AndroMDA BPM4Struts Cartridge Namespace Components

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  • profile

AndroMDA BPM4Struts Cartridge Namespace Properties

Manageable Entities
Properties related to the generation of the web-tier part of the manageable entities (also known as the CRUD feature).
Messages and i18n
Properties related to the configuration of messages and internationalization in general.
Defines the locations to which output is generated.
Validation and Security
These properties configure the validation of user input as well as the security.

actions(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which Struts actions are generated.
forms(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which Struts action forms are generated.
configuration(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which Struts configuration files are generated. These are the files that typically appear in WEB-INF, such as validation-rules.xml and tiles-defs.xml.
controllers(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which abstract controllers are generated.
controller-impls(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which the controller implementation classes are generated.
messages(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The location to which message resource bundles are generated.
pages(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
application JSP pages, login pages and stylesheets are outputted here
server(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The location where to store application server specific configuration, such as and (in case security has been enabled)
decorators(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The location where the displaytag table decorators will be generated (if any). Files generated into this outlet will not be overwritten upon regeneration, they are meant to be edited by hand.
preventDirectPageAccess(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: false
By enabling this property the cartridge will make sure JSPs are not accessible directly by the client: only the server can access them this way. It is generally good practice to enable it since only Struts actions are called but for some reason behavior is different on different machines, so we allow this feature to be toggled. Set to true if you want to prevent direct access to pages.
renderPageVariables(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: false
By enabling this property the cartridge will generate a table containing the current set of page-variables, this table (if any) will be shown in the upper part of the JSP page. This feature is particularly useful for debugging purposes or when giving a demonstration or when showing a prototype.
defaultDateFormat(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: dd/MM/yyyy
The default date format to use in case it has not been explicitly specified, for event parameters. Take a look here to see how to properly construct date formats.
defaultTimeFormat(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: HH:mm
The default time format to use when it has not been explicitly specified for event parameters. Take a look here to see how to properly construct time formats.
strictDateTimeFormat(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: false
Specifies whether or not date and time formats are to be strictly matched. This property takes either true or false as values. If set to true all dates and times entered by the end-user will fail validation if they do not strictly adhere to their given format. Note that this strictness can always be overriden locally using the andromda_struts_view_field_format tagged value.
defaultInputColumnCount(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
No default value available
If specified denotes the default length of text input fields, the value specifies the size attribute of the corresponding input or textarea element. Not speciying any valid value will make the cartridge ignore it and resort to the default browser value by not rendering any size attribute.
defaultInputRowCount(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
No default value available
If specified denotes the default number of rows of textarea elements. Not speciying any valid value will make the cartridge ignore it and resort to the default browser value by not rendering any size attribute.
defaultTableExportTypes(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: xml csv excel pdf
The types of files to which a table can be exported.
xhtml(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not xhtml should be rendered, as opposed to regular HTML.
welcomeFileName(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: index.jsp
The name of the JSP that is the welcome file.
maxBreadCrumbs(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: 5
An integer denoting the maximum number of breadcrumbs to appear on a page, specify zero to disable breadcrumbs
onlineHelp(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: true
Denotes whether or not to render online help pages.
hints(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not hints should be rendered in the generated JSP pages.
setPageVariablesInPageScope(Back to JSP pages)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not form page variables are copied into page scope.
manageableFormName(Back to Manageable Entities)
Optional property
Default value: manageableForm
Defines the name of the form that is passed along during application execution when using the pages related to manageable entities.
manageableReferenceParameterPrefix(Back to Manageable Entities)
Optional property
Default value: ref_
The prefix used for hidden form input fields when pre-filling an entity reference after switching, this property should only be changed if you have form fields whose name could conflict with these extra fields.
manageableFieldMaxLength(Back to Manageable Entities)
Optional property
Default value: 36
The maximum number of characters to allow in a managed entity's table (remainder is truncated using an ellipsis).
securityRealm(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
No default value available
The security realm to use when security is enabled.
clientValidation(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
Default value: true
Denotes whether or not the client (web browser) should validate user input.
serverValidation(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
Default value: true
Denotes whether or not the server should validate user input.
disableValidationForHiddenFormFields(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
Default value: false
