// license-header java merge-point
// Attention: generated code (by MetafacadeLogic.vsl) - do not modify!
package org.andromda.metafacades.uml14;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.MetafacadeBase;
import org.andromda.core.metafacade.ModelValidationMessage;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.AssociationEndFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.AttributeFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.DependencyFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.Entity;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.EntityAssociationEnd;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.EntityQueryOperation;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelElementFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.OperationFacade;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLCollections;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLIntrospector;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.validation.OCLResultEnsurer;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.omg.uml.foundation.core.Classifier;
* Represents a persistent entity.
* MetafacadeLogic for Entity
* @see Entity
public abstract class EntityLogic
extends ClassifierFacadeLogicImpl
implements Entity
* The underlying UML object
* @see Object
protected Object metaObject;
/** Create Metafacade implementation instance using the MetafacadeFactory from the context
* @param metaObjectIn
* @param context
protected EntityLogic(Object metaObjectIn, String context)
super((Classifier)metaObjectIn, getContext(context));
this.metaObject = metaObjectIn;
* The logger instance.
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EntityLogic.class);
* Gets the context for this metafacade logic instance.
* @param context String. Set to Entity if null
* @return context String
private static String getContext(String context)
if (context == null)
context = "org.andromda.metafacades.uml.Entity";
return context;
/** Reset context only for non-root metafacades
* @param context
public void resetMetafacadeContext(String context)
if (!this.contextRoot) // reset context only for non-root metafacades
context = getContext(context); // to have same value as in original constructor call
setMetafacadeContext (context);
* @return boolean true always
* @see Entity
public boolean isEntityMetaType()
return true;
// --------------- attributes ---------------------
* @see Entity#isChild()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsChild();
private boolean __child1a;
private boolean __child1aSet = false;
* Returns true/false depending on whether or not this entity represetns a child in an
* association (this occurs when this entity is on the opposite end of an assocation end defined
* as composite).
* @return (boolean)handleIsChild()
public final boolean isChild()
boolean child1a = this.__child1a;
if (!this.__child1aSet)
// child has no pre constraints
child1a = handleIsChild();
// child has no post constraints
this.__child1a = child1a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__child1aSet = true;
return child1a;
* @see Entity#getTableName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetTableName();
private String __tableName2a;
private boolean __tableName2aSet = false;
* The name of the database table to which this entity is persisted.
* @return (String)handleGetTableName()
public final String getTableName()
String tableName2a = this.__tableName2a;
if (!this.__tableName2aSet)
// tableName has no pre constraints
tableName2a = handleGetTableName();
// tableName has no post constraints
this.__tableName2a = tableName2a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__tableName2aSet = true;
return tableName2a;
* @see Entity#isIdentifiersPresent()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsIdentifiersPresent();
* True if the entity has any identifiers defined, false otherwise.
* @return (boolean)handleIsIdentifiersPresent()
public final boolean isIdentifiersPresent()
boolean identifiersPresent3a = false;
// identifiersPresent has no pre constraints
identifiersPresent3a = handleIsIdentifiersPresent();
// identifiersPresent has no post constraints
return identifiersPresent3a;
* @see Entity#getMaxSqlNameLength()
* @return short
protected abstract short handleGetMaxSqlNameLength();
private short __maxSqlNameLength4a;
private boolean __maxSqlNameLength4aSet = false;
* The maximum length a SQL name may be.
* @return (short)handleGetMaxSqlNameLength()
public final short getMaxSqlNameLength()
short maxSqlNameLength4a = this.__maxSqlNameLength4a;
if (!this.__maxSqlNameLength4aSet)
// maxSqlNameLength has no pre constraints
maxSqlNameLength4a = handleGetMaxSqlNameLength();
// maxSqlNameLength has no post constraints
this.__maxSqlNameLength4a = maxSqlNameLength4a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__maxSqlNameLength4aSet = true;
return maxSqlNameLength4a;
* @see Entity#isUsingForeignIdentifier()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsUsingForeignIdentifier();
* Indicates whether or not this entity is using a foreign identifier as its identifiers. That
* is: the foreignIdentifier flag was set on an incoming association end and the entity is
* therefore using the related foreign parent entity's identifier.
