// license-header java merge-point
// Attention: generated code (by MetafacadeLogic.vsl) - do not modify!
package org.andromda.metafacades.emf.uml22;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.ModelValidationMessage;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ClassifierFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.EventFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.OperationFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ParameterFacade;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLCollections;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLExpressions;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLIntrospector;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLResultEnsurer;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter;
* Specification of an argument used to pass information into or out of an invocation of a
* behavioral feature. Parameters are allowed to be treated as connectable elements. Parameters have
* support for streaming, exceptions, and parameter sets.
* MetafacadeLogic for ParameterFacade
* @see ParameterFacade
public abstract class ParameterFacadeLogic
extends ModelElementFacadeLogicImpl
implements ParameterFacade
* The underlying UML object
* @see Parameter
protected Parameter metaObject;
/** Create Metafacade implementation instance using the MetafacadeFactory from the context
* @param metaObjectIn
* @param context
protected ParameterFacadeLogic(Parameter metaObjectIn, String context)
super(metaObjectIn, getContext(context));
this.metaObject = metaObjectIn;
* The logger instance.
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ParameterFacadeLogic.class);
* Gets the context for this metafacade logic instance.
* @param context String. Set to ParameterFacade if null
* @return context String
private static String getContext(String context)
if (context == null)
context = "org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ParameterFacade";
return context;
/** Reset context only for non-root metafacades
* @param context
public void resetMetafacadeContext(String context)
if (!this.contextRoot) // reset context only for non-root metafacades
context = getContext(context); // to have same value as in original constructor call
setMetafacadeContext (context);
* @return boolean true always
* @see ParameterFacade
public boolean isParameterFacadeMetaType()
return true;
// --------------- attributes ---------------------
* @see ParameterFacade#getDefaultValue()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetDefaultValue();
private String __defaultValue1a;
private boolean __defaultValue1aSet = false;
* TODO: Model Documentation for ParameterFacade.defaultValue
* @return (String)handleGetDefaultValue()
public final String getDefaultValue()
String defaultValue1a = this.__defaultValue1a;
if (!this.__defaultValue1aSet)
// defaultValue has no pre constraints
defaultValue1a = handleGetDefaultValue();
// defaultValue has no post constraints
this.__defaultValue1a = defaultValue1a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__defaultValue1aSet = true;
return defaultValue1a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isDefaultValuePresent()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsDefaultValuePresent();
private boolean __defaultValuePresent2a;
private boolean __defaultValuePresent2aSet = false;
* Indicates if the default value is present.
* @return (boolean)handleIsDefaultValuePresent()
public final boolean isDefaultValuePresent()
boolean defaultValuePresent2a = this.__defaultValuePresent2a;
if (!this.__defaultValuePresent2aSet)
// defaultValuePresent has no pre constraints
defaultValuePresent2a = handleIsDefaultValuePresent();
// defaultValuePresent has no post constraints
this.__defaultValuePresent2a = defaultValuePresent2a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__defaultValuePresent2aSet = true;
return defaultValuePresent2a;
* @see ParameterFacade#getGetterName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetGetterName();
private String __getterName3a;
private boolean __getterName3aSet = false;
* The name to use for accessors getting this parameter from a bean.
* @return (String)handleGetGetterName()
public final String getGetterName()
String getterName3a = this.__getterName3a;
if (!this.__getterName3aSet)
// getterName has no pre constraints
getterName3a = handleGetGetterName();
// getterName has no post constraints
this.__getterName3a = getterName3a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__getterName3aSet = true;
return getterName3a;
* @see ParameterFacade#getGetterSetterTypeName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetGetterSetterTypeName();
private String __getterSetterTypeName4a;
private boolean __getterSetterTypeName4aSet = false;
* Fully Qualified TypeName, determined in part by multiplicity (for UML2). For UML14, same as
* getterName.
* @return (String)handleGetGetterSetterTypeName()
public final String getGetterSetterTypeName()
String getterSetterTypeName4a = this.__getterSetterTypeName4a;
if (!this.__getterSetterTypeName4aSet)
// getterSetterTypeName has no pre constraints
getterSetterTypeName4a = handleGetGetterSetterTypeName();
// getterSetterTypeName has no post constraints
this.__getterSetterTypeName4a = getterSetterTypeName4a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__getterSetterTypeName4aSet = true;
return getterSetterTypeName4a;
* @see ParameterFacade#getGetterSetterTypeNameImpl()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetGetterSetterTypeNameImpl();
private String __getterSetterTypeNameImpl5a;
private boolean __getterSetterTypeNameImpl5aSet = false;
* Fully Qualified implementation class of TypeName, determined in part by multiplicity (for
* UML2). If upper multiplicity =1, same as getterSetterTypeName.
