Entity query operations (i.e. finders) can be denoted by setting the
query flag on the modeled operation to true
(they do not require any stereotypes).
AndroMDA EJB Cartridge Profile
This profile contains all elements that can be applied on the model used as the
MDA transformation process. These elements are specific to the AndroMDA EJB Cartridge component.
Stereotypes are the names you sometimes see appear in UML diagrams, they typically look
like <<MyStereotype>> and can be applied on any type of UML model element.
Tagged Values
Sometimes it happens you want to add information to the model but there is no clean way
of doing it. In those cases you may want to resort to tagged values, but these cases should
be considered with caution. A tagged value is something extra, something optional,
and the application should run fine without them.
ValueRef(Back to Stereotypes) |
Applied on: A dependency going into a ValueObject and out of an Entity |
Used to generate an association between an entity and a value object class.
Found attributes inside the entity as well as the value object are used to
get automatically filled out.
The entity will provide the helper method, also for saving a value object to
an existing entity.
andromda_ejb_automaticKey(Back to Tagged Values) |
Applied on: Entity attribute |
Can be used in class level of an entity. If you set this to true,
the class will use an automatic key generation for the defined
primary key.
Please note: This is currently only available in BEA Weblogic
and can not be used with combined primary keys.
andromda_ejb_query(Back to Tagged Values) |
Applied on: An Entity operation marked as a query. |
Defines a ejb query expression. Note that it's encouraged
to model your query body as an OCL constraint (instead of using
this tagged value).