* @return (boolean)handleIsUsingForeignIdentifier()
public final boolean isUsingForeignIdentifier()
boolean usingForeignIdentifier5a = false;
// usingForeignIdentifier has no pre constraints
usingForeignIdentifier5a = handleIsUsingForeignIdentifier();
// usingForeignIdentifier has no post constraints
return usingForeignIdentifier5a;
* @see Entity#isDynamicIdentifiersPresent()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsDynamicIdentifiersPresent();
* True if the entity has its identifiers dynamically added, false otherwise.
* @return (boolean)handleIsDynamicIdentifiersPresent()
public final boolean isDynamicIdentifiersPresent()
boolean dynamicIdentifiersPresent6a = false;
// dynamicIdentifiersPresent has no pre constraints
dynamicIdentifiersPresent6a = handleIsDynamicIdentifiersPresent();
// dynamicIdentifiersPresent has no post constraints
return dynamicIdentifiersPresent6a;
* @see Entity#isUsingAssignedIdentifier()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsUsingAssignedIdentifier();
* Indiciates if this entity is using an assigned identifier or not.
* @return (boolean)handleIsUsingAssignedIdentifier()
public final boolean isUsingAssignedIdentifier()
boolean usingAssignedIdentifier7a = false;
// usingAssignedIdentifier has no pre constraints
usingAssignedIdentifier7a = handleIsUsingAssignedIdentifier();
// usingAssignedIdentifier has no post constraints
return usingAssignedIdentifier7a;
* @see Entity#getSchema()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetSchema();
private String __schema8a;
private boolean __schema8aSet = false;
* The name of the schema that contains the database table
* @return (String)handleGetSchema()
public final String getSchema()
String schema8a = this.__schema8a;
if (!this.__schema8aSet)
// schema has no pre constraints
schema8a = handleGetSchema();
// schema has no post constraints
this.__schema8a = schema8a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__schema8aSet = true;
return schema8a;
* @see Entity#isCompositeIdentifier()
* @return boolean
protected abstract boolean handleIsCompositeIdentifier();
* True if this entity identifier is a composite (consists of multiple key columns, typically
* abstracted into an external composite identifier class)
* @return (boolean)handleIsCompositeIdentifier()
public final boolean isCompositeIdentifier()
boolean compositeIdentifier9a = false;
// compositeIdentifier has no pre constraints
compositeIdentifier9a = handleIsCompositeIdentifier();
// compositeIdentifier has no post constraints
return compositeIdentifier9a;
* @see Entity#getEmbeddedValues()
* @return Collection<AttributeFacade>
protected abstract Collection<AttributeFacade> handleGetEmbeddedValues();
private Collection<AttributeFacade> __embeddedValues10a;
private boolean __embeddedValues10aSet = false;
* The embedded values belonging to this entity.
* @return (Collection<AttributeFacade>)handleGetEmbeddedValues()
public final Collection<AttributeFacade> getEmbeddedValues()
Collection<AttributeFacade> embeddedValues10a = this.__embeddedValues10a;
if (!this.__embeddedValues10aSet)
// embeddedValues has no pre constraints
embeddedValues10a = handleGetEmbeddedValues();
// embeddedValues has no post constraints
this.__embeddedValues10a = embeddedValues10a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__embeddedValues10aSet = true;
return embeddedValues10a;
* @see Entity#getFullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetFullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName();
private String __fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11a;
private boolean __fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11aSet = false;
* The full name of the type of the identifier. If composite identifier add the PK sufix to the
* class name. If not, retorns the fully qualified name of the identifier.
