package org.andromda.jdbcmetadata;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
* Provides formatting functions, when converting SQL names to model names.
* @author Chad Brandon
* @author Bob Fields
public class SqlToModelNameFormatter
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SqlToModelNameFormatter.class);
// Directory location for Excel files
private static String inputDirectory;
// Excel file contains physical -> logical DB name columns
private static String wordFile = "Logical and Physical Modeling Naming Standards.xlsx";
private static String wordSheet = "Logical and Physical Model";
// File contains suffix (last word part) name columns
private static String suffixFile;
private static String suffixSheet;
// File Used by AppDevs to override the values given in the DBArchitect worksheet for Java/UML names
private static String overrideFile = "Overrides.xlsx";
private static String overrideSheet = "Overrides";
// Contains physical -> logical DB name columns
private static Map<String, String> wordMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Contains suffix (last word part) name columns
//private static Map<String, String> suffixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Used by AppDevs to override the values given in the DBArchitect worksheet for Java/UML names
private static Map<String, String> overrideMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
* Converts a table name to an class name.
* @param name the name of the table.
* @return the new class name.
public static String toClassName(String name)
return toCamelCase(name);
* Converts a column name to an attribute name.
* @param name the name of the column
* @return the new attribute name.
public static String toAttributeName(String name)
return StringUtils.uncapitalize(toClassName(name));
* Turns a table name into a model element class name.
* @param name the table name.
* @return the new class name.
public static String toCamelCase(String name)
if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) return "";
name = replaceMappedWords(name);
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
// Still can't get it to split at token '-' even when escaped. Stupid regex.
String[] tokens = name.split("_|\\s+");
if (tokens != null && tokens.length > 0)
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < tokens.length; ctr++)
String token = replaceMappedTokens(tokens[ctr]);
if (token.equals(tokens[ctr]))
// Remove invalid metacharacters from String result.
return StringUtils.replaceChars(buffer.toString(), "([{\\^-=$!|]})?*+.", "");
* @param name String in which to replace the token value
* @return name with replaced tokens
public static String replaceMappedWords(String name)
// Assumes wordMap has already been populated
for (String key : wordMap.keySet())
String value = wordMap.get(key);
if (key.indexOf('_') > 0 && name.contains(key))
name = name.replace(key, value);
logger.debug("Replaced: " + name +
" words " + key + " value " + value);
return name;
* @param name String in which to replace the token value
* @return name with replaced tokens
public static String replaceMappedTokens(String name)
// Assumes wordMap has already been populated
for (String key : wordMap.keySet())
String value = wordMap.get(key);
if (name.equals(key))
name = name.replace(key, value);
logger.debug("Replaced: " + name +
" token " + key + " value " + value);
return name;
* Loads the wordMap from Logical and Physical Modeling Naming Standards.xlsx
public static void loadWordMap()
SqlToModelNameFormatter.inputDirectory + "\\" + SqlToModelNameFormatter.wordFile,
SqlToModelNameFormatter.wordSheet, 1, 0);
SqlToModelNameFormatter.inputDirectory + "\\" + SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideFile,
SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideSheet, 1, 0);
"${basedir}\\Logical and Physical Modeling Naming Standards.xlsx",
"Logical and Physical Model", 1, 0);
"Overrides", 1, 0);*/
for (String key : SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideMap.keySet())
SqlToModelNameFormatter.wordMap.put(key, SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideMap.get(key));
* Reads an excel file. Populates mapping list. Uses the shortest 'to' mapping
* @param map The Map<String, String> to load
* @param fileName the name of the Excel File
* @param sheetName the sheet within the file containing the data
* @param fromCol The column where the 'from' mapped value is located
* @param toCol The column where the 'to' mapped value is located
public static void loadMap(Map<String, String> map,
