package org.andromda.schema2uml2;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.andromda.core.common.ExceptionUtils;
import org.andromda.core.engine.ModelProcessorException;
import org.andromda.core.mapping.Mappings;
import org.andromda.core.namespace.NamespaceComponents;
import org.andromda.core.repository.Repositories;
import org.andromda.core.repository.RepositoryFacade;
import org.andromda.metafacades.emf.uml22.AssociationEnd;
import org.andromda.metafacades.emf.uml22.Attribute;
import org.andromda.metafacades.emf.uml22.TagDefinition;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.AggregationKind;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.MultiplicityElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.VisibilityKind;
* Performs the transformation of database schema to XMI.
* TODO This class really should have the functionality it uses (writing model
* elements) moved to the metafacades.
* TODO This class should be refactored into smaller classes.
* @author Chad Brandon
* @author Joel Kozikowski
public class SchemaTransformer
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SchemaTransformer.class);
private RepositoryFacade repository = null;
* The JDBC driver class
private String jdbcDriver = null;
* The JDBC schema user.
private String jdbcUser = null;
* The JDBC schema password.
private String jdbcPassword = null;
* The JDBC connection URL.
private String jdbcConnectionUrl = null;
* The name of the package in which the name of the elements will be
* created.
private String packageName = null;
* Stores the name of the schema where the tables can be found.
private String schema = null;
* The regular expression pattern to match on when deciding what table names
* to add to the transformed XMI.
private String tableNamePattern = null;
* Stores the schema types to model type mappings.
private Mappings typeMappings = null;
* Stores the classes keyed by table name.
private Map<String, org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class> classes = new HashMap<String, org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class>();
* Stores the foreign keys for each table.
private Map<String, Collection<String>> foreignKeys = new HashMap<String, Collection<String>>();
* Specifies the Class stereotype.
private String classStereotypes = null;
* Stores the name of the column tagged value to use for storing the name of
* the column.
private String columnTaggedValue = null;
* Stores the name of the table tagged value to use for storing the name of
* the table.
private String tableTaggedValue = null;
* The metadata column name needed to retrieve the database column type field.
private String metaColumnTypeName = "TYPE_NAME";
* The metadata column name needed to retrieve the database column size field.
private String metaColumnColumnSize = "COLUMN_SIZE";
// private String metaColumnColumnSize = "PRECISION";
* The metadata column name needed to retrieve the database column number of decimal places
private String metaColumnDecPlaces = null;
// private String metaColumnDecPlaces = "SCALE";
* The set of additional tagged values that are (optionally) added to each attribute
* in the generated model.
private Map<String, String> attributeTaggedValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
* Stores the version of XMI that will be produced.
private String xmiVersion = null;
* Constructs a new instance of this SchemaTransformer.
public SchemaTransformer()
// Default empty constructor
* Constructs a new instance of this SchemaTransformer.
* @param jdbcDriver
* @param jdbcConnectionUrl
* @param jdbcUser
* @param jdbcPassword
public SchemaTransformer(
String jdbcDriver,
String jdbcConnectionUrl,
String jdbcUser,
String jdbcPassword)
ExceptionUtils.checkEmpty("jdbcDriver", jdbcDriver);
ExceptionUtils.checkEmpty("jdbcConnectionUrl", jdbcConnectionUrl);
ExceptionUtils.checkEmpty("jdbcUser", jdbcUser);
ExceptionUtils.checkEmpty("jdbcPassword", jdbcPassword);
this.repository = Repositories.instance().getImplementation(Schema2UML2Globals.REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE_NETBEANSMDR);
if (this.repository == null)
throw new ModelProcessorException(
"No Repository could be found, please make sure you have a repository with namespace " + Schema2UML2Globals.REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE_NETBEANSMDR +
" on your classpath");
this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver;
this.jdbcConnectionUrl = jdbcConnectionUrl;
this.jdbcUser = jdbcUser;
this.jdbcPassword = jdbcPassword;
this.jdbcConnectionUrl = jdbcConnectionUrl;
* Transforms the Schema file and writes it to the location given by
* <code>outputLocation</code>. The <code>inputModel</code> must be a
* valid URL, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
* @param inputModel the location of the input model to start with (if there
* is one)
* @param outputLocation The location to where the transformed output will
* be written.