* @return (String)handleGetFullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName()
public final String getFullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName()
String fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11a = this.__fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11a;
if (!this.__fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11aSet)
// fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName has no pre constraints
fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11a = handleGetFullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName();
// fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName has no post constraints
this.__fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11a = fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11aSet = true;
return fullyQualifiedIdentifierTypeName11a;
* @see Entity#getIdentifierGetterName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetIdentifierGetterName();
private String __identifierGetterName12a;
private boolean __identifierGetterName12aSet = false;
* The getter name of the identifier.
* @return (String)handleGetIdentifierGetterName()
public final String getIdentifierGetterName()
String identifierGetterName12a = this.__identifierGetterName12a;
if (!this.__identifierGetterName12aSet)
// identifierGetterName has no pre constraints
identifierGetterName12a = handleGetIdentifierGetterName();
// identifierGetterName has no post constraints
this.__identifierGetterName12a = identifierGetterName12a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__identifierGetterName12aSet = true;
return identifierGetterName12a;
* @see Entity#getIdentifierName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetIdentifierName();
private String __identifierName13a;
private boolean __identifierName13aSet = false;
* The name of the identifier. If composite identifier add the Pk suffix. If not composite
* returns the attribute name of the identifier.
* @return (String)handleGetIdentifierName()
public final String getIdentifierName()
String identifierName13a = this.__identifierName13a;
if (!this.__identifierName13aSet)
// identifierName has no pre constraints
identifierName13a = handleGetIdentifierName();
// identifierName has no post constraints
this.__identifierName13a = identifierName13a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__identifierName13aSet = true;
return identifierName13a;
* @see Entity#getIdentifierSetterName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetIdentifierSetterName();
private String __identifierSetterName14a;
private boolean __identifierSetterName14aSet = false;
* The setter name of the identifier.
* @return (String)handleGetIdentifierSetterName()
public final String getIdentifierSetterName()
String identifierSetterName14a = this.__identifierSetterName14a;
if (!this.__identifierSetterName14aSet)
// identifierSetterName has no pre constraints
identifierSetterName14a = handleGetIdentifierSetterName();
// identifierSetterName has no post constraints
this.__identifierSetterName14a = identifierSetterName14a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__identifierSetterName14aSet = true;
return identifierSetterName14a;
* @see Entity#getIdentifierTypeName()
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetIdentifierTypeName();
private String __identifierTypeName15a;
private boolean __identifierTypeName15aSet = false;
* The name of the type of the identifier. If composite identifier add the PK suffix to the
* class name. If not, returns the name of the identifier.
* @return (String)handleGetIdentifierTypeName()
public final String getIdentifierTypeName()
String identifierTypeName15a = this.__identifierTypeName15a;
if (!this.__identifierTypeName15aSet)
// identifierTypeName has no pre constraints
identifierTypeName15a = handleGetIdentifierTypeName();
// identifierTypeName has no post constraints
this.__identifierTypeName15a = identifierTypeName15a;
if (isMetafacadePropertyCachingEnabled())
this.__identifierTypeName15aSet = true;
return identifierTypeName15a;
// ---------------- business methods ----------------------
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets the attributes as a list within an operation call, optionally including the type names
* and the identifier attributes.
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetOperationCallFromAttributes(boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets the attributes as a list within an operation call, optionally including the type names
* and the identifier attributes.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* True if you want to include identifiers within the attribute list, false otherwise.
* @return handleGetOperationCallFromAttributes(withIdentifiers)
public String getOperationCallFromAttributes(boolean withIdentifiers)
// getOperationCallFromAttributes has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetOperationCallFromAttributes(withIdentifiers);
// getOperationCallFromAttributes has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets all identifiers for an entity. If 'follow' is true, and if no identifiers can be found
* on the entity, a search up the inheritance chain will be performed, and the identifiers from
* the first super class having them will be used. If no identifiers exist, a default
* identifier will be created if the allowDefaultIdentifiers property is set to true.
* Identifiers can be on attributes or associations (composite primary key).