This property only makes sense when using the clientValidation and/or serverValidation namespace properties, it instructs the cartridge to disable validation for form fields that are hidden from the end-user.
validatorPackage(Back to Validation and Security)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.presentation.bpm4struts
The package to which the validator (containing extra commons-validator handlers) will be generated.
normalizeMessages(Back to Messages and i18n)
Optional property
Default value: false
Denotes the way application resource messages ought to be generated. When messages are normalized it means that elements with the same name will reuse the same label, even if they are located in entirely different use-cases or pages. This results in resource bundles that are not only smaller in size but also more straightforward to translate. The downside is that it will be less evident to customize labels for certain fields (which is rarely the case anyway). For backward compatibility reasons this flag is disabled by default.
successMessagesKey(Back to Messages and i18n)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.bpm4struts.successmessages
The property used to identify success messages, all messages are stored in the default location for message used with Struts (in session scope, under Globals.MESSAGE_KEY), but this property distinguishes those mesage from the other ones. You would only need to change this value when you have messages already stored with this property and you want to avoid conflicts.
warningMessagesKey(Back to Messages and i18n)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.bpm4struts.warningmessages
The property used to identify warning messages, all messages are stored in the default location for message used with Struts (in session scope, under Globals.MESSAGE_KEY), but this property distinguishes those mesage from the other ones. You would only need to change this value when you have messages already stored with this property and you want to avoid conflicts.
errorMessagesKey(Back to Messages and i18n)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.bpm4struts.errormessages
The property used to identify error messages, all messages are stored in the default location for message used with Struts (in session scope, under Globals.MESSAGE_KEY), but this property distinguishes those mesage from the other ones. You would only need to change this value when you have messages already stored with this property and you want to avoid conflicts.
virtualHost(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The name to use for the virtual host (if one is required). For example
defaultActionRedirect(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not redirection should occur on all action forwards.
actionPathPrefix(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The pattern to use when rendering the action paths in struts-config.xml, use {0} for the package, /${use-case}/${action} is always appended. For use-case "org.andromda.test.My UseCase" the "login" action could be rendered using /abc/{0} which would result in /abc/org/andromda/test/MyUseCase/Login. Make sure to start the prefix using a forward slash character.
actionFormScope(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: session
The default scope in which the action's form attribute will be placed when the action is executing. Normally it doesn't make sense to change this value from the default, however you may occasionaly need to override this value using the andromda_struts_action_form_scope for a given action. The possible values are:
  • none - doesn't set the form attribute in any scope
  • request - sets the form attribute in the request scope
  • session - sets the form attribute in the session scope
servicePackageNamePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The name of the package in which to create the service files, {0} can be used to denote the package in which the service has been modeled.
serviceAccessorPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The pattern to use when calling the backend code for <<Service>> lookups. For calling services you would use following patterns:
  • Spring: ${application.package}.ServiceLocator.instance().get{1}()
  • EJB: ${myPackage}.{1}Util.getHome().create()
generateTableDecorators(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not to generate decorators for all tables.
tableDecoratorSuffix(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: Decorator
The string to append to table decorator class names. The base name of the table equals the name of the parameter representing the table in the UML model, with the first character capitalized.
dummyData(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Denotes whether or not to render dummy data in places like controllers.
exceptionHandlerPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: (.*)(\\{\\s*([\\w|\\.+]*)\\s*\\})(.*)
Used to define the pattern used for retrieving message resource keys from exceptions. This is useful when exceptions are thrown from the business tier and you want to map these to messages in your presentation. Normally you won't need to change this pattern, however you may want to if you want to enable it to handle exceptions you may have no control over (i.e. SQLExceptions). Currently the default pattern supports an exception with an embedded {some.resource.key} type key.
exceptionHandlerPackage(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.presentation.bpm4struts
The package to which the exception handler that retrieves exception keys will be generated.
servletPackage(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.presentation.bpm4struts
The package to which the custom servlet (extending the default Struts ActionServlet) is generated.
formName(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: form
Defines the name of the form that is passed along during application execution. This attribute is passed along in the session (usually, can also be request if actionFormScope has been changed or its corresponding tagged value changed). You'll normally never need to modify this value.
xmlEncoding(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: UTF-8
Encoding for generated XML files.
pageEncoding(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: UTF-8
Encoding for the responses sent back by the server (the pages).
generateWebXmlIds(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Indicates whether or not to generate id attributes in the elements of the web.xml descriptor. Some application servers such as WebSphere need them, other application servers such as Resin can't handle them.