public void transform(
String inputModel,
String outputLocation)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
outputLocation = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(outputLocation);
if (outputLocation == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'outputLocation' can not be null");
Connection connection = null;
if (inputModel != null)
{"Input model --> '" + inputModel + '\'');
new String[] {inputModel},
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(this.jdbcConnectionUrl, this.jdbcUser, this.jdbcPassword);
catch (Throwable th)
throw new SchemaTransformerException(th);
"Completed adding " + this.classes.size() + " classes, writing model to --> '" + outputLocation +
"', TIME --> " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0) + "[s]");
* Sets the <code>mappingsUri</code> which is the URI to the sql types to
* model type mappings.
* @param typeMappingsUri The typeMappings to set.
public void setTypeMappings(String typeMappingsUri)
this.typeMappings = Mappings.getInstance(typeMappingsUri);
catch (final Throwable throwable)
throw new SchemaTransformerException(throwable);
* Sets the name of the package to which the model elements will be created.
* @param packageName The packageName to set.
public void setPackageName(String packageName)
this.packageName = packageName;
* Sets the name of the schema (where the tables can be found).
* @param schema The schema to set.
public void setSchema(String schema)
this.schema = schema;
* Sets the regular expression pattern to match on when deciding what table
* names to add to the transformed XMI.
* @param tableNamePattern The tableNamePattern to set.
public void setTableNamePattern(String tableNamePattern)
this.tableNamePattern = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(tableNamePattern);
* The column name pattern.
private String columnNamePattern;
* Sets the regular expression pattern to match on when deciding what attributes
* to create in the XMI.
* @param columnNamePattern The pattern for filtering the column name.
public void setColumnNamePattern(String columnNamePattern)
this.columnNamePattern = columnNamePattern;
* Sets the stereotype name for the new classes.
* @param classStereotypes The classStereotypes to set.
public void setClassStereotypes(String classStereotypes)
this.classStereotypes = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(classStereotypes);
* Specifies the identifier stereotype.
private String identifierStereotypes = null;
* Sets the stereotype name for the identifiers on the new classes.
* @param identifierStereotypes The identifierStereotypes to set.
public void setIdentifierStereotypes(String identifierStereotypes)
this.identifierStereotypes = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(identifierStereotypes);
* Sets the name of the column tagged value to use for storing the name of
* the column.
* @param columnTaggedValue The columnTaggedValue to set.
public void setColumnTaggedValue(String columnTaggedValue)
this.columnTaggedValue = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(columnTaggedValue);
* Sets the name of the table tagged value to use for storing the name of
* the table.
* @param tableTaggedValue The tableTaggedValue to set.
public void setTableTaggedValue(String tableTaggedValue)
this.tableTaggedValue = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(tableTaggedValue);
* @param taggedValues
public void setAttributeTaggedValues(String taggedValues) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(taggedValues)) {
StringTokenizer tokList = new StringTokenizer(taggedValues, ",");
while (tokList.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tok = tokList.nextToken();
String[] parts = StringUtils.split(tok, "=");
if (parts.length == 2) {
String tag = parts[0];
String value = parts[1];
this.attributeTaggedValues.put(tag, value);
} // while
* Sets the version of XMI that will be produced.
* @param xmiVersion The xmiVersion to set.
public void setXmiVersion(String xmiVersion)
this.xmiVersion = xmiVersion;
* The package that is currently being processed.
private UMLPackage umlPackage;
* The model thats currently being processed
private Model model;
* Performs the actual translation of the Schema to the XMI and returns the
* object model.
private final Object transform(final Connection connection)
throws Exception
/*this.umlPackage = (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage)this.repository.getModel().getModel();
final ModelManagementPackage modelManagementPackage = this.umlPackage.getModelManagement();
final Collection models = modelManagementPackage.getModel().refAllOfType();
if (models != null && !models.isEmpty())
// A given XMI file can contain multiple models.