* @param follow
* @return Collection<ModelElementFacade>
protected abstract Collection<ModelElementFacade> handleGetIdentifiers(boolean follow);
* Gets all identifiers for an entity. If 'follow' is true, and if no identifiers can be found
* on the entity, a search up the inheritance chain will be performed, and the identifiers from
* the first super class having them will be used. If no identifiers exist, a default
* identifier will be created if the allowDefaultIdentifiers property is set to true.
* Identifiers can be on attributes or associations (composite primary key).
* @param follow boolean
* TODO: Model Documentation for Entity.getIdentifiers(follow)
* @return handleGetIdentifiers(follow)
public Collection<ModelElementFacade> getIdentifiers(boolean follow)
// getIdentifiers has no pre constraints
Collection<ModelElementFacade> returnValue = handleGetIdentifiers(follow);
// getIdentifiers has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets the attributes as a list within an operation call. If 'withTypeNames' is true, it will
* include the type names, if 'withIdentifiers' is true it will include the identifiers. If
* 'follow' is true it will follow the inheritance hierarchy and get the attributes of the super
* class as well.
* @param withIdentifiers
* @param follow
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetOperationCallFromAttributes(boolean withIdentifiers, boolean follow);
* Gets the attributes as a list within an operation call. If 'withTypeNames' is true, it will
* include the type names, if 'withIdentifiers' is true it will include the identifiers. If
* 'follow' is true it will follow the inheritance hierarchy and get the attributes of the super
* class as well.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* If true, identifiers will be included in the list.
* @param follow boolean
* If this is true, the inheritance hierarchy will be followed when retrieving all attrbutes.
* @return handleGetOperationCallFromAttributes(withIdentifiers, follow)
public String getOperationCallFromAttributes(boolean withIdentifiers, boolean follow)
// getOperationCallFromAttributes has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetOperationCallFromAttributes(withIdentifiers, follow);
// getOperationCallFromAttributes has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Returns all attributes that are specified as 'required' in the model. If 'follow' is true,
* then required attributes in super classes will also be returned, if false, just the ones
* directly on the entity will be returned. If 'withIdentifiers' is true, the identifiers will
* be include, if false, no identifiers will be included.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return Collection<AttributeFacade>
protected abstract Collection<AttributeFacade> handleGetRequiredAttributes(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Returns all attributes that are specified as 'required' in the model. If 'follow' is true,
* then required attributes in super classes will also be returned, if false, just the ones
* directly on the entity will be returned. If 'withIdentifiers' is true, the identifiers will
* be include, if false, no identifiers will be included.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to follow the inheritance hierarchy when retreiving the attributes. If true,
* the required attributes in super classes will also be returned, if false, just the ones
* directly on the entity will be returned.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the list of required attributes.
* @return handleGetRequiredAttributes(follow, withIdentifiers)
public Collection<AttributeFacade> getRequiredAttributes(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getRequiredAttributes has no pre constraints
Collection<AttributeFacade> returnValue = handleGetRequiredAttributes(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getRequiredAttributes has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets all required properties for this entity. These consist of any required attributes as
* well as navigable associations that are marked as 'required'. If 'follow' is true, then the
* inheritance hierchy will be followed and all required properties from super classes will be
* included as well.
* If 'withIdentifiers' is true, the identifiers will be include, if false, no identifiers will
* be included.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return Collection<ModelElementFacade>
protected abstract Collection<ModelElementFacade> handleGetRequiredProperties(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets all required properties for this entity. These consist of any required attributes as
* well as navigable associations that are marked as 'required'. If 'follow' is true, then the
* inheritance hierchy will be followed and all required properties from super classes will be
* included as well.
* If 'withIdentifiers' is true, the identifiers will be include, if false, no identifiers will
* be included.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to follow the inheritance hierarchy when retreiving the properties. If true,
* the required propertis in super classes will also be returned, if false, just the ones
* directly on the entity will be returned.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the list of required attributes.
