
// license-header java merge-point
// Generated by andromda-jsf cartridge (utils\JsfUtils.java.vsl) DO NOT EDIT!
package org.andromda.samples.carrental;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.EditableValueHolder;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIParameter;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.Flash;
import javax.faces.convert.Converter;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.faces.event.FacesEvent;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;

 * Utilities used within the JSF Cartridge
 * @author Chad Brandon
 * @author Walter Mourao
public class JsfUtils

     * Returns the current FacesContext
     * @return the current FacesContext
    public static FacesContext getFacesContext()
        return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
     * Returns the requestMap
     * @return the requestMap
    public static Map<String,Object> getRequestMap()
        return getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
     * Returns the value in requestMap
     * @ return the value in requestMap
    public static Object getValueInRequestMap(String key)
        return getRequestMap().get(key);
     * Returns the the current flash scope.
     * @return Map<String,Object>
    public static Flash getFlash()
        return getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getFlash();
     * A helper method that gets the current request from the faces
     * context.
     * @return the current request instance.
    public static HttpServletRequest getRequest()
        return (HttpServletRequest)getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequest();

     * A helper method that gets the current reponse from the faces
     * context.
     * @return the current response instance.
    public static HttpServletResponse getResponse()
        return (HttpServletResponse)getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getResponse();

     * A helper method that gets the current session from the faces
     * context.
     * @param create If the create parameter is true, create (if necessary) and return a
     *        session instance associated with the current request. If the create
     *        parameter is false return any existing session instance associated with the
     *        current request, or return null if there is no such session.
     * @return the current session instance.
    public static HttpSession getSession(final boolean create)
        return (HttpSession)getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSession(create);

     * A helper method that gets the current session from the faces
     * context.
     * @return the current session instance.
    public static HttpSession getSession()
        return (HttpSession)getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getSession(false);
     * Attempts to resolve the variable, given, the <code>name</code> of
     * the variable using the faces context variable resolver instance.
     * @param name
     * @return the resolved variable or null if not found.
    public static Object resolveVariable(final String name)
        return getFacesContext().getApplication().getELResolver().getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext(), null, (Object)name);

     * Sets the value of a request attribute
     * @param name the request attribute name
     * @param object the request attribute value
    public static void setRequestAttribute(final String name, final Object object)
        getRequest().setAttribute(name, object);

     * Gets the value of a request attribute
     * @param name the request attribute name
     * @return RequestAttribute
    public static Object getRequestAttribute(final String name)
        return getRequest().getAttribute(name);

     * Sets the value of a session attribute
     * @param name the session attribute name
     * @param object the session attribute value
    public static void setSessionAttribute(final String name, final Object object)
        getSession().setAttribute(name, object);

     * Finds the root cause of the given <code>throwable</code> and
     * adds the message taken from that cause to the faces context messages.
     * @param throwable the exception information to add.
    public static final void addExceptionMessage(
        Throwable throwable)
        String message = null;
        final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(throwable);
        if (rootCause != null)
            message = rootCause.toString();
        if (message == null || message.trim().length() == 0)
            message = throwable.toString();

     * Adds the given error <code>message</code> to the current faces context.
     * @param clientId the component client id.
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addErrorMessage(final String clientId, final String message)
        addMessage(clientId,FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, message);

     * Adds the given error <code>message</code> to the current faces context.
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addErrorMessage(final String message)
        addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, message);

     * Adds the given warning <code>message</code> to the current faces context.
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addWarningMessage(final String message)
        addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, message);

     * Adds the given error <code>message</code> to the current faces context.
     * @param clientId the component client id.
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addWarningMessage(final String clientId, final String message)
        addMessage(clientId,FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, message);

     * Adds the given info <code>message</code> to the current faces context.
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addInfoMessage(final String message)
        addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message);

     * Adds the given fatal <code>message</code> to the current faces context.
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addFatalMessage(final String message)
        addMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, message);

     * Adds a message to the faces context (which will show up on your view when using the
     * lt;h:messages/gt; tag).
     * @param clientId the clientId of the component
     * @param severity the severity of the message
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addMessage(final String clientId, final FacesMessage.Severity severity, final String message)
        getFacesContext().addMessage(clientId, new FacesMessage(severity, message, null));

     * Adds a message to the faces context (which will show up on your view when using the
     * lt;h:messages/gt; tag).
     * @param severity the severity of the message
     * @param message the message to add.
    public static void addMessage(final FacesMessage.Severity severity, final String message)
        addMessage(null, severity, message);

     * Gets the value of a session attribute
     * @param name the session attribute name
     * @return SessionAttribute
    public static Object getSessionAttribute(final String name)
        return getSession().getAttribute(name);

     * Returns an FacesEvent parameter value, from its name
     * @param parameterName the name of the parameter.
     * @param event the FacesEvent holding the parameter.
     * @return ParameterValue
    public static Object getParameterValue(String parameterName, FacesEvent event)
        for(Object uiObject : event.getComponent().getChildren()){
            if(uiObject instanceof UIParameter){
                final UIParameter param = (UIParameter)uiObject;
                if(param.getName().equals(parameterName)) {
                    return param.getValue();
        return null;

     * Force the component to get its value from the backing bean before rendering
     * @param uic the parent UIComponent.
    public static void resetEditableComponentsValues(UIComponent uic)
        if(uic instanceof EditableValueHolder)
            final EditableValueHolder evh=(EditableValueHolder)uic;
        for(Object component: uic.getChildren())

     * Force all the editable components to get its values from the backing bean before rendering
    public static void resetAllEditableComponentsValues()
        final UIComponent viewRoot=getFacesContext().getViewRoot();
        if(viewRoot != null)

