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AbstractCartridgeTestMojo - Class in org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge
Abstract base mojo for cartridge tests.
AbstractCartridgeTestMojo() - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
ACTUAL_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Points to the directory where the generated files are located.
actualDirectory - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Specifies the directory that contains the "actual" output (meaning the output that was currently generated)
addError(Test, Throwable) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
addFailure(Test, AssertionFailedError) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
archiverManager - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
To look up Archiver/UnArchiver implementations


BINARY_SUFFIXES - Static variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Defines the suffixes of binary files (files that will be not be compared as strings).
binaryOutputSuffixes - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Defines the extensions of binary files, binary files are checked for presence and equality, however they aren't compared as strings, like every other file.


CartridgeTest - Class in org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge
This is the entry point of the cartridge test suite for AndroMDA.
CartridgeTest(String) - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
CartridgeTestFormatter - Class in org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge
Formats the cartridge test results into the correct format.
CartridgeTestFormatter() - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
CartridgeTestMojo - Class in org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge
Provides the ability to compare cartridge output with existing output.
CartridgeTestMojo() - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestMojo
CartridgeTestUpdaterMojo - Class in org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge
Updates the cartridge expected output with the current cartridge output.
CartridgeTestUpdaterMojo() - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestUpdaterMojo
changeScopeForTestDependencies() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Adds any dependencies for the cartridge plugin to the current dependencies of the project.
configurationUri - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
This is the URI to the AndroMDA configuration file.


endTest(Test) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
endTestSuite(Test) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
Signifies the test suite ended and returns the summary of the test.
execute() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestMojo
execute() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestUpdaterMojo
execute() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.HelpMojo
EXPECTED_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Points to the directory where the expected files are stored which will be compared to the generated ones.
expectedDirectory - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Specifies the directory that contains the "expected" output.
expectedOutputArchive - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
The location of the archive storing the expected output.


FileComparator - Class in org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge
Compares two files.
FileComparator(String, File, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.FileComparator
Constructs a new instance of the FileComparator.
FileComparator(String, File, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.FileComparator
Constructs a new instance of the FileComparator.


getActualFile() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.FileComparator
Gets the actual file being compared.
getExpectedFile() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.FileComparator
Gets the file expected file (i.e.


HelpMojo - Class in org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge
Display help information on andromda-cartridge-plugin.
HelpMojo() - Constructor for class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.HelpMojo


instance() - Static method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Retrieves the shared instance of this class.
isTestFailureIgnore() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter


lastModifiedCheck - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Set this to 'true' to skip code generation if code has not changed since the latest model date.


org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge - package org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge


pack(File, File) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestUpdaterMojo
Packs the actual directory contents into the expected archive.
project - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
propertyFiles - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo


removeLinesWithStrings(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.FileComparator
reportDirectory - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Base directory to which the cartridge test report is written


setActualOutputDirectory(File) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Used when resetting the cartridge test instance, to avoid results overlap
setActualOutputPath(String) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Sets the path to the actual directory (that is the directory which contains the actual output being tested.
setBinarySuffixes(String) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Sets the value of the suffixes that indicate a binary file (binary files are not compared as text).
setExpectedOutputDirectory(File) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Resets the expected output directory.
setExpectedOutputPath(String) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Sets the path to the expected directory.
setReportFile(File) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
Sets the file that will contain the report results (i.e.
setTestFailureIgnore(boolean) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
settings - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
The current user system settings for use in Maven.
shutdown() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest
Releases any resources held by this cartridge test instance.
skip - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Set this to 'true' to bypass cartridge tests entirely.
skipTests - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Set this to 'true' to skip running tests, but still compile them.
startTest(Test) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
startTestSuite(String) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTestFormatter
The testsuite started.
suite() - Static method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.CartridgeTest


testContentsEqual() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.FileComparator
Loads both the actual and expected files and tests the contents for equality.
testEquals() - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.FileComparator
Test if actual and expected file contents are equal.
testFailureIgnore - Variable in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing.


unpack(File, File) - Method in class org.andromda.maven.plugin.cartridge.AbstractCartridgeTestMojo
Unpacks the expected archive file to the expected directory
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