// Use the first model in the XMI file
this.model = (Model)models.iterator().next();
this.model = modelManagementPackage.getModel().createModel();
// create the package on the model
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage leafPackage =
return this.umlPackage;
* Gets or creates a package having the specified <code>packageName</code>
* using the given <code>modelManagementPackage</code>, places it on the
* <code>model</code> and returns the last leaf package.
* @param modelManagementPackage from which we retrieve the UmlPackageClass
* to create a UmlPackage.
* @param modelPackage the root UmlPackage
* @param packageName
* @return modelPackage
protected org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage getOrCreatePackage(
ModelManagementPackage modelManagementPackage,
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage modelPackage,
String packageName)
packageName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(packageName);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(packageName))
String[] packages = packageName.split(Schema2UML2Globals.PACKAGE_SEPARATOR);
if (packages != null && packages.length > 0)
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < packages.length; ctr++)
Object umlPackage = ModelElementFinder.find(modelPackage, packages[ctr]);
if (umlPackage == null)
umlPackage =
packages[ctr], VisibilityKind.PUBLIC, false, false, false, false);
modelPackage = (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage)umlPackage;
return modelPackage;
* Creates all classes from the tables found in the schema.
* @param connection the Connection used to retrieve the schema metadata.
* @param modelPackage the package which the classes are added.
* @throws SQLException
protected void createClasses(
Connection connection,
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package modelPackage)
throws SQLException
DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData();
ResultSet tableRs = metadata.getTables(
new String[] {"TABLE"});
// loop through and create all classes and store then
// in the classes Map keyed by table
while (
String tableName = tableRs.getString("TABLE_NAME");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.tableNamePattern))
if (tableName.matches(this.tableNamePattern))
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class umlClass = this.createClass(modelPackage, metadata, tableName);
this.classes.put(tableName, umlClass);
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class umlClass = this.createClass(modelPackage, metadata, tableName);
this.classes.put(tableName, umlClass);
if (this.classes.isEmpty())
String schemaName = "";
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.schema))
schemaName = " '" + this.schema + "' ";
StringBuilder warning = new StringBuilder("WARNING! No tables found in schema");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.tableNamePattern))
warning.append(" matching pattern --> '").append(this.tableNamePattern).append('\'');
// add all attributes and associations to the modelPackage
for (String tableName : this.classes.keySet())
final org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class umlClass = this.classes.get(tableName);
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
{"created class --> '" + umlClass.getName() + '\'');
/*// create and add all associations to the package
modelPackage.getOwnedElement().addAll(this.createAssociations(metadata, corePackage, tableName));
// create and add all the attributes
umlClass.getFeature().addAll(this.createAttributes(metadata, corePackage, tableName));
* Creates and returns a UmlClass with the given <code>name</code> using
* the <code>corePackage</code> to create it.
* @param modelPackage
* @param metadata
* @param corePackage used to create the class.
* @param tableName to tableName for which we'll create the appropriate
* class.
* @return the UmlClass
protected org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class createClass(
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package modelPackage,
DatabaseMetaData metadata,
String tableName)
String className = SqlToModelNameFormatter.toClassName(tableName);
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class umlClass = modelPackage.createOwnedClass(tableName, false);
/* corePackage.getUmlClass().createUmlClass(
className, VisibilityKind.PUBLIC, false, false, false, false, false);
umlClass.getAppliedStereotypes().addAll(this.getOrCreateStereotypes(modelPackage, this.classStereotypes, "Classifier"));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.tableTaggedValue))
// add the tagged value for the table name
TaggedValue taggedValue = this.createTaggedValue(modelPackage, this.tableTaggedValue, tableName);
if (taggedValue != null)
return umlClass;
* Creates and returns a collection of attributes from creating an attribute
* from every column on the table having the give <code>tableName</code>.
* @param metadata the DatabaseMetaData from which to retrieve the columns.
* @param corePackage used to create the class.
* @param tableName the tableName for which to find columns.
* @return the collection of new attributes.