     * Returns the converter identified by converterId
     * @param converterId the id of the converter to be used
     * @return the Converter instance
    public static Converter getConverter(
            final String converterId)
            return null;
        final FacesContext facesContext=FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        return facesContext.getApplication().createConverter(converterId);

     * Uses the converter identified by converterId to convert the value to a String.
     * @param value the value to be converted
     * @param converterId the id of the converter to be used
     * @param componentId the id of the component being rendered
     * @return the String representation of the value.
    public static String valueFromConverter(
            final Object value,
            final String converterId,
            final String componentId)
        final FacesContext facesContext=FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        final Converter converter = facesContext.getApplication().createConverter(converterId);
        return converter.getAsString(facesContext,

     * Uses the converter identified by converterId to convert the value to a String.
     * @param value the value to be converted
     * @param converterId the id of the converter to be used
     * @param componentId the id of the component being rendered
     * @param escapeJavascript flag to escape javascript
     * @return the String representation of the value.
    public static String valueFromConverter(
            final Object value,
            final String converterId,
            final String componentId,
            final Boolean escapeJavascript)
        final String result = valueFromConverter(value,converterId,componentId);
        return escapeJavascript?StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(result):result;

     * Uses the converter identified by converterId to convert the value to a String.
     * @param value the value to be converted
     * @param converterId the id of the converter to be used
     * @return the String representation of the value.
    public static String valueFromConverter(
            final Object value,
            final String converterId)
        final FacesContext facesContext=FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        final Converter converter = facesContext.getApplication().createConverter(converterId);
        return converter.getAsString(facesContext,null,value);

     * Uses the converter identified by converterId to convert the value to a String.
     * @param value the value to be converted
     * @param converterId the id of the converter to be used
     * @param escapeJavascript flag to escape javascript
     * @return the String representation of the value.
    public static String valueFromConverter(
            final Object value,
            final String converterId,
            final Boolean escapeJavascript)
        final String result = valueFromConverter(value,converterId);
        return escapeJavascript?StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(result):result;

     * Returns an ActionEvent parameter value, from its name
     * @param parameterName the parameter name
     * @param event ActionEvent containing the parameter
     * @return the parameter value.
    public static Object getParameterValue(String parameterName, ActionEvent event)
        for(Object uiObject : event.getComponent().getChildren())
            if(uiObject instanceof UIParameter)
                final UIParameter param = (UIParameter)uiObject;
                    return param.getValue();
        throw new RuntimeException("Parameter "+parameterName+" not found");

     * Returns an array of SelectItem from the values/names of the enumeration
     * @param prefix a String prefix to be used to load the name from the messages
     * @param enumClassName the enumeration class name
     * @return the array of SelectItem
    public static SelectItem[] getEnumSelectItems(final String prefix, final String enumClassName)
            final SelectItem[] result;
            final Class<?> enumClass=JsfUtils.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(enumClassName);
                final Enum[] values=(Enum[])enumClass.getMethod("values", (Class<?>[])null).invoke(null, (Object[])null);
                result=new SelectItem[values.length];
                int i=0;
                for(final Enum value:values)
                    result[i]=new SelectItem(value,Messages.get(prefix+value.name()));
                final List values=(List)enumClass.getMethod("values", (Class<?>[])null).invoke(null, (Object[])null);
                final int sz=values.size();
                final List names=(List)enumClass.getMethod("names", (Class<?>[])null).invoke(null, (Object[])null);
                result=new SelectItem[sz];
                for(int i=0; i<sz; i++)
                    result[i]=new SelectItem(values.get(i),Messages.get(prefix+names.get(i)));

            return result;
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(enumClassName+" is not an Andromda generated enumeration.",e);

     * Returns the messages.properties message of the enumeration value
     * @param prefix a String prefix to be used to load the name from the messages
     * @param enumValue the value
     * @return the String from the messages.properties
    public static String getEnumMessage(final String prefix, final Object enumValue)
        if(enumValue == null)
            return StringUtils.EMPTY;
        final Class<?> enumClass=enumValue.getClass();
            return Messages.get(prefix+((Enum)enumValue).name());
            final List values=(List)enumClass.getMethod("values", (Class<?>[])null).invoke(null, (Object[])null);
            final int sz=values.size();
            final List names=(List)enumClass.getMethod("names", (Class<?>[])null).invoke(null, (Object[])null);
            for(int i=0; i<sz; i++)
                    return Messages.get(prefix+names.get(i));
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(enumValue.getClass().getCanonicalName()+" is not an Andromda generated enumeration.",e);
        return null;

     * Returns the array without the entries with zero (using to avoid the null to zero 
     * issue of EL)
     * @param intArray an array filled with Integer
     * @return the array with the entries with zero and null removed
    public static Integer[] removeZeros(Integer[] intArray)
        if(intArray == null)
            return null;
        final Collection<Integer> result=new ArrayList<Integer>(intArray.length);
        for(Integer intValue: intArray)
            if(intValue != null && intValue.intValue() != 0)
        return result.toArray(new Integer[0]);

     * Returns the array without the entries with zero (using to avoid the null to zero 
     * issue of EL)
     * @param longArray an array filled with Integer
     * @return the array with the entries with zero and null removed
    public static Long[] removeZeros(Long[] longArray)
        if(longArray == null)
            return null;
        final Collection<Long> result=new ArrayList<Long>(longArray.length);
        for(Long longValue: longArray)
            if(longValue != null && longValue.longValue() != 0)
        return result.toArray(new Long[0]);

     * Returns the current ViewRoot
     * @return the current Faces ViewRoot
    public static UIViewRoot getViewRoot() {
        return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot();
     * Recursively locates a component in the view tree
     * @param id
     * @return
    public static UIComponent findComponentInRoot(String scopedId) {
        return getViewRoot().findComponent(scopedId);