package org.andromda.translation.ocl.syntax;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.andromda.core.common.ExceptionUtils;
import org.andromda.core.translation.TranslationUtils;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AActualParameterList;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.ACommaExpression;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AFeatureCall;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AFeatureCallParameters;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AOperation;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.APropertyCallExpression;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.ARelationalExpression;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.ARelationalExpressionTail;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AStandardDeclarator;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.ATypeDeclaration;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AVariableDeclaration;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AVariableDeclarationList;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.AVariableDeclarationListTail;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.PActualParameterList;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.PEqualExpression;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.PFeatureCallParameters;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.POperation;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.PRelationalExpression;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.PVariableDeclaration;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.PVariableDeclarationList;
import org.andromda.translation.ocl.node.TName;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Contains some utilities for concrete syntax value retrieval.
* @author Chad Brandon
public class ConcreteSyntaxUtils
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConcreteSyntaxUtils.class);
* Iterates through the passed in list and concatenates all the values of objects toString value to a StringBuffer and
* returns the StringBuffer.
* @param list the List of objects to concatenate.
* @return StringBuffer the concatenated contents of the list.
public static StringBuffer concatContents(List list)
StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer();
if (list != null)
for (Object object : list)
String value = ObjectUtils.toString(object);
return name;
* Converts the passed <code>operation</code> to an instance of <code>Operation</code> for the passed in operation.
* @param operation
* @return VariableDeclarations
public static OperationDeclaration getOperationDeclaration(POperation operation)
ExceptionUtils.checkNull("operation", operation);
OperationDeclaration operationDeclaration = null;
AOperation op = (AOperation) operation;
ATypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = (ATypeDeclaration) op.getReturnTypeDeclaration();
String returnType = null;
if (typeDeclaration != null)
returnType = ObjectUtils.toString(typeDeclaration.getType());
operationDeclaration = new OperationDeclarationImpl(ObjectUtils.toString(op.getName()), returnType, ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getVariableDeclarations(
return operationDeclaration;
* Retrieves all the variable declarations for the passed in <code>operation</code>.
* @param operation the operation for which to retrieve the variable declarations.
* @return VariableDeclaration[]
public static VariableDeclaration[] getVariableDeclarations(POperation operation)
ExceptionUtils.checkNull("operation", operation);
return ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getVariableDeclarations(((AOperation) operation).getParameters());
* Retrieves all the variable declarations for the passed in <code>standardDeclarator</code>.
* @param standardDeclarator the standard declartor for which to retrieve the VariableDeclaration instances.
* @return VariableDeclaration[]
public static VariableDeclaration[] getVariableDeclarations(AStandardDeclarator standardDeclarator)
ExceptionUtils.checkNull("standardDeclarator", standardDeclarator);
return ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getVariableDeclarations(standardDeclarator.getVariableDeclarationList());
* Creates a new VariableDeclaration from the passed in PVariableDeclaration.
* @param variableDeclaration the PVariableDeclaration that the new VariableDeclaration will be created from.
* @param initialValue the initial value of the variable declaration.
* @return VariableDeclaration the new VariableDeclaration
protected static VariableDeclaration newVariableDeclaration(PVariableDeclaration variableDeclaration,
PEqualExpression initialValue)
ExceptionUtils.checkNull("variableDeclaration", variableDeclaration);
AVariableDeclaration declaration = (AVariableDeclaration) variableDeclaration;
ATypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = (ATypeDeclaration) declaration.getTypeDeclaration();
String type = null;
String name = ObjectUtils.toString(declaration.getName()).trim();
if (typeDeclaration != null)
type = ObjectUtils.toString(typeDeclaration.getType());
return new VariableDeclarationImpl(name, type, ObjectUtils.toString(initialValue).trim());
* Creates an array of VariableDeclaration[] from the passed in PVariableDeclarationList.
* @param variableDeclarationList the PVariableDeclarationList that the new VariableDeclaration will be created
* from.
* @return VariableDeclaration[] the new VariableDeclaration array
public static VariableDeclaration[] getVariableDeclarations(PVariableDeclarationList variableDeclarationList)
Collection declarations = new ArrayList();
if (variableDeclarationList != null)
AVariableDeclarationList variables = (AVariableDeclarationList) variableDeclarationList;
// add the first one
// add the rest
List<AVariableDeclarationListTail> variableTails = variables.getVariableDeclarationListTail();
if (variableTails != null)
for (AVariableDeclarationListTail tail : variableTails)
return (VariableDeclaration[]) declarations.toArray(new VariableDeclaration[declarations.size()]);
* Gets all the parameters from the <code>featureCall</code> instance.
* @param featureCall the featureCall for which to retrieve the parameters
* @return List the list containing any parameters retrieved, or an empty array if none could be retrieved
public static List getParameters(AFeatureCall featureCall)
List parameters = new ArrayList();
if (featureCall != null)
parameters = getParameters(featureCall.getFeatureCallParameters());
return parameters;
* Gets all the parameters from the <code>featureCall</code> instance as a comma separated String.
