Papyrus Insallation
This page provides directions to download and install Papyrus,
an Eclipse-based tool for creating UML models. You must install Eclipse 3.6 or 3.7 first.
Papyrus is an open source UML modeling tool. The AndroMDA project
is not affiliated with Papyrus in any way.
Follow the instructions below to install Papyrus.
- Documentation is on the Papyrus site
Add the update site for Papyrus to Eclipse as specified in
Install Papyrus from Eclipse by Help -> Install New Software...
After generating the starter project with the EMF-UML2 modeling option. This creates the project .uml and profile.uml files in the
mda\src\main\uml directory. The .uml profile files in the maven repository, under org/andromda/profiles/emf-uml22, are copied to the
mda\src\main\uml and are not referenced directly
by the starter model, because Papyrus does not support UML2 PATHMAP variables pointing to file locations.
Import the starter .uml model into Papyrus to create a papyrus 'diagram', following the instructions at
Create a diagram from an existing uml file (New -> Initialize Papyrus Diagram).