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BshScriptWrapper - Class in org.andromda.scriptwrappers
This is a wrapper class for a BeanShell script.
BshScriptWrapper(Object, String) - Constructor for class org.andromda.scriptwrappers.BshScriptWrapper
StubClass is always the generated class (not any subclasses), while stub may be an instance of a subclassed scripted class.


copyProperties(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.andromda.scriptwrappers.BshScriptWrapper
Copies all properties from the given from instance to the given to instance.


GroovyScriptWrapper - Class in org.andromda.scriptwrappers
This is a wrapper class for a Groovy script.
GroovyScriptWrapper(Object, String) - Constructor for class org.andromda.scriptwrappers.GroovyScriptWrapper
StubClass is always the generated class (not any subclasses), while stub may be an instance of a subclassed scripted class.


invoke(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.andromda.scriptwrappers.BshScriptWrapper
Invokes the method with the given methodName on the instance.
invoke(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.andromda.scriptwrappers.GroovyScriptWrapper
Invokes the method with the given methodName on the instance.


org.andromda.scriptwrappers - package org.andromda.scriptwrappers
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