* @throws SQLException
protected Collection createAttributes(
DatabaseMetaData metadata,
//CorePackage corePackage,
String tableName)
throws SQLException
final Collection attributes = new ArrayList();
final ResultSet columnRs = metadata.getColumns(null, this.schema, tableName, null);
final Collection<String> primaryKeyColumns = this.getPrimaryKeyColumns(metadata, tableName);
ResultSetMetaData colMeta = columnRs.getMetaData();
int colCount = colMeta.getColumnCount();
while (
final String columnName = columnRs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
for (int c = 1; c <= colCount; c++) {
logger.debug("Meta column " + colMeta.getColumnName(c) + " = " + columnRs.getString(c));
if (this.columnNamePattern == null || columnName.matches(this.columnNamePattern))
final String attributeName = SqlToModelNameFormatter.toAttributeName(columnName);
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
{"adding attribute --> '" + attributeName + '\'');
// do NOT add foreign key columns as attributes (since
// they are placed on association ends)
if (!this.hasForeignKey(tableName, columnName))
Classifier typeClass = null;
// first we try to find a mapping that maps to the
// database proprietary type
String typeName = columnRs.getString(this.getMetaColumnTypeName());
String colSize = columnRs.getString(this.getMetaColumnColumnSize());
String decPlaces = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.getMetaColumnDecPlaces()))
decPlaces = columnRs.getString(this.getMetaColumnDecPlaces());
String type =
colSize, decPlaces);" - searching for type mapping '" + type + '\'');
/*if (this.typeMappings.containsFrom(type))
typeClass = this.getOrCreateDataType(corePackage, type);
// - See if we can find a type matching a mapping for a JDBC type
// (if we haven't found a database specific one)
if (typeClass == null)
type = JdbcTypeFinder.find(columnRs.getInt("DATA_TYPE"));" - searching for type mapping '" + type + '\'');
if (this.typeMappings.containsFrom(type))
typeClass = this.getOrCreateDataType(corePackage, type);
logger.warn(" ! no mapping found, type not added to '" + attributeName + '\'');
boolean required = !this.isColumnNullable(metadata, tableName, columnName);
Attribute attribute =
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.columnTaggedValue))
// add the tagged value for the column name
TaggedValue taggedValue =
this.createTaggedValue(corePackage, this.columnTaggedValue, columnName);
if (taggedValue != null)
// Add the attribute specific tagged values (if any)...
if (!this.attributeTaggedValues.isEmpty())
Set<String> keys = this.attributeTaggedValues.keySet();
for (final String tag : keys)
final String value = this.attributeTaggedValues.get(tag);
TaggedValue taggedValue =
this.createTaggedValue(corePackage, tag, value);
if (taggedValue != null)
if (primaryKeyColumns.contains(columnName))
this.getOrCreateStereotypes(corePackage, this.identifierStereotypes, "Attribute"));
return attributes;
* @param metaColumnDecPlaces
public void setMetaColumnDecPlaces(String metaColumnDecPlaces) {
this.metaColumnDecPlaces = metaColumnDecPlaces;
* @return metaColumnDecPlaces
public String getMetaColumnDecPlaces() {
return this.metaColumnDecPlaces;
* @param metaColumnColumnSize
public void setMetaColumnColumnSize(String metaColumnColumnSize) {
this.metaColumnColumnSize = metaColumnColumnSize;
* @return metaColumnColumnSize
public String getMetaColumnColumnSize() {
return this.metaColumnColumnSize;
* @param metaColumnTypeName
public void setMetaColumnTypeName(String metaColumnTypeName) {
this.metaColumnTypeName = metaColumnTypeName;
* @return metaColumnTypeName
public String getMetaColumnTypeName() {
return this.metaColumnTypeName;
* Gets or creates a new data type instance having the given fully qualified
* <code>type</code> name.
* @param corePackage the core package
* @param type the fully qualified type name.