* @return handleGetRequiredProperties(follow, withIdentifiers)
public Collection<ModelElementFacade> getRequiredProperties(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getRequiredProperties has no pre constraints
Collection<ModelElementFacade> returnValue = handleGetRequiredProperties(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getRequiredProperties has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets all attributes of the entity, and optionally retieves the super entities attributes as
* well as excludes the entity's identifiers if 'withIdentifiers' is set to false.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return Collection<AttributeFacade>
protected abstract Collection<AttributeFacade> handleGetAttributes(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets all attributes of the entity, and optionally retieves the super entities attributes as
* well as excludes the entity's identifiers if 'withIdentifiers' is set to false.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to follow the inheritance hierarchy when retreiving attributes.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the returned attributes.
* @return handleGetAttributes(follow, withIdentifiers)
public Collection<AttributeFacade> getAttributes(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getAttributes has no pre constraints
Collection<AttributeFacade> returnValue = handleGetAttributes(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getAttributes has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute types. If 'follow' is true, will travel up the
* inheritance hierarchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If 'withIdentifiers'
* is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetAttributeTypeList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute types. If 'follow' is true, will travel up the
* inheritance hierarchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If 'withIdentifiers'
* is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to 'follow' the inheritance hierarchy.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers.
* @return handleGetAttributeTypeList(follow, withIdentifiers)
public String getAttributeTypeList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getAttributeTypeList has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetAttributeTypeList(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getAttributeTypeList has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute names. If 'follow' is true, will travel up the
* inheritance hiearchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If 'withIdentifiers'
* is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetAttributeNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute names. If 'follow' is true, will travel up the
* inheritance hiearchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If 'withIdentifiers'
* is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to 'follow' the inheritance hierarchy.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the returned attributes.
* @return handleGetAttributeNameList(follow, withIdentifiers)
public String getAttributeNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getAttributeNameList has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetAttributeNameList(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getAttributeNameList has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute types with are required. If 'follow' is true, will
* travel up the inheritance hierarchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If
* 'withIdentifiers' is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRequiredAttributeTypeList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute types with are required. If 'follow' is true, will
* travel up the inheritance hierarchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If
* 'withIdentifiers' is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to 'follow' the inheritance hierarchy.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the list of required attributes.
* @return handleGetRequiredAttributeTypeList(follow, withIdentifiers)
public String getRequiredAttributeTypeList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getRequiredAttributeTypeList has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetRequiredAttributeTypeList(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getRequiredAttributeTypeList has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets a comma separated list of required attribute names. If 'follow' is true, will travel up
* the inheritance hierarchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If
* 'withIdentifiers' is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRequiredAttributeNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets a comma separated list of required attribute names. If 'follow' is true, will travel up
* the inheritance hierarchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If
* 'withIdentifiers' is true, will include identifiers.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to follow the inheritance hierarchy when retreiving the attributes. If true,
* the required attributes in super classes will also be used, if false, just the ones directly
* on the entity will be added to the list.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the list of required attribute names.
* @return handleGetRequiredAttributeNameList(follow, withIdentifiers)
public String getRequiredAttributeNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getRequiredAttributeNameList has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetRequiredAttributeNameList(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getRequiredAttributeNameList has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets all query operations for an entity. If 'follow' is true, and if no query operations can
* be found on the entity, a search up the inheritance chain will be performed, and the
* identifiers from the first super class having them will be used. If no identifiers exist, a
* default identifier will be created if the allowDefaultIdentifiers property is set to true.
* @param follow
* @return Collection<OperationFacade>
protected abstract Collection<OperationFacade> handleGetQueryOperations(boolean follow);
* Gets all query operations for an entity. If 'follow' is true, and if no query operations can
* be found on the entity, a search up the inheritance chain will be performed, and the
* identifiers from the first super class having them will be used. If no identifiers exist, a
* default identifier will be created if the allowDefaultIdentifiers property is set to true.
