Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
19 246 0 0


Rule Violations Severity
NewlineAtEndOfFile 18  Info
Translation 0  Error
FileLength 0  Info
FileTabCharacter 0  Info
  • message: "Line has trailing whitespace."
  • format: "[^*]\s+$"
18  Info
FileContentsHolder 0  Info
MissingDeprecated 0  Info
MissingOverride 0  Info
EmptyBlock 1  Info
  • option: "nl"
2  Info
NeedBraces 5  Info
  • option: "alone"
1  Info
AvoidNestedBlocks 0  Info
CovariantEquals 0  Error
EmptyStatement 0  Info
EqualsHashCode 0  Error
IllegalInstantiation 0  Error
InnerAssignment 0  Info
MissingSwitchDefault 0  Info
RedundantThrows 0  Info
SimplifyBooleanExpression 0  Info
SimplifyBooleanReturn 0  Info
StringLiteralEquality 0  Error
NoFinalizer 0  Error
IllegalCatch 6  Info
IllegalThrows 0  Info
JUnitTestCase 0  Info
IllegalType 0  Error
DefaultComesLast 0  Info
FallThrough 0  Info
MultipleVariableDeclarations 0  Info
UnnecessaryParentheses 0  Info
FinalClass 0  Info
InterfaceIsType 0  Info
HideUtilityClassConstructor 4  Info
AvoidStarImport 0  Info
IllegalImport 0  Info
RedundantImport 0  Info
UnusedImports 2  Info
ImportOrder 0  Info
  • allowMissingParamTags: "true"
  • scope: "package"
  • allowUndeclaredRTE: "true"
  • allowMissingReturnTag: "true"
  • allowMissingThrowsTags: "true"
0  Info
  • scope: "package"
0  Info
  • scope: "package"
0  Info
UpperEll 0  Info
ArrayTypeStyle 0  Info
Indentation 131  Info
TodoComment 0  Info
  • illegalPattern: "true"
  • ignoreComments: "true"
  • format: "System\.out\.println"
6  Info
  • message: "Spelling error"
  • format: "seperate"
  • ignoreCase: "true"
0  Info
ModifierOrder 0  Info
RedundantModifier 2  Info
ConstantName 5  Info
LocalFinalVariableName 0  Info
LocalVariableName 0  Info
MemberName 0  Info
MethodName 0  Info
MethodTypeParameterName 0  Info
PackageName 0  Info
ParameterName 0  Info
StaticVariableName 1  Info
TypeName 0  Info
ExecutableStatementCount 1  Info
ExecutableStatementCount 1  Info
  • max: "120"
42  Info
  • countEmpty: "false"
0  Info
  • max: "120"
0  Info
ParameterNumber 0  Info
GenericWhitespace 0  Info
EmptyForIteratorPad 0  Info
MethodParamPad 0  Info
NoWhitespaceAfter 0  Info
NoWhitespaceBefore 0  Info
ParenPad 0  Info
TypecastParenPad 0  Info
1  Info
  • influenceFormat: "0"
  • commentFormat: "\$Id"
0  Info


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 140). 28
 Info Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 33
 Info Name 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 36
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 52
 Info Line matches the illegal pattern 'System\.out\.println'. 117
 Info Line matches the illegal pattern 'System\.out\.println'. 126
 Info Line matches the illegal pattern 'System\.out\.println'. 127
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 135
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 130). 136
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 137
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 184
 Info Line matches the illegal pattern 'System\.out\.println'. 244
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 259
 Info Line matches the illegal pattern 'System\.out\.println'. 318
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 319
 Info Line matches the illegal pattern 'System\.out\.println'. 330
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 345
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 360
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 372
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 408
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 410
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 411
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 418
 Info 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 421
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 424
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 426
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 427
 Info 'while' construct must use '{}'s. 429
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 431
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 432
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 435
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 437
 Info Catching 'Exception' is not allowed. 440
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 137). 542
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 563
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 569
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 133). 571
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 572
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 131). 580
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 140). 581
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 131). 614
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 627
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 648


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info array initialization lcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 56
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 57
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 58
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 59
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 60
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 61
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 62
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 63
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 64
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 65
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 66
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 68
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 69
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 70
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 71
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 72
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 73
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 74
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 75
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 76
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 77
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 79
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 80
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 81
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 82
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 83
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 84
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 85
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 86
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 87
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 87
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 88
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 90
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 91
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 92
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 93
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 94
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 95
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 96
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 97
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 98
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 99
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 101
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 102
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 103
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 104
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 105
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 106
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 106
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 107
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 108
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 109
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 110
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 111
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 111
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 154). 112
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 112
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 141). 113
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 113
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 146). 114
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 114
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 115
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 115
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 167). 116
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 116
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 161). 117
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 117
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 119
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 120
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 121
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 122
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 123
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 124
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 125
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 126
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 127
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 128
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 129
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 154). 130
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 130
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 141). 131
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 131
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 146). 132
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 132
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 133
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 133
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 152). 134
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 134
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 146). 135
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 135
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 137
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 138
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 139
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 140
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 141
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 142
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 143
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 144
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 145
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 145
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 146
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 148
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 149
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 151
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 153
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 155
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 157
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 159
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 161
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 144). 162
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 163
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 128). 164
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 165
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 166
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 167
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 130). 168
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 168
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 130). 169
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 169
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 170
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 171
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 171
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 172
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 173
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 173
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 174
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 174
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 175
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 175
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 176
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 176
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 177
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 178
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 179
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 180
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 181
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 182
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 183
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 184
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 186
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 165). 187
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 187
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 189
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 190
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 191
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 192
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 193
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 187). 194
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 194
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 195
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 196
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 197
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 198
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 199
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 200
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 201
 Info array initialization child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 202
 Info array initialization rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 203
 Info '{' should be on a new line. 256
 Info Name 'javaLangList' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 305


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 29


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 27


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 86


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Unused import - org.andromda.utils.beans.BeanSorter. 13
 Info Name 'comparators' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 34
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 51
 Info 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 57
 Info try at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 57
 Info '{' should be on a new line. 57
 Info ';' is not followed by whitespace. 57
 Info '}' should be alone on a line. 57
 Info Catching 'Exception' is not allowed. 57
 Info Must have at least one statement. 57
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 154
 Info Redundant 'final' modifier. 215
 Info Redundant 'final' modifier. 230
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 248


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Unused import - org.andromda.utils.beans.BeanSorter. 3


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 15
 Info 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 25
 Info Executable statement count is 37 (max allowed is 30). 43
 Info 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 102


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 13
 Info Name 'plurals' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 15
 Info Name 'uncountables' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 17