package org.andromda.translation.ocl.query;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.andromda.core.translation.TranslationUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* Performs translation to the following: <ul> <li>EJB-QL</li> </ul>
* @author Chad Brandon
public class EjbQLTranslator
extends QueryTranslator
* Used to replace the 'counter' reference in the EJB-QL template
private static final String ARG_COUNTER = "counter";
* Keeps track of an incrementing argument number.
private short argCounter;
* Holds the arguments which have previously been used during translation. The key is the argument name BEFORE
* translation, and the value is the argument name AFTER translation.
private Map<String, String> usedArguments = new HashMap<String, String>();
* Called by super class to reset any objects.
public void preProcess()
* Resets the argCounter variable to its beginning value.
private void resetArgCounter()
this.argCounter = 1;
* Returns a String representing an incrementing number. It increments and returns the next value each time this
* method is called.
* @return String the counter represented by a String.
protected String getCounter()
return String.valueOf(argCounter++);
* Checks to see if the replacement is an argument and if so replaces the {index} in the fragment with the
* 'argument' fragment from the template. Otherwise replaces the {index} with the passed in replacement value.
* @param fragment
* @param replacement
* @param index
* @return String the fragment with any replacements.
protected String replaceFragment(String fragment, String replacement, int index)
if (this.isOperationArgument(replacement))
// get the used argument and if it exists, use that for the
// replacement, otherwise use a new one.
String usedArgument = this.usedArguments.get(replacement);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(usedArgument))
String argument = this.getTranslationFragment("argument");
argument = this.replaceCounterPattern(argument);
this.usedArguments.put(replacement, argument);
replacement = argument;
replacement = usedArgument;
return super.replaceFragment(fragment, replacement, index);
* Handles the replacement of the references to 'counter' with the incrementing counter (currently just used for
* EJB-QL translation) --> may want to find a cleaner way to do this.
* @param fragment
* @return fragment
protected String replaceCounterPattern(String fragment)
if (TranslationUtils.containsPattern(fragment, EjbQLTranslator.ARG_COUNTER))
fragment = TranslationUtils.replacePattern(fragment, EjbQLTranslator.ARG_COUNTER, this.getCounter());
return fragment;