* @param follow boolean
* TODO: Model Documentation for Entity.getQueryOperations(follow)
* @return handleGetQueryOperations(follow)
public Collection<OperationFacade> getQueryOperations(boolean follow)
// getQueryOperations has no pre constraints
Collection<OperationFacade> returnValue = handleGetQueryOperations(follow);
// getQueryOperations has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Creates a comma separated list of the required property names.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRequiredPropertyNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Creates a comma separated list of the required property names.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to follow the inheritance hierarchy when retrieving the properties.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the list.
* @return handleGetRequiredPropertyNameList(follow, withIdentifiers)
public String getRequiredPropertyNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getRequiredPropertyNameList has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetRequiredPropertyNameList(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getRequiredPropertyNameList has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* A comma separated list of the required property types.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetRequiredPropertyTypeList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* A comma separated list of the required property types.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to follow the inheritance hierarchy
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the list.
* @return handleGetRequiredPropertyTypeList(follow, withIdentifiers)
public String getRequiredPropertyTypeList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getRequiredPropertyTypeList has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetRequiredPropertyTypeList(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getRequiredPropertyTypeList has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets all properties of this entity, this includes the attributes and navigable association
* ends of the entity. The 'follow' flag indcates whether or not the inheritance hierarchy
* should be followed when getting all the properties. The 'withIdentifiers' flag indicates
* whether or not identifiers should be included in the collection of properties.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @return Collection<ModelElementFacade>
protected abstract Collection<ModelElementFacade> handleGetProperties(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers);
* Gets all properties of this entity, this includes the attributes and navigable association
* ends of the entity. The 'follow' flag indcates whether or not the inheritance hierarchy
* should be followed when getting all the properties. The 'withIdentifiers' flag indicates
* whether or not identifiers should be included in the collection of properties.
* @param follow boolean
* TODO: Model Documentation for Entity.getProperties(follow)
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* TODO: Model Documentation for
* Entity.getProperties(withIdentifiers)
* @return handleGetProperties(follow, withIdentifiers)
public Collection<ModelElementFacade> getProperties(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers)
// getProperties has no pre constraints
Collection<ModelElementFacade> returnValue = handleGetProperties(follow, withIdentifiers);
// getProperties has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets all the associationEnds of this entity marked with the identifiers stereotype.
* @return Collection<AssociationEndFacade>
protected abstract Collection<AssociationEndFacade> handleGetIdentifierAssociationEnds();
* Gets all the associationEnds of this entity marked with the identifiers stereotype.
* @return handleGetIdentifierAssociationEnds()
public Collection<AssociationEndFacade> getIdentifierAssociationEnds()
// getIdentifierAssociationEnds has no pre constraints
Collection<AssociationEndFacade> returnValue = handleGetIdentifierAssociationEnds();
// getIdentifierAssociationEnds has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets all attributes of the entity, and optionally retieves the super entities attributes as
* well as excludes the entity's identifiers if 'withIdentifiers' is set to false and exclude
* derived attributes if 'withDerived' is set to false.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @param withDerived
* @return Collection<AttributeFacade>
protected abstract Collection<AttributeFacade> handleGetAttributes(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers, boolean withDerived);
* Gets all attributes of the entity, and optionally retieves the super entities attributes as
* well as excludes the entity's identifiers if 'withIdentifiers' is set to false and exclude
* derived attributes if 'withDerived' is set to false.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to follow the inheritance hierarchy when retreiving attributes.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the returned attributes.
* @param withDerived boolean
* Whether or not to include derived attributes in the returned attributes.
* @return handleGetAttributes(follow, withIdentifiers, withDerived)
public Collection<AttributeFacade> getAttributes(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers, boolean withDerived)
// getAttributes has no pre constraints
Collection<AttributeFacade> returnValue = handleGetAttributes(follow, withIdentifiers, withDerived);
// getAttributes has no post constraints
return returnValue;
* Method to be implemented in descendants
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute names. If 'follow' is true, will travel up the
* inheritance hiearchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If 'withIdentifiers'
* is true, will include identifiers and if 'withDerived' is set to true, will include derived
* attributes.
