Create User Entity

This page provides directions to create the User entity using ArgoUML. The model is shown below for your reference.


Containment Tree

We will create User in a package named org.andromda.timetracker.domain. When finished, the explorer pane in ArgoUML will look like the screen shot on the right.

  1. In the TimeTracker model create a package called domain under org.andromda.timetracker.
  2. In the explorer pane on the left, right-click on the domain package and select Create DiagramNew Class Diagram. Type "Domain Objects" as the name of this diagram on the property panel.
  3. Add a new class to the diagram and name it User.
  4. Add the stereotype called Entity to User.
  5. Add the 3 attributes to User.
  6. Make sure the User class is selected and go to its property panel at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Click on the Tagged Values tab and add a new tagged value by clicking in the right column and selecting the tagged value named andromda_persistence_table from the drop down menu. This tagged value allows you to override the default table name for the entity. In the left column type the value USERS.
  8. Make sure your class diagram matches the one shown above.
  9. Make sure that the ArgoUML explorer panel matches the screen shot shown above.
  10. Save the model by selecting FileSave Project.

Now go back to the main tutorial page and continue from where you left off.