressions.equal(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"webFaultOnAllExceptions"),true):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::cartridges::webservice::metafacades::WebServiceOperation::a web service operation exception must be a web fault",
"Each web service operation exception must have the web fault stereotype."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::cartridges::webservice::metafacades::WebServiceOperation::a web service operation exception must be a web fault' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);
* The property that stores the name of the metafacade.
private static final String NAME_PROPERTY = "name";
private static final String FQNAME_PROPERTY = "fullyQualifiedName";
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
final StringBuilder toString = new StringBuilder(this.getClass().getName());
toString.append(Introspector.instance().getProperty(this, FQNAME_PROPERTY));
catch (final Throwable tryAgain)
toString.append(Introspector.instance().getProperty(this, NAME_PROPERTY));
catch (final Throwable ignore)
// - just ignore when the metafacade doesn't have a name or fullyQualifiedName property
return toString.toString();