* @param follow
* @param withIdentifiers
* @param withDerived
* @return String
protected abstract String handleGetAttributeNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers, boolean withDerived);
* Gets a comma separated list of attribute names. If 'follow' is true, will travel up the
* inheritance hiearchy to include attributes in parent entities as well. If 'withIdentifiers'
* is true, will include identifiers and if 'withDerived' is set to true, will include derived
* attributes.
* @param follow boolean
* Whether or not to 'follow' the inheritance hierarchy.
* @param withIdentifiers boolean
* Whether or not to include identifiers in the returned attributes.
* @param withDerived boolean
* Whether or not to include derived attributes in the returned attributes.
* @return handleGetAttributeNameList(follow, withIdentifiers, withDerived)
public String getAttributeNameList(boolean follow, boolean withIdentifiers, boolean withDerived)
// getAttributeNameList has no pre constraints
String returnValue = handleGetAttributeNameList(follow, withIdentifiers, withDerived);
// getAttributeNameList has no post constraints
return returnValue;
// ------------- associations ------------------
* Represents a persistent entity.
* @return (Collection<DependencyFacade>)handleGetEntityReferences()
public final Collection<DependencyFacade> getEntityReferences()
Collection<DependencyFacade> getEntityReferences1r = null;
// entity has no pre constraints
Collection result = handleGetEntityReferences();
List shieldedResult = this.shieldedElements(result);
getEntityReferences1r = (Collection<DependencyFacade>)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
EntityLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for EntityLogic.getEntityReferences Collection<DependencyFacade> " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// entity has no post constraints
return getEntityReferences1r;
* UML Specific type is returned in Collection, transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Collection
protected abstract Collection handleGetEntityReferences();
* Represents a persistent entity.
* @return (EntityAssociationEnd)handleGetParentEnd()
public final EntityAssociationEnd getParentEnd()
EntityAssociationEnd getParentEnd2r = null;
// entity has no pre constraints
Object result = handleGetParentEnd();
MetafacadeBase shieldedResult = this.shieldedElement(result);
getParentEnd2r = (EntityAssociationEnd)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
EntityLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for EntityLogic.getParentEnd EntityAssociationEnd " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// entity has no post constraints
return getParentEnd2r;
* UML Specific type is transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Object
protected abstract Object handleGetParentEnd();
* Represents a persistent entity.
* @return (Collection<ModelElementFacade>)handleGetIdentifiers()
public final Collection<ModelElementFacade> getIdentifiers()
Collection<ModelElementFacade> getIdentifiers3r = null;
// entity has no pre constraints
Collection result = handleGetIdentifiers();
List shieldedResult = this.shieldedElements(result);
getIdentifiers3r = (Collection<ModelElementFacade>)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
EntityLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for EntityLogic.getIdentifiers Collection<ModelElementFacade> " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// entity has no post constraints
return getIdentifiers3r;
* UML Specific type is returned in Collection, transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Collection
protected abstract Collection handleGetIdentifiers();
* Represents a persistent entity.
* @return (Collection<EntityAssociationEnd>)handleGetChildEnds()
public final Collection<EntityAssociationEnd> getChildEnds()
Collection<EntityAssociationEnd> getChildEnds4r = null;
// entity has no pre constraints
Collection result = handleGetChildEnds();
List shieldedResult = this.shieldedElements(result);
getChildEnds4r = (Collection<EntityAssociationEnd>)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
EntityLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for EntityLogic.getChildEnds Collection<EntityAssociationEnd> " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// entity has no post constraints
return getChildEnds4r;
* UML Specific type is returned in Collection, transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Collection
protected abstract Collection handleGetChildEnds();
* Represents a persistent entity.