* @param featureCall the featureCall from which to retrieve the parameters
* @return String the comma separated String
public static String getParametersAsString(AFeatureCall featureCall)
return getParametersAsString(featureCall.getFeatureCallParameters());
* Gets all the parameters from the <code>PFeatureCallParameters</code> instance as a comma separated String.
* @param featureCallParameters the featureCallParameters from which to retrieve the parameters
* @return String the comma separated String
public static String getParametersAsString(PFeatureCallParameters featureCallParameters)
return StringUtils.join(ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getParameters(featureCallParameters).iterator(), ",");
* Gets all the parameters from the <code>callParameters</code> instance.
* @param callParameters the callParameters for which to retrieve the parameters
* @return List the list containing any parameters retrieved, or an empty array if none could be retrieved
private static List getParameters(PFeatureCallParameters callParameters)
List parameters = new ArrayList();
if (callParameters != null)
PActualParameterList parameterList = ((AFeatureCallParameters) callParameters).getActualParameterList();
if (parameterList != null)
AActualParameterList params = (AActualParameterList) parameterList;
// add the first param if it exists
String firstParam = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(params.getExpression());
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(firstParam))
// now add the rest of the params which are contained in the
// tail
List<ACommaExpression> restOfParams = params.getCommaExpression();
if (restOfParams != null && !restOfParams.isEmpty())
for (ACommaExpression parameterListTail : restOfParams)
return parameters;
* Gets the left and right expressions of a PRelationalExpression and puts then into a List. The left expression
* will be the first expression in the list.
* @param relationalExpression
* @return the left and right parenthesis in [0] and [1] of the String[]
public static String[] getLeftAndRightExpressions(PRelationalExpression relationalExpression)
String[] expressions = new String[2];
ARelationalExpression expression = (ARelationalExpression) relationalExpression;
// set the left expression
expressions[0] = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(expression.getAdditiveExpression());
ARelationalExpressionTail expressionTail = (ARelationalExpressionTail) expression.getRelationalExpressionTail();
// set the right expression
expressions[1] = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(expressionTail.getAdditiveExpression());
return expressions;
* Concatenates the type from the passed in name and pathNameTail.
* @param name the starting name of the type
* @param pathNameTail the tail pieces of the name
* @return String the concatenated name.
public static String getType(TName name, List pathNameTail)
StringBuffer type = ConcreteSyntaxUtils.concatContents(pathNameTail);
type.insert(0, TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(name));
return StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(type.toString());
* Gets the "real" primary expression, as opposed to the primary expression retrieved from the parser syntax (since
* it leaves off any navigational relationships).
* @param expression the APosfixExpression instance for which to retrieve the primary expression
* @return String the "real" primary expression or the passed in expression.
public static String getPrimaryExpression(APropertyCallExpression expression)
StringBuilder primaryExpression = new StringBuilder();
if (expression != null)
// append the first part of the primary expression
List expressionTail = expression.getPropertyCallExpressionTail();
if (!expressionTail.isEmpty())
for (Object object : expressionTail)
final String tail = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(object);
// beak out if we encounter an arrow feature call
if (tail.contains(ARROW_FEATURE_CALL))
// only append to the expression if not an operation
if (tail.indexOf('(') == -1)
return StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(primaryExpression.toString());
* Gets all feature calls from the passed in APropertyCallExpression instance.
* @param expression the APosfixExpression instance for which to retrieve the primary expression
* @return String the "real" primary expression of the passed in expression.
public static List getFeatureCalls(APropertyCallExpression expression)
final String methodName = "ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getFeatureCalls";
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("performing " + methodName + " with expression --> '" + expression + '\'');
List featureCalls = new ArrayList();
if (expression != null)
List tails = expression.getPropertyCallExpressionTail();
if (tails != null && !tails.isEmpty())
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < tails.size(); ctr++)
featureCalls.add(TranslationUtils.getProperty(tails.get(ctr), "featureCall"));
return featureCalls;
* Indicates an arrow feature call.
private static final String ARROW_FEATURE_CALL = "->";
* Gets the navigational path from the given <code>expression</code> that occurs after an arrow feature call. If the
* the expression contains an arrow feature call, then the navigational expression is any expression navigating on
* the result of an arrow feature call (otherwise it's an empty string).
* @param expression the expression from which to retrieve the navigational path.
* @return the navigational path.
public static String getArrowFeatureCallResultNavigationalPath(APropertyCallExpression expression)
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
if (OCLPatterns.isCollectionOperationResultNavigationalPath(expression))
List featureCalls = getFeatureCalls(expression);
int size = featureCalls.size();
if (size > 1)
for (int ctr = 1; ctr < size; ctr++)
String featureCall = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(featureCalls.get(ctr));
if (featureCall.contains(ARROW_FEATURE_CALL) || featureCall.indexOf('(') != -1)
if (ctr != size - 1)
return path.toString();
* Loads a List of variable declaration names from the <code>variableDeclarations</code>
* @param variableDeclarations an array of VariableDeclaration objects
* @return List the list of argument names as Strings/
public static List getArgumentNames(VariableDeclaration[] variableDeclarations)
List names = new ArrayList();
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < variableDeclarations.length; ctr++)
return names;