package org.andromda.translation.ocl.syntax;
import org.andromda.core.translation.TranslationUtils;
* Contains the patterns matching constructs within the OCL language.
* @author Chad Brandon
public class OCLPatterns
* Matches on the pattern of a scope path (i.e. java :: lang :: Integer).
static final String SCOPE_PATH = "[\\w+|::]+";
* Matches on the pattern of a navigational path (i.e. person.name.first)
static final String NAVIGATIONAL_PATH = "[\\w*[\\.]*]+";
* Indicates if this <code>expression</code> is an operation.
* @param expression the expression to match.
* @return true/false
public static boolean isOperation(Object expression)
return TranslationUtils.deleteWhitespace(expression).matches(OPERATION);
private static final String OPERATION = ".+\\(.*\\).*";
* Indicates if this <code>expression</code> is a collection (->) operation call.
* @param expression the expression to match.
* @return true/false
public static boolean isCollectionOperationCall(Object expression)
return TranslationUtils.deleteWhitespace(expression).matches(COLLECTION_CALL);
private static final String COLLECTION_CALL = ".+->.+";
* Indicates if this <code>expression</code> is a collection operation result navigational path
* (->someOperation().some.path)
* @param expression the expression to match.
* @return true/false
public static boolean isCollectionOperationResultNavigationalPath(Object expression)
return TranslationUtils.deleteWhitespace(expression).matches(COLLECTION_CALL_RESULT_NAVIGATIONAL_PATH);
* Indicates if this <code>expression</code> is a navigational path
* (some.path)
* @param expression the expression to match.
* @return true/false
public static boolean isNavigationalPath(Object expression)
return TranslationUtils.deleteWhitespace(expression).matches(NAVIGATIONAL_PATH);
* Pattern for <em>and</em> and <em>or</em> expression matching.
private static final String AND_OR_OR_OPERATOR = "or\\s+.*|and\\s+.*";
* Indicates if this <code>expression</code> is an <em>and</em>
* or <em>or</em> expression (or some.path, and some.path, etc)
* @param expression the expression to match.
* @return true/false
public static boolean isAndOrOrExpression(Object expression)
return TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(expression).matches(AND_OR_OR_OPERATOR);