String fileName, String sheetName, int fromCol, int toCol)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(fileName))
logger.warn("Map file name was blank");
else if (!new File(fileName).exists())
logger.warn(fileName + " file does not exist");
try {
// TODO Allow FileInputStream from the classpath so xls resources can be bundled with jar
//FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("${basedir}\\Logical and Physical Modeling Naming Standards.xlsx");
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
//Workbook workbook = new Workbook(fileInputStream);
//Workbook[] wbs = new Workbook[] { new HSSFWorkbook(), new XSSFWorkbook(fileInputStream) };
Workbook[] wbs = new Workbook[] { new XSSFWorkbook(fileInputStream) };
for(int i=0; i<wbs.length; i++)
Workbook workbook = wbs[i];
//Sheet worksheet = workbook.getSheet("Logical and Physical Model");
Sheet worksheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName);
if (worksheet == null)
int sheetNumber = 0;
sheetNumber = Integer.parseInt(sheetName);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
// Ignore, just use sheet 0
// Just use the first sheet if sheet name not found
worksheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNumber);
int lastRow = worksheet.getLastRowNum();
for (int rowNum = 1; rowNum <= lastRow; rowNum++)
Row row = worksheet.getRow(rowNum);
if (row != null)
Cell keyCell = row.getCell(fromCol);
// DB values are always uppercase
String key = keyCell.getStringCellValue().toUpperCase();
Cell valueCell = row.getCell(toCol);
String value = toCamelCase(valueCell.getStringCellValue());
/*if (value.indexOf(' ') > 0)
// Value is an acronym, use the uppercase abbreviation instead
value = key;
/*logger.debug("Sheet: " + workbook.getSheetName(0));
logger.debug("key: " + key);
logger.debug("value: " + value);*/
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(key) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value))
String oldValue = map.get(key);
// Add the new key/value, or replace the old value if this value is shorter
if (oldValue == null || oldValue.length() > value.length())
map.put(key, value);
logger.debug(rowNum + " key=" + key + " value: " + value);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
logger.error("File Not Found: " + fileName, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("File Read Error: " + fileName, e);
logger.info("Loaded: " + map.size() +
" lines from file " + fileName + ", Time=" + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0) + "s");
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
"${basedir}\\Logical and Physical Modeling Naming Standards.xlsx",
"Logical and Physical Model", 1, 0);*/
* @return the inputDirectory
public static String getInputDirectory()
return SqlToModelNameFormatter.inputDirectory;
* @param inputDirectory the inputDirectory to set
public static void setInputDirectory(String inputDirectory)
SqlToModelNameFormatter.inputDirectory = inputDirectory;
* @return the wordFile
public static String getWordFile()
return SqlToModelNameFormatter.wordFile;
* @param wordFile the wordFile to set
public static void setWordFile(String wordFile)
SqlToModelNameFormatter.wordFile = wordFile;
* @return the wordSheet
public static String getWordSheet()
return SqlToModelNameFormatter.wordSheet;
* @param wordSheet the wordSheet to set
public static void setWordSheet(String wordSheet)
SqlToModelNameFormatter.wordSheet = wordSheet;
* @return the suffixFile
public static String getSuffixFile()
return SqlToModelNameFormatter.suffixFile;
* @param suffixFile the suffixFile to set
public static void setSuffixFile(String suffixFile)
SqlToModelNameFormatter.suffixFile = suffixFile;
* @return the suffixSheet
public static String getSuffixSheet()
return SqlToModelNameFormatter.suffixSheet;
* @param suffixSheet the suffixSheet to set
public static void setSuffixSheet(String suffixSheet)
SqlToModelNameFormatter.suffixSheet = suffixSheet;
* @return the overrideFile
public static String getOverrideFile()
return SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideFile;
* @param overrideFile the overrideFile to set
public static void setOverrideFile(String overrideFile)
SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideFile = overrideFile;
* @return the overrideSheet
public static String getOverrideSheet()
return SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideSheet;
* @param overrideSheet the overrideSheet to set
public static void setOverrideSheet(String overrideSheet)
SqlToModelNameFormatter.overrideSheet = overrideSheet;