10 steps to write a cartridge
This article shows you how to write an AndroMDA cartridge in 10 distinct steps,
using a sample cartridge which generates an Ant-like build script from a UML deployment model.
This is why the tutorial cartridge is called "andromda-deployment".
The main process for analysis, design and implementation of cartridges
The basic process for cartridge development consists of the following steps:
- Analyze target technology
- Identify, design and generate PSM metaclasses
- Identify transformation rules
- Model, generate and write metafacades
- Write templates
- Write deployment descriptors
- Create UML profile as a modeling guide for your users
- Design cartridge test model using the profile
- Test cartridge
- Deploy cartridge
There are also some supporting activities that you need to do in order to get your cartridge and make others use it:
- Create empty cartridge and initialize build environment
- Think about versioning and releasing your cartridge in sync with the project teams who use it
We will now go one step after the other so that you can see how everything works.