Building AndroMDA
Building AndroMDA from the source is quite easy, just follow these steps:
Make sure you have
Maven2 installed correctly
and M2_HOME/bin is in your PATH (so that Windows finds "mvn.bat" and *nix
finds "mvn").
andromda-distribution-* into a directory of your choice.
"MAVEN_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m" must be set in your environment variables.
Change to the directory where you unpacked the contents, and then type:
That's it! The contents will be installed into your local maven repository.
The same rules apply if you want to build from the SVN version. Just checkout the
andromda module from
AndroMDA SVN, and
proceed as before.
Maven goals
Different goals can be called in order to build the sources, it is even possible to call goals
in the different sub-projects, that's because we are using the Maven
Multi-Project plugin.
- Using the -o command line parameter will tell Maven to work offline and not to download any
dependencies, this will speed up the build process.
- It's possible to disable the tests by using -Dmaven.test.skip=true.
- Or to run the tests and ignore failures by using -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
or -fae (fail at end).
- See the maven-surefire-plugin for details.
Global goals
These goals can be executed in the root of the AndroMDA source tree.
- mvn
Calls the default goal: install (see below).
- mvn clean
Cleans everything: deletes /target directories, *.log* files
and files with the .exc extension.
- mvn install
Builds and installs all AndroMDA components (without *-javadoc.jar and distribution) and samples into the local Maven repository.
- mvn install -Pandromda-full,local
Builds and installs all AndroMDA components (including *-javadoc.jar and distribution) and samples into the local Maven repository.
- mvn deploy
Deploys all libraries into the local directory.
- mvn site -Pandromda-site
Builds the documentation for all modules. Skips code generation and tests. Run after mvn install, without clean.
- mvn site -Pandromda-site-lite
Builds the documentation for all modules. Same as andromda-site without checkstyle, JIRA, SCM changes reports.
- mvn site:deploy -Pandromda-site,local
Deploys the documentation to local directory
Plugin goals
Some helpful goals:
- mvn andromda-cartridge:update
Updates the cartridge expected output with the current cartridge output. Invoke it
when you are inside the cartridge root directory.
- mvn -Dbootstrap.artifacts=true
Creates repository/metafacade/meta-cartridge bootstrap artifacts used to generate code for UML metafacades and meta cartridge.