* @return (String)handleGetGetterSetterTypeNameImpl()
public final String getGetterSetterTypeNameImpl()
String getterSetterTypeNameImpl5a = this.__getterSetterTypeNameImpl5a;
if (!this.__getterSetterTypeNameImpl5aSet)
// getterSetterTypeNameImpl has no pre constraints
getterSetterTypeNameImpl5a = handleGetGetterSetterTypeNameImpl();
// getterSetterTypeNameImpl has no post constraints
this.__getterSetterTypeNameImpl5a = getterSetterTypeNameImpl5a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__getterSetterTypeNameImpl5aSet = true;
return getterSetterTypeNameImpl5a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isRequired()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsRequired();
private boolean __required6a;
private boolean __required6aSet = false;
* Whether or not this parameter is considered required (i.e must a non-empty value).
* @return (boolean)handleIsRequired()
public final boolean isRequired()
boolean required6a = this.__required6a;
if (!this.__required6aSet)
// required has no pre constraints
required6a = handleIsRequired();
// required has no post constraints
this.__required6a = required6a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__required6aSet = true;
return required6a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isReturn()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsReturn();
private boolean __return7a;
private boolean __return7aSet = false;
* Whether or not this parameter represents a return parameter.
* @return (boolean)handleIsReturn()
public final boolean isReturn()
boolean return7a = this.__return7a;
if (!this.__return7aSet)
// return has no pre constraints
return7a = handleIsReturn();
// return has no post constraints
this.__return7a = return7a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__return7aSet = true;
return return7a;
* @see ParameterFacade#getSetterName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetSetterName();
private String __setterName8a;
private boolean __setterName8aSet = false;
* The name to use for accessors getting this parameter in a bean.
* @return (String)handleGetSetterName()
public final String getSetterName()
String setterName8a = this.__setterName8a;
if (!this.__setterName8aSet)
// setterName has no pre constraints
setterName8a = handleGetSetterName();
// setterName has no post constraints
this.__setterName8a = setterName8a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__setterName8aSet = true;
return setterName8a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isReadable()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsReadable();
private boolean __readable9a;
private boolean __readable9aSet = false;
* True if this parameter is readable, aka an in-parameter, or this feature is unspecified.
* @return (boolean)handleIsReadable()
public final boolean isReadable()
boolean readable9a = this.__readable9a;
if (!this.__readable9aSet)
// readable has no pre constraints
readable9a = handleIsReadable();
// readable has no post constraints
this.__readable9a = readable9a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__readable9aSet = true;
return readable9a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isWritable()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsWritable();
private boolean __writable10a;
private boolean __writable10aSet = false;
* True if this parameter is writable, aka an out-parameter, or this feature is unspecified.
* @return (boolean)handleIsWritable()
public final boolean isWritable()
boolean writable10a = this.__writable10a;
if (!this.__writable10aSet)
// writable has no pre constraints
writable10a = handleIsWritable();
// writable has no post constraints
this.__writable10a = writable10a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__writable10aSet = true;
return writable10a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isInParameter()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsInParameter();
private boolean __inParameter11a;
private boolean __inParameter11aSet = false;
* True if this parameter is an 'in' parameter.
* @return (boolean)handleIsInParameter()
public final boolean isInParameter()
boolean inParameter11a = this.__inParameter11a;
if (!this.__inParameter11aSet)
// inParameter has no pre constraints
inParameter11a = handleIsInParameter();
// inParameter has no post constraints
this.__inParameter11a = inParameter11a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__inParameter11aSet = true;
return inParameter11a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isOutParameter()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsOutParameter();
private boolean __outParameter12a;
private boolean __outParameter12aSet = false;
* True if this parameter is an 'out' parameter.
* @return (boolean)handleIsOutParameter()
public final boolean isOutParameter()
boolean outParameter12a = this.__outParameter12a;
if (!this.__outParameter12aSet)
// outParameter has no pre constraints
outParameter12a = handleIsOutParameter();
// outParameter has no post constraints
this.__outParameter12a = outParameter12a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__outParameter12aSet = true;
return outParameter12a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isInoutParameter()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsInoutParameter();
private boolean __inoutParameter13a;
private boolean __inoutParameter13aSet = false;
* True if this parameter is an inout parameter.