* @return the DataType
protected DataType getOrCreateDataType(
//CorePackage corePackage,
String type)
type = this.typeMappings.getTo(type);
Object datatype = ModelElementFinder.find(this.model, type);
if (datatype == null || !DataType.class.isAssignableFrom(datatype.getClass()))
String[] names = type.split(Schema2UML2Globals.PACKAGE_SEPARATOR);
if (names != null && names.length > 0)
// the last name is the type name
String typeName = names[names.length - 1];
names[names.length - 1] = null;
String packageName = StringUtils.join(names, Schema2UML2Globals.PACKAGE_SEPARATOR);
/*org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage umlPackage =
if (umlPackage != null)
datatype =
typeName, VisibilityKind.PUBLIC, false, false, false, false);
return (DataType)datatype;
* This method just checks to see if a column is null able or not, if so,
* returns true, if not returns false.
* @param metadata the DatabaseMetaData instance used to retrieve the column
* information.
* @param tableName the name of the table on which the column exists.
* @param columnName the name of the column.
* @return true/false on whether or not column is nullable.
* @throws SQLException
protected boolean isColumnNullable(
DatabaseMetaData metadata,
String tableName,
String columnName)
throws SQLException
boolean nullable = true;
ResultSet columnRs = metadata.getColumns(null, this.schema, tableName, columnName);
while (
nullable = columnRs.getInt("NULLABLE") != DatabaseMetaData.attributeNoNulls;
return nullable;
* Returns a collection of all primary key column names for the given
* <code>tableName</code>.
* @param metadata
* @param tableName
* @return collection of primary key names.
* @throws SQLException
protected Collection<String> getPrimaryKeyColumns(
DatabaseMetaData metadata,
String tableName)
throws SQLException
Collection<String> primaryKeys = new HashSet<String>();
ResultSet primaryKeyRs = metadata.getPrimaryKeys(null, this.schema, tableName);
while (
return primaryKeys;
* Creates and returns a collection of associations by determining foreign
* tables to the table having the given <code>tableName</code>.
* @param metadata the DatabaseMetaData from which to retrieve the columns.
* @param corePackage used to create the class.
* @param tableName the tableName for which to find columns.
* @return the collection of new attributes.
* @throws SQLException
protected Collection createAssociations(
DatabaseMetaData metadata,
UMLPackage corePackage,
String tableName)
throws SQLException
Collection<String> primaryKeys = this.getPrimaryKeyColumns(metadata, tableName);
Collection associations = new ArrayList();
ResultSet columnRs = metadata.getImportedKeys(null, this.schema, tableName);
while (
// store the foreign key in the foreignKeys Map
String fkColumnName = columnRs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME");
this.addForeignKey(tableName, fkColumnName);
// now create the association
String foreignTableName = columnRs.getString("PKTABLE_NAME");
/*UmlAssociation association =
null, VisibilityKind.PUBLIC, false, false, false, false);*/
// we set the upper range to 1 if the
// they primary key of this table is the
// foreign key of another table (by default
// its set to a many multiplicity)
int primaryUpper = -1;
if (primaryKeys.contains(fkColumnName))
primaryUpper = 1;
String endName = null;
// primary association
/*AssociationEnd primaryEnd =
boolean required = !this.isColumnNullable(metadata, tableName, fkColumnName);
int foreignLower = 0;
if (required)
foreignLower = 1;
int deleteRule = columnRs.getInt("DELETE_RULE");
// determine if we should have composition for
// the foreign association end depending on cascade delete
/*AggregationKind foreignAggregation = AggregationKind.NONE;
if (deleteRule == DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade)
foreignAggregation = AggregationKind.COMPOSITE;
// foreign association
AssociationEnd foreignEnd =
final Classifier foreignParticipant = this.classes.get(foreignTableName);
if (foreignParticipant == null)
throw new SchemaTransformerException(
"The associated table '" + foreignTableName +
"' must be available in order to create the association");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.columnTaggedValue))
// add the tagged value for the foreign association end
TaggedValue taggedValue = this.createTaggedValue(corePackage, this.columnTaggedValue, fkColumnName);
if (taggedValue != null)
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
"adding association: '" + primaryEnd.getParticipant().getName() + " <--> " +
foreignEnd.getParticipant().getName() + '\'');
return associations;
* Creates a tagged value given the specified <code>name</code>.