* @return (Collection<EntityQueryOperation>)handleGetQueryOperations()
public final Collection<EntityQueryOperation> getQueryOperations()
Collection<EntityQueryOperation> getQueryOperations5r = null;
// entity has no pre constraints
Collection result = handleGetQueryOperations();
List shieldedResult = this.shieldedElements(result);
getQueryOperations5r = (Collection<EntityQueryOperation>)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
EntityLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for EntityLogic.getQueryOperations Collection<EntityQueryOperation> " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// entity has no post constraints
return getQueryOperations5r;
* UML Specific type is returned in Collection, transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Collection
protected abstract Collection handleGetQueryOperations();
* Represents a persistent entity.
* @return (Collection<OperationFacade>)handleGetBusinessOperations()
public final Collection<OperationFacade> getBusinessOperations()
Collection<OperationFacade> getBusinessOperations6r = null;
// entity has no pre constraints
Collection result = handleGetBusinessOperations();
List shieldedResult = this.shieldedElements(result);
getBusinessOperations6r = (Collection<OperationFacade>)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
EntityLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for EntityLogic.getBusinessOperations Collection<OperationFacade> " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// entity has no post constraints
return getBusinessOperations6r;
* UML Specific type is returned in Collection, transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Collection
protected abstract Collection handleGetBusinessOperations();
* Represents a persistent entity.
* @return (Collection<DependencyFacade>)handleGetAllEntityReferences()
public final Collection<DependencyFacade> getAllEntityReferences()
Collection<DependencyFacade> getAllEntityReferences7r = null;
// entity has no pre constraints
Collection result = handleGetAllEntityReferences();
List shieldedResult = this.shieldedElements(result);
getAllEntityReferences7r = (Collection<DependencyFacade>)shieldedResult;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
// Bad things happen if the metafacade type mapping in metafacades.xml is wrong - Warn
EntityLogic.logger.warn("incorrect metafacade cast for EntityLogic.getAllEntityReferences Collection<DependencyFacade> " + result + ": " + shieldedResult);
// entity has no post constraints
return getAllEntityReferences7r;
* UML Specific type is returned in Collection, transformed by shieldedElements to AndroMDA Metafacade type
* @return Collection
protected abstract Collection handleGetAllEntityReferences();
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::metafacades::uml::Entity::entity must have at least one primary key</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> Each entity must have at least one identifier defined.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context Entity inv: identifiersPresent</p>
* <p><b>Constraint:</b> org::andromda::metafacades::uml::Entity::entities can only specialize other entites</p>
* <p><b>Error:</b> An entity can only specialize another entity.</p>
* <p><b>OCL:</b> context Entity inv : specializations -> notEmpty() implies specializations -> forAll(oclIsKindOf(Entity))</p>
* @param validationMessages Collection<ModelValidationMessage>
* @see ClassifierFacadeLogicImpl#validateInvariants(Collection validationMessages)
public void validateInvariants(Collection<ModelValidationMessage> validationMessages)
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"identifiersPresent"));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::metafacades::uml::Entity::entity must have at least one primary key",
"Each entity must have at least one identifier defined."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::metafacades::uml::Entity::entity must have at least one primary key' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);
final Object contextElement = this.THIS();
boolean constraintValid = OCLResultEnsurer.ensure((Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(OCLCollections.notEmpty(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"specializations")))).booleanValue()?OCLCollections.forAll(OCLIntrospector.invoke(contextElement,"specializations"),new Predicate(){public boolean evaluate(Object object){return Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(object instanceof Entity)).booleanValue();}}):true));
if (!constraintValid)
new ModelValidationMessage(
(MetafacadeBase)contextElement ,
"org::andromda::metafacades::uml::Entity::entities can only specialize other entites",
"An entity can only specialize another entity."));
catch (Throwable th)
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
int depth = 0; // Some throwables have infinite recursion
while (cause != null && depth < 7)
th = cause;
logger.error("Error validating constraint 'org::andromda::metafacades::uml::Entity::entities can only specialize other entites' ON "
+ this.THIS().toString() + ": " + th.getMessage(), th);