* @return (boolean)handleIsInoutParameter()
public final boolean isInoutParameter()
boolean inoutParameter13a = this.__inoutParameter13a;
if (!this.__inoutParameter13aSet)
// inoutParameter has no pre constraints
inoutParameter13a = handleIsInoutParameter();
// inoutParameter has no post constraints
this.__inoutParameter13a = inoutParameter13a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__inoutParameter13aSet = true;
return inoutParameter13a;
* @see ParameterFacade#getUpper()
* @return int
protected abstract int handleGetUpper();
private int __upper14a;
private boolean __upper14aSet = false;
* the upper value of the multiplicity (will be -1 for *)
* -only applicable for UML2
* @return (int)handleGetUpper()
public final int getUpper()
int upper14a = this.__upper14a;
if (!this.__upper14aSet)
// upper has no pre constraints
upper14a = handleGetUpper();
// upper has no post constraints
this.__upper14a = upper14a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__upper14aSet = true;
return upper14a;
* @see ParameterFacade#getLower()
* @return int
protected abstract int handleGetLower();
private int __lower15a;
private boolean __lower15aSet = false;
* the lower value for the multiplicity
* -only applicable for UML2
* @return (int)handleGetLower()
public final int getLower()
int lower15a = this.__lower15a;
if (!this.__lower15aSet)
// lower has no pre constraints
lower15a = handleGetLower();
// lower has no post constraints
this.__lower15a = lower15a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__lower15aSet = true;
return lower15a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isUnique()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsUnique();
private boolean __unique16a;
private boolean __unique16aSet = false;
* If Parameter type isMany (UML2), is the parameter unique within the Collection. Unique+Sorted
* determines pareter implementation type. For UML14, always false.
* @return (boolean)handleIsUnique()
public final boolean isUnique()
boolean unique16a = this.__unique16a;
if (!this.__unique16aSet)
// unique has no pre constraints
unique16a = handleIsUnique();
// unique has no post constraints
this.__unique16a = unique16a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__unique16aSet = true;
return unique16a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isOrdered()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsOrdered();
private boolean __ordered17a;
private boolean __ordered17aSet = false;
* UML2 Only: Is parameter ordered within the Collection type. Ordered+Unique determines the
* implementation Collection Type. For UML14, always false.
* @return (boolean)handleIsOrdered()
public final boolean isOrdered()
boolean ordered17a = this.__ordered17a;
if (!this.__ordered17aSet)
// ordered has no pre constraints
ordered17a = handleIsOrdered();
// ordered has no post constraints
this.__ordered17a = ordered17a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__ordered17aSet = true;
return ordered17a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isMany()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsMany();
private boolean __many18a;
private boolean __many18aSet = false;
* If upper>1 or upper==unlimited. Only applies to UML2. For UML14, always false.
* @return (boolean)handleIsMany()
public final boolean isMany()
boolean many18a = this.__many18a;
if (!this.__many18aSet)
// many has no pre constraints
many18a = handleIsMany();
// many has no post constraints
this.__many18a = many18a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__many18aSet = true;
return many18a;
* @see ParameterFacade#isException()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsException();
private boolean __exception19a;
private boolean __exception19aSet = false;
* UML2: Returns the value of the 'Is Exception' attribute. The default value is "false". Tells
* whether an output parameter may emit a value to the exclusion of the other outputs.
* @return (boolean)handleIsException()
public final boolean isException()
boolean exception19a = this.__exception19a;
if (!this.__exception19aSet)
// exception has no pre constraints
exception19a = handleIsException();
// exception has no post constraints
this.__exception19a = exception19a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__exception19aSet = true;
return exception19a;
* @see ParameterFacade#getEffect()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetEffect();
private String __effect20a;
private boolean __effect20aSet = false;
* UML2: A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Parameter Effect Kind': CREATE,
* READ, UPDATE, DELETE. The datatype ParameterEffectKind is an enumeration that indicates the
* effect of a behavior on values passed in or out of its parameters.
* @return (String)handleGetEffect()
public final String getEffect()
String effect20a = this.__effect20a;
if (!this.__effect20aSet)
// effect has no pre constraints
effect20a = handleGetEffect();
// effect has no post constraints
this.__effect20a = effect20a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__effect20aSet = true;
return effect20a;
// ------------- associations ------------------
* Specification of an argument used to pass information into or out of an invocation of a
* behavioral
* feature. Parameters are allowed to be treated as connectable elements. Parameters have
* support for
* streaming, exceptions, and parameter sets.
