services(Back to Outlets) | |
Optional property |
No default value available |
The directory to which POJO service interfaces are generated. |
service-impls(Back to Outlets) | |
Optional property |
No default value available |
The directory to which POJO service implementation classes are generated |
value-objects(Back to Outlets) | |
Optional property |
No default value available |
The directory to which value objects are generated. |
exceptions(Back to Outlets) | |
Optional property |
No default value available |
The directory to which exceptions are generated. |
enumerations(Back to Outlets) | |
Optional property |
No default value available |
The directory to which enumerations are generated. |
interfaces(Back to Outlets) | |
Optional property |
No default value available |
The directory to which interfaces are generated. |
interface-impls(Back to Outlets) | |
Optional property |
No default value available |
The directory to which default interfaces implementations are generated. |
generateRefFiles(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
Generates File.ref files if overwrite=false for a template output. Ref files contain what would have been generated to the original file if overwrite=true or if the file did not already exist. Can be used to replace or merge with the exiting file. |
overwriteAll(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: false |
Overwrite all files when generating output. Default=false. Use for project testing where all output will overwritten. |
serializable(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
Indicates whether or not generated objects must support distributed environments. Adds SerialVersionUID to class, generated from combination of class/methods/parameters/types. |
enablePropertyConstructors(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
Whether or not constructors taking all properties will be generated or not (on the value object for example). |
interfaceImplementationNamePattern(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: Default{0} |
The pattern used to create the default interface implementation name, where {0} represents the name of the interface. |
useArraysForMultiplicitiesOfTypeMany(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: false |
Indicates whether or not to use Array [] instead of List for * multiplicity on ValueObject AssociationEnds. |
XMLBindingAnnotations(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: false |
Add XML to Java (Jaxb2) binding annotations to Value Object package/classes/methods. |
enableTemplating(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
Indicates whether or not templated (strongly typed) Lists will be generated. |
xmlAttributes(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
If using XMLBindingAnnotations, annotate simple types as attributes instead of elements. |
dateTimeGeneratedText(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
Adds a comment with the current date and time to the generated file. |
javaVersion(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: 1.6 |
Determines if some annotations or JDK-specific features are output such as @Override compareTo(). v1.5 gives compile error on @Override on methods that override interface methods. If 1.4, templating and generics should be turned off. Should be set by property java.version in pom.xml which is also used by the maven-compiler-plugin. Allowed values=1.4,1.5,1.6. Default=1.6. |
cxfVersion(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: 2.4.2 |
If using XMLBindingAnnotations, output @XmlSeeAlso for Jaxb 2.1 support. Used in conjunction with webservices cartridge CXF implementation. |
generateEqualPropertiesMethod(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: false |
When set to 'true' the cartridge will generate an equalProperties(..) method which can be used to compare a value object's properties to that of another instance's. |
generateIsBooleanGetters(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
When set to 'true' the cartridge will generate an IsAttribute(..) method for each wrapped boolean attribute in addition to the normal getAttribute method, or getAttribute for each primitive boolean. Jaxb/Jax-ws defaults everything to primitive boolean for webservice client objects, this is needed for ValueObject method compatibility. Set to false if you don't want additional unused deprecated methods. |
generateChainedSetters(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: false |
When set to 'true' the setAttribute method returns 'this' instead of void, allowing setter methods to be chained together after the constructor for improved readability and reduced lines of code. For example: Type variable = new Type().setAttribute1(value1).setAttribute2(value2); etc |
addNamespaceBackslash(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: true |
Add a trailing backslash to the namespace declaration in wsdl/xsd/annotations. Needed for backwards compatibility. Services created from URL ?wsdl will have trailing backslashes added automatically. |
XMLDateAdapter(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: |
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Date<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar instead of XMLGregorianCalendar. |
XMLDateTimeAdapter(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: |
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Date<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar instead of XMLGregorianCalendar. |
XMLTimeAdapter(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: |
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Date<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar instead of XMLGregorianCalendar. |
XMLIntegerAdapter(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: |
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Integer<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs Integer instead of BigInteger. |
XMLDecimalAdapter(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: |
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Decimal<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs Decimal instead of BigDecimal. |
XMLBooleanAdapter(Back to Other) | |
Optional property |
Default value: |
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Decimal<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs Boolean instead of boolean. |