* @param corePackage
* @param name the name of the tagged value to create.
* @param value the value to populate on the tagged value.
* @return returns the new TaggedValue
protected TaggedValue createTaggedValue(
CorePackage corePackage,
String name,
String value)
Collection values = new HashSet();
TaggedValue taggedValue =
corePackage.getTaggedValue().createTaggedValue(name, VisibilityKind.PUBLIC, false, values);
// see if we can find the tag definition and if so add that
// as the type.
Object tagDefinition = ModelElementFinder.find(this.umlPackage, name);
if (tagDefinition != null && TagDefinition.class.isAssignableFrom(tagDefinition.getClass()))
return taggedValue;
* Gets or creates a stereotypes given the specified comma separated list of
* <code>names</code>. If any of the stereotypes can't be found, they
* will be created.
* @param corePackage
* @param names comma separated list of stereotype names
* @param baseClass the base class for which the stereotype applies.
* @return Collection of Stereotypes
protected Collection getOrCreateStereotypes(
CorePackage corePackage,
String names,
String baseClass)
Collection stereotypes = new HashSet();
String[] stereotypeNames = null;
if (names != null)
stereotypeNames = names.split(",");
if (stereotypeNames != null && stereotypeNames.length > 0)
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < stereotypeNames.length; ctr++)
String name = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(stereotypeNames[ctr]);
// see if we can find the stereotype first
Object stereotype = ModelElementFinder.find(this.umlPackage, name);
if (stereotype == null || !Stereotype.class.isAssignableFrom(stereotype.getClass()))
Collection baseClasses = new ArrayList();
stereotype =
name, VisibilityKind.PUBLIC, false, false, false, false, null, baseClasses);
return stereotypes;
* Adds a foreign key column name to the <code>foreignKeys</code> Map. The
* map stores a collection of foreign key names keyed by the given
* <code>tableName</code>
* @param tableName the name of the table for which to store the keys.
* @param columnName the name of the foreign key column name.
protected void addForeignKey(
String tableName,
String columnName)
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(columnName))
Collection<String> foreignKeys = this.foreignKeys.get(tableName);
if (foreignKeys == null)
foreignKeys = new HashSet<String>();
this.foreignKeys.put(tableName, foreignKeys);
* Returns true if the table with the given <code>tableName</code> has a
* foreign key with the specified <code>columnName</code>.
* @param tableName the name of the table to check for the foreign key
* @param columnName the name of the foreign key column.
* @return true/false depending on whether or not the table has the foreign
* key with the given <code>columnName</code>.
protected boolean hasForeignKey(
String tableName,
String columnName)
boolean hasForeignKey = false;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(columnName))
Collection<String> foreignKeys = this.foreignKeys.get(tableName);
if (foreignKeys != null)
hasForeignKey = foreignKeys.contains(columnName);
return hasForeignKey;
* Creates an attributes multiplicity, if <code>required</code> is true,
* then multiplicity is set to 1, if <code>required</code> is false, then
* multiplicity is set to 0..1.
* @param dataTypes used to create the Multiplicity
* @param required whether or not the attribute is required therefore
* determining the multiplicity value created.
* @return the new Multiplicity
protected MultiplicityElement createAttributeMultiplicity(
DataTypesPackage dataTypes,
boolean required)
MultiplicityElement mult = null;
if (required)
mult = this.createMultiplicity(dataTypes, 1, 1);
mult = this.createMultiplicity(dataTypes, 0, 1);
return mult;
* Creates a multiplicity, from <code>lower</code> and <code>upper</code>
* ranges.
* @param dataTypes used to create the Multiplicity
* @param lower the lower range of the multiplicity
* @param upper the upper range of the multiplicity
* @return the new Multiplicity
protected MultiplicityElement createMultiplicity(
DataTypesPackage dataTypes,
int lower,
int upper)
MultiplicityElement mult = dataTypes.getMultiplicity().createMultiplicity();
MultiplicityRange range = dataTypes.getMultiplicityRange().createMultiplicityRange(lower, upper);
return mult;