* @return (ClassifierFacade)handleGetType()
public final ClassifierFacade getType()
ClassifierFacade getType1r = null;
// parameterFacade has no pre constraints
Object result = handleGetType();
MetafacadeBase shieldedResult = this.shieldedElement(result);
getType1r = (ClassifierFacade)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
ParameterFacadeLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for ParameterFacadeLogic.getType ClassifierFacade " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// parameterFacade has no post constraints
return getType1r;
* UML Specific type is transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Object
protected abstract Object handleGetType();
* The parameters to this event.
* @return (EventFacade)handleGetEvent()
public final EventFacade getEvent()
EventFacade getEvent2r = null;
// parameters has no pre constraints
Object result = handleGetEvent();
MetafacadeBase shieldedResult = this.shieldedElement(result);
getEvent2r = (EventFacade)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
ParameterFacadeLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for ParameterFacadeLogic.getEvent EventFacade " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// parameters has no post constraints
return getEvent2r;
* UML Specific type is transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Object
protected abstract Object handleGetEvent();
* Return all parameters for the operation, including the return parameter.
* @return (OperationFacade)handleGetOperation()
public final OperationFacade getOperation()
OperationFacade getOperation3r = null;
// parameters has no pre constraints
Object result = handleGetOperation();
MetafacadeBase shieldedResult = this.shieldedElement(result);
getOperation3r = (OperationFacade)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
ParameterFacadeLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for ParameterFacadeLogic.getOperation OperationFacade " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// parameters has no post constraints
return getOperation3r;
* UML Specific type is transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Object
protected abstract Object handleGetOperation();
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::parameter needs a type</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> Each parameter needs a type, you cannot leave the type unspecified.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context ParameterFacade
inv: return = false implies>notEmpty()</p>
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::non return type parameters must be named</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> Each parameter that is NOT a return parameter must have a non-empty name.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context ParameterFacade
inv: return = false
implies name -> notEmpty()</p>
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::primitive parameter cannot be used in Collection</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> Primitive parameters cannot be used in Collections (multiplicity > 1). Use the wrapped type instead.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context ParameterFacade inv: type.primitive implies (many = false)</p>
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::primitive parameter must be required</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> Primitive operation parameters must have a multiplicity lower bound > 0 (must be required). Use a wrapped type, or change the multiplicity.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context ParameterFacade inv: type.primitive implies (lower > 0)</p>
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::wrapped primitive parameter should not be required</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> Wrapped primitive operation parameters must have a multiplicity lower bound = 0 (must be optional). Use the unwrapped type, or change the multiplicity.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context ParameterFacade inv: type.wrappedPrimitive and many = false implies (lower = 0)</p>
* @param validationMessages Collection<ModelValidationMessage>
* @see ModelElementFacadeLogicImpl#validateInvariants(Collection validationMessages)
public void validateInvariants(Collection<ModelValidationMessage> validationMessages)
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLExpressions.equal(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"return"),false))).booleanValue()?OCLCollections.notEmpty(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"")):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::parameter needs a type",
"Each parameter needs a type, you cannot leave the type unspecified."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::parameter needs a type' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLExpressions.equal(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"return"),false))).booleanValue()?OCLCollections.notEmpty(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"name")):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::non return type parameters must be named",
"Each parameter that is NOT a return parameter must have a non-empty name."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::non return type parameters must be named' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"type.primitive"))).booleanValue()?(OCLExpressions.equal(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"many"),false)):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::primitive parameter cannot be used in Collection",
"Primitive parameters cannot be used in Collections (multiplicity > 1). Use the wrapped type instead."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::primitive parameter cannot be used in Collection' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"type.primitive"))).booleanValue()?(OCLExpressions.greater(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"lower"),0)):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::primitive parameter must be required",
"Primitive operation parameters must have a multiplicity lower bound > 0 (must be required). Use a wrapped type, or change the multiplicity."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::primitive parameter must be required' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"type.wrappedPrimitive"))).booleanValue()&&OCLExpressions.equal(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"many"),false))).booleanValue()?(OCLExpressions.equal(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"lower"),0)):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::wrapped primitive parameter should not be required",
"Wrapped primitive operation parameters must have a multiplicity lower bound = 0 (must be optional). Use the unwrapped type, or change the multiplicity."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::metafacades::uml::ParameterFacade::wrapped primitive parameter should not be required' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);