// license-header java merge-point
// Generated by SessionBeanImpl.vsl in andromda-ejb3-cartridge on 08/06/2014 10:56:22.
// Modify as necessary. If deleted it will be regenerated.
package org.andromda.demo.ejb3.user;
* @see UserManagerBase
* Remember to manually configure the local business interface this bean implements if originally you only
* defined the remote business interface. However, this change is automatically reflected in the ejb-jar.xml.
* Do not specify the javax.ejb.Stateless annotation
* Instead, the session bean is defined in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
// Uncomment to enable webservices for UserManagerBean
// @javax.jws.WebService(endpointInterface = "org.andromda.demo.ejb3.user.UserManagerWSInterface", serviceName = "UserManager")
public class UserManagerBean
extends UserManagerBase
implements UserManagerRemote
// --------------- Constructors ---------------
* Default constructor extending base class default constructor
public UserManagerBean()
// -------- Business Methods Impl --------------
* @see UserManagerBase#addUser(User)
protected void handleAddUser(User user)
throws Exception
* @see UserManagerBase#getUser(String)
protected User handleGetUser(String principalId)
throws Exception
return getUserDao().load(principalId);
* @see UserManagerBase#deleteUser(String)
protected void handleDeleteUser(String principalId)
throws Exception
// -------- Lifecycle Callback Implementation --------------